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First, A global citizenship education equips students with the skills they need to become
productive members of society as adults, including the ability to analyze complex situations,
formulate sound solutions, think critically, articulate their thoughts clearly, and collaborate
productively with peers from around the world. As a result, they benefit academically,
personally, and ultimately in their careers. As a result, teaching students about the world outside
of their own is crucial.

The definition of a global citizen has been elusive. A person who is a "global citizen" is one who
is well-versed in the world at large and how they fit within it. The person in question is a global
citizen. They are involved in their local community and strive to make the world a better, more
equitable place for all people.

Then the Global Citizenship education benefits students of all ages:Recognize and honor the
value of cultural, gender, religious, and other diversity. Raise our level of consciousness to
include the universe at large. Realize the weight of our responsibilities as citizens of the world.
Accept our responsibilities for ensuring the survival of our world.

For this article, I consulted with two individuals to get a sense of their perspective on the global


Paulo(po1) : You can tell that someone is a "global citizen" if they have an appreciation for and
comprehension of the globe at large.

The person in question is a global citizen.

They are involved in their community and strive to make the world a better, more equitable
place for all inhabitants.

Gemma(housewife) : Someone who wants to become more informed and involved in solving the
world's most pressing problems is a global citizen.

To be a global citizen is to see oneself as part of a new global society and to take steps to help
shape its norms and customs.

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