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Bz is simply a set of 8 characters that reveal the Qi (energy in the form of 5 elements) that surrounds us from the
moment we are born.
Knowing and understanding the characteristics of these Qi is the main goal of BZ study. What may seem complex
and mysterious will be unveiled through basic understanding of nature, where the 5 elements flow. Just like a
complicated mathematical equation, all you need to know are the basic operations (+ - × ÷) and you will be able to
solve any arithmetic riddle

When you understand the elements in your BZ, their characteristics, and how they interact with each other, you will
begin to understand your own personality, potentials, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, etc. Your BZ shows you the
"ingredients" that mold one's destiny. Hence, once you learn how to interpret your elements, you will learn what kind
of "dish" they make, and therefore be able to forecast future events.


Knowing BZ is like knowing what ingredients a chef has, but what dish the chef will create and how he will cook such
ingredients are all up to him. Hence, using BZ, we can predict possible dishes given known factors, however a chef
with same ingredients (ie. same elements in his BZ) may still create different dishes and cook a unique meal for
himself to enjoy.


This concept will further help us understand the uniqueness of each individual. It is believe that each element of the
Cosmic Trinity - Heaven, Earth, and Man exert an equal influence in shaping a person's destiny.

Heaven is the part given to us by our creator or cosmic universe depending on one's belief system. This is the part in
our destiny where we have no control over and has been already decided on the day we are born.
Eg: parents, siblings, race, sex, etc.

Earth is the environment we are in and it helps us reshape what Heaven has given us.
Eg: house, country, law, society, etc.

Man is one's own action and choices that finalizes the outcome.

Only with these 3 elements entwined can a destiny be formed. Hence, destiny is not something we can totally
control, but we still do have a degree of power over it. If we focus our efforts correctly, aligning with Heaven, timed
with Earth, and exerting earnest effort with Man, we can make the most out of our destiny.

In ancient chinese philosophy, yin and yang is a concept of dualism and the starting point of change. It is a set of two opposing yet
complementary principles of cosmic energy that can be observed in nature keeping the balance in this universe.
Everything contains the seed of the opposite, every good has evil and every evil has good. We need to learn from both since good and
bad alone doesn't do anything. It's how they interact and how its being used that matters

Five Elements Theory:
The five elements theory - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water - is one of the central tenets in Bazi study and it is believed to be the fundamental
elements of everything in the universe.
By understanding each elements' characteristics and their mutual interactions, we can get a deeper insight into the order of the universe and
predict destiny.

Three different types of relationship between the five elements:






YP – indicates root, grandparents,
ancestry, DNA, extended family, outer HP DP MP YP
49 /61 UP 33/41 – 48/60 17/21 - 32/40 1 - 16/20 AGE LIMIT
thoughts, health, childhood, ups n downs LEG STOMACH CHEST HEAD
of parents, head, face and anywhere CHILDREN DAY MASTER PARENTS
above armpit, external parties, friends, FRUIT FLOWER SPROUT ROOT
outsiders, far away, old, elderly…. WINTER AUTUMN SUMMER SPRING

MP – parents, siblings, immediate family, HS:

inner self, thoughts, youth n growth DM REVEAL
environment, classmates, collegues, LIGHT

people of same level, armpit below to

navel/hips, close age, near… HEAD TO


DP – self, spouse ,relationship with EB:

spouse, home, middle age, hips to knee HIDDEN
HP- children, younger people, subordinate, ANKLE
old age, assets, knee and below…
2ND QI –

3RD QI –

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
YIN/YANG + - + - + - + - + -
Jia Wood
Ten stems characteristics:

1. Jia wood - Tree

Imagine Jia Wood as a big tree. A tree normally grows in one direction, which is up. So, a Jia wood person is very straight forward and have very
strong principles. They do not know how to sugar coat their words and most of the time they offend others without even realizing it.

We like to be around trees as they provide shelter for us. This means Jia wood person is very protective to the people around them or close to
them. They are also a kind person, like a tree providing fruits for people.

It is impossible to bend a matured tree and they hardly move (always at the same location). This indicates that they are inflexible, stubborn and
not easy to change plus they will not admit their own fault. Even though they know it is wrong, they will still continue down the path because a
tree will only grow in one direction no matter what.

Jia is a lead stem (first in the 10 Heavenly Stem), which makes a Jia wood person likes to lead. But they cannot be too high profile or hold top
positions in the company, country, organization or industry because big trees attract wind and it can bring them down. Once they are in a very
high position, they will surely attract a lot of competitors and petty people to pull them down.

In nature, the function of a tree is to provide shelter during a hot weather or heat during a cold one. In order to provide shelter, a tree needs
soil, water and sunlight to constantly grow; or chop a tree down for firewood to provide heat. In other words, we like to see Ji Earth (Soil), Gui
Water (water) and Bing Fire (Sun) or Geng Metal (axe) and Ding Fire (fire) in a Jia Wood Day Master's natal chart to show that they have
direction or mission in life.

Big trees do not like to see other big trees nearby because they need to spread their roots widely in order to grow in a steady manner. If another
big tree is within their territory, it feels threatened. Same with water. Too much water will up root the entire tree. So Jia Wood Day Master hates
to see another Jia Wood (big tree) as well as Ren Water (too much water) in their natal chart because both also caused problem in their life.
Jia summary:

Good - Straight forward, strong principle, protective, kind, like to lead, growth, create territory, responsible, thick-skinned

Bad - Inflexible, stubborn, not easy to change, will not admit own fault, no plan to fix any mistakes and will continue with their
plan, attract petty people/ competitor once in high position

Likes - Bing, Gui, Ji / Geng, Ding

Hates - Jia (especially in Heavenly Stem), Ren

Yi Wood
2. Yi wood – flower, weeds, grass…

Yi Wood is like lawn, weed, grass, flowers, creepers or small plants. They are able to spread very fast and far in a very short period of time.
They are also hard to get rid of because they can grow in any condition and also in tough environments. Thus Yi Wood Day Master are
good in networking, they are survivor and very adaptive.

What happens if there is a strong wind? A big tree would surely be uprooted. But, the small plants would just swing gracefully. This shows
that Yi Wood person are very intelligent, flexible, creative and witty. They make very good politicians as they know how to play with their
words and influence people and they know how to manipulate the other party without them realizing it. Some would call this cunning. Not
only in words, they are also well mannered and elegant, just like a flower.

Since they swing according to the wind, the thing they lack is self identity. Most of the time what they do or say is not what they want or in
their mind. They swing here and there and this makes them inconsistent and hard to stick to one thing till the end.

Yi Wood, unlike Jia Wood, have very soft skin thus making them fragile. Normally they will not tell others about their plan and they will
only reveal it when it succeeds. Otherwise, they will just ignore the plan since nobody knows of its failure. Sometimes when we pull out one
tiny plant and to our surprise, we need a lot of effort to do so. This is because its root spreads widely in the ground. A lot of times we see Yi
Wood person as very calm on the surface but deep inside their mind they have a lot of hidden strategies that might be too late for you to
notice if you are one of their competitors.
In order for plants to survive, we know they need soil, water and sunlight. But in order for creepers to get sunlight among all the big trees they
need to climb around trees to reach to the top or they will die. So for Yi Wood Day Master, we like to see Ji Earth (soil), Gui Water (water), Bing
Fire (Sun) and Jia Wood (big tree) in their natal chart. What they do not like are things that can cut them down and also too much of water
which will make them float away or spoil their root. If Xin Metal (knife/ scissors) or Ren Water (too much water) appear in a Yi Wood Day
Master's natal chart, they will reduce the Yi Wood's functionally as a beautiful and elegant plants/ flowers.
Yi summary:
Good - networking, survivor, adaptive, intelligent, flexible, creative, witty, good politicians, influence, deal making,
manipulate, good in words, well manner, elegant

Bad - cunning, lack of self identity, inconsistent, fragile, do things underground

Likes - Bing, Gui, Ji, Jia

Hates - Xin, Ren

Bing Fire
3. Bing fire - sun

Bing Fire Day Master person are happy-go-lucky and they give hope & happiness to others. The sun provides brightness to every corner of the
world and it has never-ending energy. A Bing Fire person is akin to a sun — they feel abundant, are generous in helping others regardless of who
needs it or not. They are passionate about the things they do and they don't easily give up. The sun every day rises from the East and sets in the
West. This means a Bing Fire person is very persistence and dependable because no matter what, they will be there for you every day. It also
means that they are routine driven, making it difficult for them to come out from their comfort zone. Indirectly they may miss out in a lot of
opportunities. This is bad as sometimes they will be trapped with the same problems, again and again, failing to think of solutions to resolve
them. Eventually, they will end up hurting themselves.

Where there is the sun, there is no darkness but sun shines its light in a straight line, it only can shine on the surface but not able to penetrate
through most of the objects. This makes a Bing Day Master a very straight forward and optimistic person, they see everyone as a nice person but
they are unable to see the ugly side of that person and easily betrayed by others.

The Sun is a very special and unique star located in the middle of the solar system. It is the main focus for other planets circulating it. This shows
Bing Fire people have big ego, very confident and always feel they are the best. They like the focus of attention and admired by people around
them. They care what others think of them and this generally determines their mood at that moment. If you do not think they are good, they will
prove you wrong.

Although the sun is always emitting sunlight, it only shines for a certain period before it sets. But we have the clouds and mountain that can
block the sun's ray. The optimal time for a Bing Fire Day Master to be born is when the sun can be seen clearly, which is between 5 am – 5 pm
without Gui water (clouds) in the Heavenly Stem and rooted Wu earth (Mountain) in their natal chart. There is only one sun in this universe, and
the only way for it to look at itself is through the reflection of the ocean. It is good to have Ren water (ocean) in the Heavenly stem of the Bing
Fire Day Master's natal chart. From time to time, they can have self-reflection to gain some self-control to avoid over-shine and cause burn out.
Bing summary:
Good - happy go lucky, provide hopes and happiness, feel abundant, very generous, passionate, don't easily give up,
persistence, dependable, straight forward, confident

Bad - routine driven, too optimistic and easily get betrayed, like attention, mood swing according to comments from others,
egoistic, not good in self-control end up over-shine and cause burnt out.

Likes - Ren, born between 5am - 5pm

Hates - Gui, Wu-Wu full pillar

Ding Fire
4. Ding fire – candle light, flame
Ding Day Master is just like a candle, bring brightness in the dark, like to help, guide, motivate and bring hope to people around them. These
characteristics are similar to the Bing Day Master. The difference is they are not able to light up a big area like the sun. Thus, the Ding is only
able to take good care of people who are close to them because like a candle it can only light up a small space.

You will notice that the little candle flame swaying along with our breath. It feels so calm and peaceful. Yet, we know fire is hot and molecules
are moving fast when temperature is high. Hence, Ding Day Master has a calm and elegant personality, at the same time they are energetic
and passionate . This indicates that when something happen, they may look calm but inside they are very much worried. They are very cultured
and considerate towards others and always think of others first before themselves akin to a candle burning "itself" to benefit others.

Ding Day Master cannot stay focus and are fickle-minded. When we look at the candle's flame, it doesn't stay at a point for a long time. It
flickers to the left, right, up and down constantly, they are also very temperamental. They can be cool and steady at one moment and then
furious at the next. A spark can burn down the entire forest rapidly. If you appreciate friendship or relationship with Ding Fire Day Master,
never challenge them because once they hate you, it is the end of the game, no U-turn. It takes ages to restore a burnt down forest.

Candlelight is very sensitive to the wind. They are very sensitive to the environment and can sense people with bad intentions. They also have a
sixth sense for other matters.

For fire to keep burning, it needs firewood. So Jia is very important. And wood indicates growth/education. Ding like to learn and share as this
gives them a sense of accomplishment. They are a true teacher and carer. Ding Fire person prefer to be born between 5 pm – 5 am, which is the
most beautiful moment for a candle to light-up. Wood only keeps the fire burning. Yet, the fire's purpose is to forge metal. This means they are
fulfilled with knowledge and have a life purpose. Water always is the enemy. And Ding fire does not like the sun because whenever the sun is
there no one will notice the candlelight. Ding fire does not like to see Gui (water) and Bing (sun) in its natal chart.
Ding Fire is the master of transformation. It is the only Heavenly Stem that can change all the other elements. It changes wood into ashes,
water into steam, metal into liquid and earth to lava. This makes them very persuasive, and a great motivator!
Ding summary:

Good - help, guide, motivate and bring hope to people around them, take good care of the people who are close to them, calm and elegant,
energetic and passionate, cultured and considerate towards others, sensitive, sixth sense, true teacher or carer, persuasive, great motivator

Bad - cannot stay focus and are fickle-minded, temperamental, once relationship broken, cannot be restored

Likes - Jia, Geng, born between 5pm - 5am

Hates - Gui, Bing

Wu Earth
5. Wu Earth
The Wu earth is like a big mountain or a giant rock, thus making them immovable. Do not expect a Wu person to do things quickly and it take
time for them to break the ice, but once you get closer, they can be fun to be with. However, they are not the romantic type. They can be very
stubborn too. It is hard for them to change their mind unless they experience a huge impact because the only way to change a mountain or a
rock is to "blast" it. Once they have decided to do something, they can be unstoppable. Normally the Wu Day Master will not offer help unless
we ask for it because a mountain will not come to us only we go look for a mountain. So this makes us feel that they are egoistic.

There is a lot of "treasure" hidden inside a mountain. This shows that a Wu person is very secretive, they like to keep things to themselves. We
need to slowly gain their trust then only will they start to reveal their secret and this is not an easy task. It is akin to having the patience to
excavate a mountain to find the treasure but is not a guarantee. This mystery and unpredictable feeling can attract people towards them but
the Wu people themselves do not know about it. Not only does the Wu person like to keep secrets, but they also like to keep old stuff too:).
Things inside a mountain can be older than you and me.

The immovability of the Wu earth provides both negative and positive features at the same time. It makes them stable, reliable and
responsible. We can say that they are secretive and trustworthy person. We can throw our tantrum to a Wu person as they have a huge
capacity to absorb it without erupting. They can take in a lot of pressure too. They are very good listeners because they are the quiet type and
our secrets are safe with them. At the same time, we get relief. Relationships are important to the Wu Day Master. Sometimes they care too
much for others and neglect their own. They are also considered as a go-with-the-flow and play-safe type of person because most of the time
they will follow the majority decisions made so they won't offend others thus again neglecting themselves.

We like to see lush mountains that are full of trees and we categorized them as a healthy dragon. When we add in the ray of the sun, it will
then look more lively. So for the Wu Day Master, we wish to see Jia (trees) and Bing (Sun) in their BaZi natal chart. To a mountain, stability and
mineral are important. So a mountain does not like to be exploded for minerals because it will lose its stability and being exposed. Which
means, the Wu Day Master does not like to see Geng in the heavenly stem (exposed mineral) and clash happen in any pillars of their natal
Wu Summary:

Good - unstoppable, stable, reliable and responsible, huge capacity, can take in a lot of pressure, good listeners, go-with-the-flow and play-
safe, follow the majority, relationships is their priority

Bad - immovable, not the romantic type, very stubborn, will not offer help unless we ask for it, egoistic, secretive, keep things to themselves,
mystery and unpredictable, keep old stuff, neglect their own feeling

Likes - Jia, Bin

Hates - Geng, Clash

Ji Earth
6. Ji earth :

Ji earth is like mother earth. They nurture life such as vegetables, trees, plants, insects and also minerals, metals, gas, oil, etc.
This shows that a Ji earth person is very nurturing, resourceful, talented and creative. They can cope with anything that comes
into their life using all kinds of possibilities. They have the strongest maternal instinct.

A land needs someone to farm and cultivate before it produces a harvest. So Ji earth person is highly capable and productive
under proper guidance.

The Ji earth, similar to the Wu earth, have huge capacities for stress and temper. They can take hardship, manage stress well
and not get angry easily. They have the highest tolerance among all 10 stems because no matter how we mess up the soil it is
always easy to shape it back to its original form.

They usually are multi-talented or multi-tasker but they do not recognize their self-worth because they wait for others to come
and put them to use. If the person does not appears,they will have a normal life without much accomplishment. Other than
stress and temper, they also carries strong capacities in their memory making them able to learn quickly, but because of their
good memory they can't let go all of the bad nostalgia

Ji earth person is well-connected, like how a country connects one to another via land. Even though some countries are
separated by an ocean but underneath they are still connected by land.

For the Ji day master to be useful, it contains Jia/ Yi, Bing, and Gui. Because a land needs to have Sun (Bing) and Gui (Water) to
create life (Jia/ Yi). The one thing that the Ji earth is scared of is Ren water which can easily corrode them.
Ji Summary:

Good - soft personalities, nurturing, resourceful, talented and creative, strongest maternal instinct, capable and productive, as long as they
were moulded properly they will succeed in life, huge capacities for stress and temper, take hardship, manage their stress well and not get
angry easily, highest tolerance, strong capacities in their memory, remember what they learned quickly, well-connected

Bad - do not recognize their self-worth, wait for others to come and put them to use, can't let go all of the bad nostalgia

Likes - Bing , Gui, Jia/Yi

Hates - Ren
Geng Metal
7. Geng metal – raw metal, ore, axe, sword

Geng metal represents raw metal or an axe. If it’s an unforged raw rough iron, can tend to be lazy. They need to go through all the discipline,
focus, and hardship to become useful. This means going through a tough life because Geng metal thrives in hardships. It is akin to metal that is
forged and be sharp and powerful. This process is not done once, but from time to time they need to go through the forging process to keep the
metal in tip-top condition. Otherwise, they will slowly be blunt. That’s why the Geng Metal Day Master always keeps themselves busy and willing
to take up more tasks and complete it by themselves, these will make them more powerful day by day. Bosses love this type of employees because
they are disciplined, responsible and can take hardship. Unfortunately, this might not be good for their family as they are workaholic and have no
quality time for their family.

Axe chops wood fast and forcefully without stopping. This shows Geng is very clear-cut, meaning "yes means yes, and no means no". They do not
like to twist and turn. Sometimes they are too direct and hurt others without knowing. They are very determined and quick to respond and will get
what they want no matter what, an action-driven person, and has a fighter mindset that always want to win, this indirectly makes them like to
show off their capabilities.

Geng metal is a natural warrior profile (7 Killing) whereby they act first and think later, very impulsive. Even though they look solid from the
outside, they own a gentle caring heart. They are very altruistic and loyal to their friends, especially when it comes to injustice treatment. They will
go all out to fight for justice. Sometimes the over brotherhood causes betrayal.

Geng Metal Day Master likes to see Ding fire and Jia wood. Ding fire to forge metal into something useful and the function of an axe is to chop Jia
wood. Geng Day Master does not like to see Yi wood and Wu earth in their natal chart. When Geng Yi meet, they will combine. Geng is very
decisive but Yi Wood is like lawn, sway left and right so Yi Wood will affect Geng Day Master in decision making, hesitating all the time and hard
to do big thing in that way. As for the Wu earth, it is like a mountain, always slow. It will slow down the Geng Day Master's speed because Geng is
supposed to be fast. If a Geng Metal Day Master contains Ding and Jia and does not have Wu and Yi in their BaZi natal chart, this Geng Day
Master will be a useful person and have a clear direction in their life.
Geng summary:

Good - thrives in hardships, disciplined, responsible and can take hardship, very clear-cut, do not like to twist and turn, determined and
quick to respond, action-driven person, and has a fighter mindset where they always want to win in a battle, gentle and caring heart,
altruistic and loyal to their friends, fight for justice, decisive

Bad - workaholic and have no quality time for their family, too direct and hurt others, impulsive, over brotherhood causes betrayal, like to
show off their capabilities.

Likes - Ding, Jia

Hates - Yi , Wu (dried Wu)

Xin Metal
8. Xin metal – gold, gem

Xin Metal is like a fine gemstone, lighted under spotlight and displayed inside a glass cabinet. Their dazzle illumination catch people's attention ,
Xin Metal Day Master has one common personality, seeking attention, like being under the limelight and getting compliments. To achieve this,
they will put a lot of effort into their appearance to attract people's focus.

Xin metal also is a refined, unique ,attractive piece of metal. It always comes in with nice design and full of details thus they are creative,
imaginative, details oriented and has unique ideas, enjoys luxury lifestyle like fine dining, nice music, beautiful piece of art, fashion attire, etc.
They also appreciate literature like poetry, philosophy and intellectual stories make them look elegant.

We always take good care of our valuable jewelry because we know that it is fragile and easily get scratches. The same goes for Xin person, they
cannot take hardship or pain and they enjoy being pampered. Xin Metal not good at sustainability and gives up easily, they are more of a thinker
and tend to think a lot.

There are only 2 most important points in a Xin person's life: craving for the finest things in the world and their good image. They will be greedy,
lose their principle and irrational to get it. The first impression they give to people is arrogance because they think they are more precious than
the rest, akin to diamond or gold having a higher value compared to other metals or stones. But once you know them, they are chatty and are
good at storytelling.

Xin Metal might be good at talking but not in action. They can be good at giving instructions but they won't get their hands dirty. When they get
angry, their words can be harsh and sarcastic and make others feel hurt and uncomfortable. They are quite sentimental and value relationships.
They are willing to scarify for someone that matters. Metal represents justice. Both Geng and Xin Metal also like justice and both also like to win.

In Xin Day Master BaZi natal chart, it is good to have Ren Water aka ocean water to wash the Xin Metal so that it can shine and notice by others.
We do not like to see Ding Fire because Ding Fire is an element for forging and it only gives stress to Xin Day Master which they hate the most.
Another 10 stems we do not wish to appear are Wu Earth because it will bury Xin metal and Wu represents immovable big mountain and it slows
down Xin Day Master's talking speed and makes it not smooth.
Xin summary:

Good - good at storytelling, justice, like to win, sentimental and value relationships, scarify for someone that matters, elegant, creative,
imaginative, details oriented and has unique ideas, thinker

Bad - seeking attention, put a lot of effort into their appearance, arrogance, good at talking but not in action, harsh and sarcastic, easily get
emo, cannot take hardship or pain, enjoy being pampered, not good in sustainability and gives up easily, think a lot, overly analyze greedy,
lose their principle and irrational

Likes – Ren

Hates - Ding, Wu
Ren Water
9. Ren water – ocean, river

Water moves and runs deep, even if it look peaceful the current may be strong. A Ren person may look peaceful from the outside but inside they
are bold and cautions. Molecules in water are constantly moving except in frozen water. A Ren people can’t sit still, they have active personality,
like to move around and keeps flowing to fill every gap it can find in a single direction from higher area to lower one. If there is blockage, it will
re-route to another path and find it’s ways to move around. Thus Ren person is ambitious, keep chasing their dreams without looking back.
They are smart by using alternative ways to achieve what they want even when face with any obstacles, high adaptability because water is
formless. They are good at escaping from one situation to another and also can solve any problems that come their way with a very rational
and logical manner. No one can stop them once they have set their target. They will eliminate all odds going towards their goals.

In Chinese Metaphysics' 5 elements, water represents wisdom. By nature, they are quick learners, fast thinkers and action-oriented. Also, they
are an intelligent and street smart type of person. When it comes to networking, they are one of the top among 10 stems, similar to ocean
covering 71% of the Earth's surface that connects countries. Since Ren water moves in all directions and can be in any forms, a Ren person is
capricious and has weak stability. It is hard for others to predict what is in their minds. It is also hard for them to tie down on something and
stay focus for a long period because they need a lot of freedom. They are an adventurous type of person and would like to gain experience in
every aspect. Sometimes they will have mood swings and are temperamental, just like how waves come and go at the sea bay or strong waves
hitting on giant rocks or a tsunami.

Since Ren Water is "wild", we need Wu Earth to "tame" it. In nature, a mountain range (Wu Earth) forms a path for water (Ren Water) to pass
through and lead it to the ocean. The Wu Earth's purpose in the Ren Day Master BaZi Natal chart is to give them direction in life. For the Ren
Day Master to shine they need sunlight to reflect on the ocean's surface and make it shiny. The Ren Day Master together with the Bing heavenly
stem in their BaZi natal chart will be more outstanding. Ren water likes freedom and does not like to be controlled. If there is a Ji Earth in the
Ren Day Masterin the Natal chart, they will feel uneasy and annoyed. Wu Earth can lead them towards their goal and speed up the process
because Ren Water likes being on the fast track. But Ji Earth is like soil when mixed with the ocean water it does not give any benefits to the Ren
Water except messiness.
Ren summary:

Good - look peaceful from the outside but inside, they are bold and cautions, active personality, like to move around, ambitious, keep chasing
their dreams without looking back, smart by using alternative ways to achieve what they want, good at escaping from unfavourable
situations, very responsive, high adaptability, can solve any problems, very rational and logical, eliminate all odds going towards their goals,
quick learners, fast thinkers and action-oriented, intelligent and street smart, good at networking, adventurous

Bad - overly smart will cause problems, capricious and has weak stability, hard for them to tie down on something and stay focus for a long
period, they need a lot of freedom, mood swings and are temperamental, rebellious, brash

Likes - Wu, Bing

Hates - Ji
Gui Water
10. Gui water – rain, fog, cloud

The significant behaviour of this Day Master is "now you see it, now you don't“ just like cloud. This applies to their actions as well
as ideas that affects their credibity .

As morning dew, raindrop, and mist, they are good at nurturing, very inspiring and mysterious. The clean and refreshing water
makes them detail-oriented, likes hygiene and has a calm mind when in perfect condition (good weather). When they are not
(thunderstorm), they can be restrictive, emotional and pessimistic. They can be "sunny" now and "thunderstorm" next and be
unpredictable just like weather, making them hard to read and mysterious.

Like a cloud — they are full of creative imagination some unrealistic. To Gui, everything is about feelings. They provide good
feelings to people around them and romance to their lover. People feel comfortable with them, just like rain in hot weather that
cool us down or spraying mist to feel good and refresh. They are like people magnet, able to attract more people to slowly
strengthen their social network.

Gui as water element represents wisdom, thus quick-witted, wise, perceptive, sensitive to people and situations, react fast when
they feel things are not right. Have inborn intuitive talent learning Chinese Metaphysics. They can penetrate every gap and corner
quickly with soft approach like mist.

This elemental type recycles itself – creeks flow into streams, streams into rivers, lakes and oceans… then there is evaporation into
clouds and then rain, to complete this cycle the Bing acts as a source of heat to bring Ren into the sky and form clouds then Xin
purifies Gui to nourish mother earth. However, Ji earth not only absorbs the Gui but also contaminates its clearness and makes
Gui water messy.
Gui summary:

Good - good at nurturing, very inspiring, clear mind, detail-oriented, likes hygiene and has a calm mind, creative imagination, provide good
feelings to people around them and romance to their lover, people magnet, wise and perceptive, intuitive, quick-witted, soft approach

Bad - now you see it, now you don't, restrictive, emotional and pessimistic, complex individuals and unpredictable, unrealistic, demanding in
terms of feelings, blessed with good people skills, think a lot

Likes – Ren, Xin, Bing

Hates - Ji

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