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In today’s digital age, gadgets have become an integral part of our daily lives, particularly for senior high
school students. However, the excessive and uncontrollable use of gadgets can lead to significant
challenges in time management. This topic aims to explore the impact of uncontrolled gadget use on the
time management skills of senior high school students.

The purpose of this study Is to examine the impact of uncontrolled gadget use on the time management
skills of senior high school students. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature and research,
this study aims to shed light on the consequences of excessive gadget use on academic performance,
well-being, and productivity.

The findings Indicate that uncontrolled gadget use leads to distractions, loss of focus, and reduced
efficiency among senior high school students. The addictive nature of social media platforms,
notifications, and multitasking contribute to poor time management and procrastination. As a result,
students experience decreased study time, inadequate preparation, and a negative impact on their
academic performance. Moreover, the excessive use of gadgets contributes to sedentary lifestyles,
disrupted sleep patterns, elevated stress levels, and compromised mental health. This not only affects
students’ overall well-being but also hampers their ability to manage time effectively and engage in
productive activities.

The study emphasizes the importance of promoting responsible gadget use and developing strategies to
enhance time management skills among senior high school students. Encouraging self-discipline, setting
limits on gadget usage, and providing guidance on prioritization and task allocation are suggested as
potential interventions. The uncontrolled use of gadgets among senior high school students poses
significant challenges to their time management skills. This issue affects their academic performance,
physical and mental health, and social interactions. Recognizing the detrimental effects of uncontrolled
gadget use is crucial in developing strategies and interventions to promote healthy gadget habits,
improve time management skills, and enhance overall well-being among senior high school students.

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