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Chinese New Year’s Day

Oil: What is your opinion on how modern lifestyles have changed people’s behavior?
Opal: Hmm… Let me think. In my opinion holidays these days are not like the past.
Sunn: Oh! Let me tell you something. Last week, I just went to Chinese New Year in my hometown. It’s very
Oil: I think so. Now holidays are really busy and require a lot of shopping.
Sunn: I agree with you, Chinese New Year is a holiday where people gather a lot. Some relatives have never
met. I have to buy food and set the dinner table. And people also buy things to pay respect to ancestors. And
now that prices are very high. We must spend a lot of money.
Oil: So let’s talk about whether Chinese New Year is too commercial because there’s money involved.
Opal: I doubt that how has it become too commercial? Because it's just a day to express gratitude to our
ancestors, which is a good thing.
Sunn: I see you point, but you know, we buy a lot of things, because we believe that the greater the event, the
more we can show we love our ancestors so much, I think it’s not true.
Oil: I agree with you. Because when we show gratitude to our ancestors, it can be done every day, it doesn't
have to be just Chinese New Year.
Opal: I disagree I think that Chinese New Year is a very special day. It is a day that brings all relatives
Sunn: Excuse me, can I say something? Not all relatives will be free, someone can’t take leave from their job.
Oil: But I don't agree with this point. Chinese New Year is a holiday only once a year. Aren't you going to
take time off to see your relatives on that day?
Opal: I agree with you. Because everyone know that it is a special day, there is only one day a year where we
should make this day a good day by returning home and expressing our full gratitude to our ancestors.
Sunn: Anyway, I absolutely disagree, it’s not just this reason, but it’s a waste of money. It takes a lot of
money to organize the ceremony.
Opal: I don't agree. It’s a well-known fact that in Chinese culture, all earnings are managed as a collective
asset for everyone in the family. Do you still have to think a lot about spending a lot of money on the
Sunn: I’m really not convinced. don’t you know? Now we don’t follow Chinese culture. We’re all using
personal money.
Oil: Yes, I agree on this point. The culture of using collective asset is very old. And besides, Chisese culture
in Thailand doesn't have anything like that anymore.
Opal: However, on Chinese New Year, most Thai Chinese spend a lot of money today, and nowadays things
are the same but the price has increased so they have to pay more.
Sunn: I don’t think so, I think you have to pay more because you want to show love, you can pay the same or
change the offerings, but you don’t, right?
Oil: I think that it's too commercial. Is it appropriate that we have to buy things just for the day? On other
days, you have to spend money for living. Wouldn't it be better if we use money for the day we need it?
Sunn: In addition to this, there is also a custom of giving away Ang Pao or red envelope that inside is a lot of
money. Adults have to give children money. It seems an obligation.
Oil: But for this matter, I would like to disagree. When an adult gives money to a child, it may look like an
obligation. But it's beneficial to children, because they can use that money to save for the future.
Sunn: I really think that do you give him money from your mind, will you only give it only today? I think it’s
not sincere.
Oil: For me, I sincerely give it to them because it will benefit them in the future. I will tell them to save it up
and not waste it.
Opal: I agree with this point. It's not too commercial. If I were to give, I would give as much as I can.
Oil: I also agree with this. The issue of giving red envelopes to children seems more beneficial.
Opal: I strongly believe that it doesn't seem commercial at all. And the issue of red envelopes is to wish
children good luck, good fortune, and strong growth.
Sunn: Sorry, I finally disagree anyway. I really think that it’s so wasteful and too commercial.
Opal: But for me, I think it's more of a heartfelt thing. It is an expression of gratitude to special ancestors.
Oil: Thank you both very much for discussing this matter. I may agree or disagree with you guys on some
points. But today I really appreciate your contributions.

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