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A character generator for

Name Börda Class Esoteric Hermit HP 1/1 Omens 3 (d4)

You are Börda Esoteric Hermit

You were dying of plague in a Bergen Chrypt hovel, Hawk as Weapon

when you touched something from outside.
Your crafty almost-intelligent hawk is loyal only
The stone of your cave is one with the stars. to you. Even without shared language, you
Silence and perfection. Now the chaos of a fallen understand its cries as it keeps watch, scouts and
world disturbs your rituals and the caul of night swoops to attack foes. Attacks/defence DR10
grows blacker than your cavern’s gloom. (claws/bite D4), HP 8.

Suspicious and problems with authority. Decaying

teeth. Unable to get to the point. You have never
actually finished a story.

Abilities Equipment

Strength ±0 Waterskin and 4 days' worth of food

Agility -1 Staff d4 damage
Presence ±0 Death (unclean scroll) All creatures within 30
Toughness ±0 feet lose a total of 4d10 HP
2 monkeys that ignore but love you (4 HP,
punch/bite d4)
Death (unclean scroll) All creatures within 30
feet lose a total of 4d10 HP
43 silver

MÖRK BORG is ©2020 Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell. Web app by Karl Druid.

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