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At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a) Define the common types of figures of speech.

b) Identify the common types of figures of speech in a sentence

c) Use a graphic organizer write an example of figure of speech and design.

II. Subject Matter: identifying the different types of figurative language and its

meaning and using them.

a) Topic: Figurative Language.

b) Materials: paper, cartolina, illustration board, cardboard and scissors.

c) Values Integration: Achievement

d) Reference:


in-english-figure-of speech.



A. Preliminary Activities Good morning, sir!

Good morning class! We’re fine sir!

How are you today? (Mr. Failano will lead a short prayer)

That’s good to hear! So, can I expect a full

blast of energy and active participation

from you. Before we begin the lesson this

morning. Let us first ask the guidance of

our Almighty God. May I ask Mr.Failano

to please lead us a short prayer?

Before you take your seats. I would like to

request everyone to arrange their seats

properly and make sure that there is no Yes, Sir!

trash around them.

Before anything else, miss secretary

Yes, Sir!
kindly check the attendance. Everyone


Very Good!

B. Motivation

Before we formally start may we have a

I know that you are all excited you know

the game called “ARRANGE ME”? I

have some jumbled letters and you will METAPHOR, Sir!

arrange it. Are we ready?

First word (ELIMIS) what is this? PERSONIFICATION, Sir!

Yes JJ?

Very good!

Second word (TAPROEHM) what is this? HYPERBOLE, Sir!

Yes, LJ?

Very good!

Third word (NIOTACFIISNOREP) what

is this?
Yes, EJ?

Very good!

Last word (REPELOBH) what is this?

Yes, Jude?

Very good!

Congratulations my dear students you got

it all right!

C. Presentation

Today class we are going to tackle

Figurative Language but first what is

Figurative Language? Simile is a figure of speech in which

So figurative language refers to the use of comparison is made between unlike

words in a way that deviates from the objects using the words like and as.

conventional order and meaning in order

to convey a complicated meaning, clarity

or evocative comparison.

D. Discussion

So today class we are going to tackle

My father is a brave as a lion.
Figurative Languages or Figures of

Speech I should say. So generally, the

Figures of Speech are use in a language to

specialized the meaning and not based on

Yes, Sir!
the literal meaning of the words.
Her skin is as white as a snow.
The first type of figures of speech is
Sir, her skin was composed to snow.
will you define simile, Nike?

Very good, Nike! Thank you!

Therefore, SIMILE is a figure of speech

Metaphor- is a figure of speech which
that shows direct comparison using the
shows a comparison between two unlike
words like and as. So please take note of
ideas w/out using the word like and as.
the word like and as.

Example: She is like a flower.

“A woman is being compared to a flower”

Another example? Yes, Marjorie?

Thank you, Marjorie!

So, Marjorie used the “as” for comparing

her father to a lion.

She is a walking dictionary.
Another example?

Yes, Zane?

What is the comparison in your sentence? Life is a highway.

Very good! There is a comparison in the

sentence and she used the word “as”.

Moving on, to our next common type of

Figure of Speech, which is Metaphor.

Personification- is a figure of speech
June kindly read the definition of
giving a human attribute to an inanimate

Thank you, June!

In Simile we use the word like and as for

comparing different ideas, Metaphor it is

also a comparison between two unlike

objects with out using like and as.

Example: She has a heart of stone.

You are the sunshine of my life.

DJ, can you give me another example of

The tree invited us to play.

Very good! Because the girl is compared

to a dictionary with out using like and as.

The sun is smiling at me.
Another example class. Yes, Lea?

Very good, Lea! There is a comparison in

the sentence with ou using like and as.

Good Job! Sir, Hyperbole is a figure of speech that is

more exaggerated and overstated.

For the next type, we have


Kindly read the definition of

personification. Yes, Rum

Great! Thank you, Rum!

PERSONIFICATION class is a figure of Yes, Sir!

speech giving a human attribute to an

Yes, Sir!
inanimate object or giving human

characteristic to an object.
None, Sir!
Example: The cake is calling my name.

The cake is actually calling my name but

She cried a river when her dog died.
it attracted me to eat the cake because it

looks very delicious.

Chandie, can you give us an example of


Very good, Chandie!

Another example. Yes, Amor?

Very good, Amor!

Moving on to the fourth figure of speech

which is HYPERBOLE.

Maria, can you read the definition of


Thank you, Maria!

Hyperbole uses an exaggerated words and

it is overstated and unbelievable and to be

taken seriously. None, Sir!

Example: I am so hungry I could eat a (Students will do the task)


Her smile is one kilometer wide.

As you can see these sentences are over

or it is exaggerated right?
it was being exaggerated right? Do you
agree with me class?
Simile is a figure of speech in which
Do you have any question class?
comparison is made between unlike
Ok then can you give me an example of
objects using the words like and as.
Sir, Metaphor- is a figure of speech which
Yes, Calvin?
shows a comparison between two unlike
Very good! Exactly, there is no one can
ideas w/out using the word like and as.
really cry as many as a river.

Before we end our discussion let’s have an Sir, Personification- is a figure of speech

activity. giving a human attribute to an inanimate

E. Application object.

Let’s have an activity the group will be

divided by three and you will make a Sir, Hyperbole is a figure of speech that is

graphic organizer containing the four more exaggerated and overstated.

figures of speech and give five example

and you will put this inside a graphic

organizer and you will write this in a

cartolina then you will present it in front

of the class.

Class you will be guided by this rubric:

20%- Content

20%- Design

10%- Cleanliness

Any question? Again, don’t forget to

design your graphic organizers and write

your name in a ¼ sheet of paper. Then

present it in front.

F. Generalization

Ok, class now can give me the four figures

of speech that we tackled today. Yes,

Very good, Josh!

What is simile? Yes, Aira?

Very good, Airah!

What is metaphor? Yes, Gojo

Very good, Gojo!

What is personification? Yes, Bebe?

Very good, Bebe!

Last question what is hyperbole? Yes,


Very good, Edd!

Thankyou for your active participation,

everyone! Around of applause!

G. Evaluation

Directions: In a ½ sheet of paper crosswise give me an example three each of


H. Assignment

 Read about Oxymoron, and Alliteration that will be our topic next meeting.

 Write examples Oxymoron and Alliteration.






Limuel Andrei Lazo



Mrs. Josephine Collado

Course Professor

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