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Visual Media
-It is an informal act used to fi x things such as fi lms, photographs, painti ngs,
videos and even our television.

The power of visual information and media

-Visual Communication is a powerful form of communication for visual message stimulate both
intellectual and emotional responses.

Visual Literacy

-The ability to interpret visual image accurately and to create such message.



- stands for “Joint Photographic Experts Group”

-The most web friendly format

- a standard image format for containing lossy and compressed image data.


- stands for “Graphics Interchange Format”

- For web graphics, Animation, clip art
- Use to add animation effects


- stands for “Tag Image File Format”

-Print graphics

-TIFF is the best choice for professionals when images are intended for print. Its ability to store
such high pixel intensity.

- stands for “Portable Network Graphic”

- For web graphics, logos, and line art

- The PNG file format is widely used on websites to display high-quality digital images

- Created to exceed the performance of GIF files, PNGs offer not just lossless compression, but
also a much broader and brighter color palette.


-For Print Graphics

-These files are large and uncompressed, but the images are rich in color, high in quality, simple
and compatible in all windows OS and programs.

- Also called raster or pant images.

- Non- Projected Visual Media is a type of visual media that requires no
projection material or electric power.
 Posters
 Video
 Screenshots
 Infographics
 Data Visualization (Charts and Graphs)
 Comic Strips/Cartoons
 Memes
 Cartoon
 Flash Cards
 Illustrations
 Maps
 Pictures


- uses bright light to pass through a transparent picture by means of lens, or
electronic power

 Filmstrips
-a production strip displaying color coded strips of paper containing information
about a scene
 Overhead Projector
- uses light to project an enlarged image on screen

 Presentations
- is a collection of individual slides that contain information on a topic.

 Book
 Newspaper
 Internet
 Magazines
 Billboards
 Smartphones




The value of visual information lies in its ability to communicate information effectively
and efficiently. Visual information can be used to educate, persuade, and entertain
audiences, making it an essential tool for individuals and organizations across various

Visual message design

Selection Criteria

Design Principle
 Consistency- of margins, typeface, typestyle, and colors is necessary
 Center of interest - an area that first attracts attention in a composition. This area is more
important when compared to the other objects or elements in a composition.
 Balance - a feeling of visual equality in shape, form, value, color. Balance can be
symmetrical and evenly balanced, or asymmetrical and unevenly balanced.
 Harmony - brings together a composition with similar units
 Contrast - used to create an area of emphasis
 Directional Movement - a visual flow through the composition. Directional movement can be
created with a pattern. It is with the placement of dark and light areas that you can move your
attention through the format.
 Rhythm- a movement in which some elements recur regularly
 Perspective - created through the arrangement of objects in two-dimensional space to look
like they appear in real life

 Line - describes a shape or outline. It can create texture and can be thick or thin. Lines may
be actual, implied, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or contour lines
 Shape - usually a geometric area that stands out from the space next to or around it, or
because of differences in value, color, or texture
 Value - the degree of light and dark in a design. It is the contrast between black and white
and all the tones in between.
 Texture - the way a surface feels or is perceived to feel. Texture can be added to attract or
repel interest to a visual element.
 Color - determined by its hue (name of color), intensity (purity of the hue), and value
(lightness or darkness of hue). Color and color combination can play a large role in the design.
Color may be used for emphasis or to elicit emotions from viewers.
 Form - a figure having volume and thickness

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