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1.) Topic is relevant.

2.) The speaker observes appropriate
organizational pattern.
3.) Purpose is well-defined.
4.) Attention-getter captures
listener’s attention.
5.) Main points are stated clear.
6.) Arguments are sound and supported
with sufficient, valid, and credible sources.
7.) Transition is smooth
8.) Speech is ended with a review of
the main points
9.) Speech is free from fallacies
10.) Arguments are arranged logically.
11.) Logical and/or emotional appeal/s
are/ is observed
12.) Powerful, pleasant voice is used
13.) Pronunciation, enunciation, and
articulation are observed.
14.) Gestures, posture, and facial expression,
are expressions are expressive, dynamic, and natural.
15.) Eye contact is established and maintained
16.) Attire is appropriate
17.) The Speaker demonstrates mastery of his/her speech.

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