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Camarse, Juzl Marie M.

BSHM 2.2 A

1. Recall some of your defining moments in the formation of your moral character. Did it change your
personality as well as your outlook on life? How?
 Always generous. I always provide food and lends money to our relatives and neighbors even
when we don't have enough food and money. I told always to niece to share what you have is a
good thing to help those in need. At that time, I looked at them and did good things to help other
people by sharing my food, let them borrow my things, and help them answer their assignments.
2. What do you think will happen to our country if our youth will be lacking the necessary moral
ascendancy? Can we still rely on them as the hope of our motherland? Explain your answer.
 If young people lacking moral climbing, the country will experience a variety of situations such
as increasing crime and violence, sexual activity, Internet fraud, and drug abuse. We still hope
that if people from the position, expert, the researchers agree to be united by planning to spread
and teach morally to the youth.
3. Explain the relationship between individual acts and character.
 Individual acts are a person in a lot of unique characteristics and relates to the individual and
possessions that are unique to a person. The character is how you behave with the people around
you. You choose your actions depends on the person or situation in life. Also, characters are
formed as time goes by especially when you get older because there are more real-life realities.

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