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Project: Global Solution

Project Manager: Upendra Badhai

Date: 13/09/2023

The Global Solution project has been launched with the intention of tackling an urgent global matter and
utilizing the resources and knowledge of our organization to create a beneficial influence on the world. In
doing so, our objective is to make a contribution towards the improvement of society, all the while
demonstrating our dedication to corporate social responsibility.

Out of Description
In scope: Updates or improvements outside the original project's parameters.
 Create a comprehensive
 Undefined solutionor
project problems tounrelated
deal with global
the issue on a worldwide scale.
Must (M):
Utilise the remedy to address the determined global issue.
 Make
 The sure the of
scope adopted solution
the project doeswill
updates or improvements.
 (S):
Should Create and maintain a collaborative relationship with the right stakeholders to help the project
 A later version may get updates or improvements.
Must (M):
Could (C)
 Create
 Theafollowing
may gettoupdates
deal or improvements.

Won’t (W)with the issue on a worldwide scale.
 Utilise
Anythe remedyortoscope
function address the determined
expansion global
that can be put issue.
off forever and has no business value.
Should (S):
 Put the solution into action to solve the problem at hand.
 Guarantee sustainability.
 Continue working with the stakeholders.
Could (C)
 New capabilities or enhancements to the solution.

Business Objectives:
 Successfully address the global issue with our comprehensive solution.
 Ensure the sustainability of the solution for the long term.
 Foster collaboration with stakeholders to support the project's objectives.

Project Deliverables:
 A proposal that covers all aspects is hereby presented.
 The implementation of the aforementioned solution is intended to address the prevailing
global problem.
 Documentation shall be provided to guarantee the long-term viability and perpetuation of
the proposed solution.
 Reports and documentation pertaining to the collaborative efforts of stakeholders shall
also be supplied.

Project Exclusions:
 Updates or improvements to the solution that transcend the boundaries of the preliminary
project scope shall not be entertained.
 Unrelated worldwide concerns or predicaments that are not delineated within the ambit
of the project shall not be considered.

 Time: The completion of the project must be achieved within a period of three months.
 Budget: The financial resources allocated for the project are strictly confined to a sum of
 Technology: The project is obliged to employ a previous iteration of technological
 Resource availability: The successful execution of the project is contingent upon the presence
and accessibility of the project team and the independent research contractor.
 Scope: The boundaries and extent of the project are limited solely to the predetermined global

 The project will possess access to the necessary human, financial, and technological resources.
 The stakeholders are dedicated to cooperation and endorsement of the project.
 The selected antiquated technology will adequately meet the project's necessities.

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