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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm..... from group 2, our group including Ms
The topic my talk is
"'Everyone should become
vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to have a
healthy diet’’
I'd like to divide my talk into four part:
 Focus on the benefits of vegetarian.
 The effects of non-vegetarian food.
 Vegetarian diets may save money and save time
 Advice for everyone.
This topic is crucial for those who aspire to a healthy body with fruits and vegetables.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to interrupt
Our talk will last about 20 minutes.
Don't worry about taking notes. We have sent the
handout picture and all PowerPoint slides after the presentation.
That's the end of the introduction part, next, I would like to invite Ms
...... to present the body part of our presentation

I’m …. now, I will continue to talk about body parts that focus on the
benefits of vegetarianism.
Please everyone watch the video on the screen
There are many delicious and nutritious vegetarian dishes made from
fruits and vegetables and many types of vegetables.
Providing enough nutrition for people to work.

Types of vegetables such as bell pepper,cabbage, onion, .

contain high vitamins:A, K,E
Which would reduce illness:heart diseases, obesity, diabetes and cancer,
As a consequence, it is partly reasonable to say that vegetarian food gives
people healthier life.
Next, I would like to invite Ms ...... to continue our presentation

I’m …. Now, I will continue to talk the effects of non-vegetarian food.

non-vegetarian foods such as fish and meat are high in cholesterol, fat
and calories.
Regular consumption of red meat is known to increase a person's
risk of cancer and heart disease.
As shown in the image on the screen:
 The image of unsafe meat
 Using chemicals to bleach pork meat.
In fact, many cases of food poisoning are caused by the consumption of contaminated
Next, I would like to invite Ms ...... to continue our presentation

I’m …. Now, I will continue to talk vegetarian diets may save money and
save time .
The best way to save money on a vegetarian diet is to buy produce when
it is in season. ‘In season' means abundance and abundance drives prices
lower. To get a CSA farm share (community-supported agriculture). You
purchase a share from a farmer and receive a box of seasonal produce
each week during the farming season.
Vegetarian dishes are easy to prepare, which helps save time.
And various vegetables are also easy to grow even in small spaces.
Next, I would like to invite Ms ...... to continue our presentation

I’m …. Now, I will continue to talk about advice for everyone.

A vegetarian diet is very beneficial for health, especially for those
looking to maintain a strong and healthy body.
But everyone should eat vegetarian combined with regular exercise to
maintain a healthy body
Try various vegetarian foods to ensure you receive adequate nutrition and
avoid deficiencies.

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