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क ा और वषय / Class & Subject चौथी – ह द

पाठ / Chapter जैसा सवाल-वैसा जवाब

मता / Competency पठन (अवबोध के साथ पढ़ना)

एन सी ई आर ट श ण के प रणाम अलग-अलग तरह क रचनाओ म आए नए श द को संदभ म समझकर

NCERT Learning Outcome उनका अथ हण करते ह।

नीचे दए गए अनु छे द को पढ़ो ।

न / Question
वाजा साहब के न का बीरबल ने तुरंत उ र दए । बादशाह अकबर तो
बीरबल के उ र से संतु ट हो गए ले कन वाजा साहाब नाक-भ ह सकोड़कर
बोले, “ ऐसे गोलमोल जवाब से काम नह ं चलेगा जनाब !”

न – ‘नाक-भ ह सकोड़ना’ – इसका या अथ हो सकता है ?

वक प / Options क) खुश होना
ख) नाराज़ होना
ग) परे शान होना
घ) है रान होना
सह उ र / Correct Answer(1m) ख) नाराज़ होना

क ा और वषय / Class & Subject चौथी – ह द

पाठ / Chapter दो त क पोशाक

मता / Competency लेखन (श दावल )

एन सी ई आर ट श ण के प रणाम कसी वषय पर लखते हुए श द के बार क अंतर को समझत हुए सराहते
NCERT Learning Outcome ह और श द का उपय त योग करते हुए लखते ह।

न / Question नीचे दो मलती-जल

ु ती आवाज़ वाले श द दए गए ह ।
इन श द से खाल थान भरो । ( सजा – सज़ा )
1. जज ने चोर को तीन मह ने क ______ सन
ु ायी ।
2. दवाल पर लोग घर के आँगन म द ये ____ कर यौहार मनाते है ।

वक प / Options क) 1. सज़ा 2. सजा

ख) 1. सजा 2. सज़ा
ग) 1. सजा 2. सजा
घ) 1. सज़ा 2. सज़ा

सह उ र / Correct Answer(1m) क) 1. सज़ा 2. सजा


Class & Subject 4 – English

Chapter Going to buy a book

Competency Reading (With understanding)

NCERT Learning Outcome Reads printed script on the classroom walls, notice board, in
posters and in advertisements.

Read this article and answer the following questions.

Question What is this article about?

Options A) Different types of leaves.

B) Different styles of writing
C) Writing books in ancient times.
D) Using an iron spike.

Correct Answer(1m) C) Writing books in ancient times.

Question What was used to hold the leaves together in the form of a book ?

Options A) Palm leaves

B) Holes
C) Iron spike
D) String

D) String
Correct Answer(1m)

Question Why were holes drilled through the leaves?

Options A) To put iron spike in it and write easily.

B) To put in the string and tie the leaves together.
C) To use black ink while writing on leaves.
D) All the above.

Correct Answer(1m) B) To put in the string and tie the leaves together.

Class & Subject 4 – MATHEMATICS

Chapter Fields & Fences

Competency Ability to compute
NCERT Learning Outcome
The learner creates and solves simple real-life situations/problems
including money, length, mass and capacity by using the four

Question Look at the three trees and the paths between them. Ramesh walks
from to Tree 1 to Tree 2 and then to Tree 3 - covering 335 metres in
all. Raj walks from Tree 2 to Tree 3, then to Tree 1, and finally returns
to Tree 2 - covering 540 metres in all. How far is Tree 1 from Tree 3?

1 3

Options A) 875 metres

B) 205 metres
C) 215 metres
D) cannot find out from these data

Correct Answer(1m) B) 205 metres

Class & Subject 4 – MATHEMATICS

Chapter Building with Bricks

Competency Understanding the Basic Concepts
NCERT Learning Outcome
The learner acquires understanding about shapes around her/him.

Question A cube has 6 faces. Two cubes are joined face to face to
form a solid shape like the one shown. How many faces
will this solid have?

Options A) 6
B) 10
C) 8
D) 5

Correct Answer(1m) A) 6
Class & Subject 4 – EVS

Chapter Reaching Grandmother’s House

Competency Observation & Reporting

NCERT Learning Outcome The learner uses the information on signboards, posters, currency
(notes/coins), railway ticket/timetable.

Observe the above ticket and answer the following questions

1. How many persons had travelled with this ticket?
2. Which place were the people going to?
3. On which date the group has started its journey?
4. At which station the group has boarded the train?
5. In which class did the group travel?

Correct Answer(1m each) 1. 6

2. Kanyakumari
3. 22.07.2013
4. Rameswaram
5. Sleeper class

Class & Subject 4 – EVS

Chapter Spicy Riddles

Competency Identification & Classification

NCERT Learning Outcome The learner groups the animals, birds, plants, objects, waste material for
observable features. (e.g., on appearance (ears, hair, beaks, teeth, texture
of skin/surface), instincts (domestic/wild, fruit/ vegetable/ pulses/ spices
and their shelf life) uses (edibility, medicinal, decoration, any other, reuse),
traits (smell-taste, likes, etc.)

1. Write the names of two spices that we can use in both

Question salty & sweet food.
2. Write the names of two things that we add to our food to
make the taste sour.

Correct Answer(1m) 1. Cardamom, clove etc.

2. Tomato, tamarind etc.

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