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कें द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन

प्री बोर्ड परीक्षा (2022-23)


विषय : इविहास
वनर्ाडररि समय : 3 Hrs. CLASS-XII अवर्किम अंक : 80
सामान्य वनर्देश: General Instructions:
(i) प्रश्न पत्र में पांच खंर् होिे हैं - ए, बी, (i) Question paper comprises five
Sections – A, B, C, D and E.
सी, र्ी और ई। प्रश्न पत्र में 34 प्रश्न हैं। सभी
There are 34 questions in the
प्रश्न अवनिायड हैं। question paper. All questions are
(ii) खंर् ए – प्रश्न 1 से 21 प्रत्येक के 1 अंक compulsory.
के एमसीक्यू हैं।
(ii)Section A – Question 1 to 21
(iii) खंर् बी – प्रश्न संख्या। 22 से 27 लघु are MCQs of 1 mark each.
उत्तरीय प्रश्न हैं, विनमें से प्रत्येक में 3 अंक
(iii) Section B – Question no. 22
हैं। प्रत्येक प्रश्न का उत्तर 60-80 शब्र्दों से to 27 are Short Answer Type
अवर्क नहीं होना चावहए। Questions, carrying 3 marks each.
Answer to each question should
(iv) खंर् सी - प्रश्न संख्या 28 से 30 र्दीघड
not exceed 60-80 words.
उत्तरीय प्रश्न हैं, प्रत्येक में 8 अंक हैं। प्रत्येक
(iv) Section C - Question no 28 to
प्रश्न का उत्तर 300-350 शब्र्दों से अवर्क 30 are Long Answer Type
नहीं होना चावहए Questions, carrying 8 marks each.
Answer to each question should
(v) खंर् र्ी - प्रश्न संख्या 31 से 33 िीन उप
not exceed 300-350 words .
प्रश्नों के साथ स्रोि आर्ाररि प्रश्न हैं और के
हैं 4 अंक प्रत्येक (v) Section D – Question no.31
to 33 are Source based questions
(vi) खंर्-ई - प्रश्न संख्या। 34 नक्शा with three sub questions and are
आर्ाररि है, विसमें 5 अंक हैं विसमें of 4 marks each .
(vi) Section-E - Question no. 34
महत्िपूर्ड परीक्षर् िस्िुओं की पहचान और
is Map based, carrying 5 marks
स्थान शावमल है। मानवचत्र को उत्तर that includes the identification and
पुवस्िका के साथ संलग्न करें । location of significant test items.
(vi) प्रश्न पत्र में कोई समग्र विकल्प नहीं है। Attach the map with the answer
हालााँकक, एक आंिररक विकल्प प्रर्दान ककया (vi) There is no overall choice in
गया है चंर्द सिालों में। ऐसे प्रश्नों में से के िल the question paper. However, an
एक विकल्प का प्रयास करना है। internal choice has been provided
in few questions. Only one of the
(viii) इसके अलािा, िहां आिश्यक हो,
choices in such questions have to
प्रत्येक अनुभाग और प्रश्न के साथ अलग- be attempted.
अलग वनर्देश कर्दए गए हैं। (viii) In addition to this, separate
instructions are given with each
section and question, wherever

1 1
D.Only 1, 2 & 4 are correct.

2 a) Nageshwar and Lothal 1

3 C. Prakrit 1

4 a) 200 BCE to 200CE 1

5 C. 1 & 2 1

6 a) Dhammamahamatta 1

7. d) Mahayana

8. B. Perfect crop 1

9. D. Ibn Battuta 1

10 . c. Lingayats 1

11 D. Ibn Battuta 1

12 a) Revenue Collection. 1

13. C. Afanasii Nikitin- France. 1

14. (d) All of these

15. D. Sunset law 1

16 C. Economic development of the Indians. 1

17 D. 3, 4, 2, 1 1
18 B. Govind Ballabh Pant . 1

19 D. I, II and III 1

20 a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct

explanation of A.

21 A sculpture in Mahabalipuram.
Dargah of Sheikh Salim Chisti.
Prajapati Gautami
22 Huge army, incorporation of elephant, Became
Empire, Defeated all the neighbors etc.
22 Writer, targeted reader, context, Language etc.

Elaborated drain network. Made of baked bricks,
Covered, manhole, grid pattern etc.
24. Garbhgriha-Shrine of the main deities, mandap –
Pavilions, long Pillared corridors, temple
complex etc.
25. Four verna system with special reference to
untouchability, the concept of pollution and his
criticism that it was against nature
26. Large land holdings, Firm control over peasantry
due to financial help. Often purchased auctioned
Zamindar`s land. Etc.
27. Rumours- greased cartridge with animal fat,
mixing of animal`s bone dust, destruction of
religion and culture.
Prophesies-British raj would come to an end after
100 years,
OR Rumours of greased cartridge with animal fat and
destruction of their religion and culture.
Low wages,less opportunities of promotion,
overseas services were made compulsory, check
on wearing religious sign., racial discrimination,
annexation of Awadh etc.

To understand the symbols –like stupa Bodhi tree

etc. ,
to know the stories carved out in the stones,
Eg.-Rural scene Vasant Jataka,
To find out the popular traditions eg- woman at the
OR The importance and popularity which the stupa of
Sanchi gained and the protection given by Sahjehan
begum to it was not given to Amravati.
29 King gave finiancial help-grants, donations ,
erected temples and Dargah, made some statues
,installed them in the temples in order to gain
blessings, support of their followers etc. suitable
examples- relation of Mughals with Sufis. And
Cholas with Bhakti saints.
Concept of one God, Formeless God Less
importance to rituals . Concept of Langar etc would
promote tolerance ,harmony peace etc in the
30 Use of non- violent method, inclusion of different
section of society like women ,students ,farmers
workers, Muslims etc.
OR Hindi as national language,
Three language formula, Hindi as Raj bhasha,
a. Due to the remains of Skeletons.
b) Theory of Aryan invasion, Large scale
c) Scholars no more rely on the conclusion drawn
from dead men`s lane.

32. a) Large scale cutting of forest trees with axe .

b) Forest dwellers.
c) Deforestation, animals and forest dwellers
became homeless , market was established

33 a) Because it will not fulfill her purpose so
she asked for Justice and equality.
b) Equality.
c) Education, Skill development, Emloyment
,equality in all financial matters etc.


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