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Journal of Educational Chemistry (3 (1), 2021, 35-44)

ISSN 2715-3029 (p) 2685-4880 (e)
DOI: 10.21580/jec.2021.3.1.6574

Analysis of Project Based Learning Integrated with Ethno-STEM on

Students' Critical and Creative Thinking Skills

SMA N 1 Weleri Kendal
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Critical and creative thinking is a component of 21st-century skills that meet the needs of
the educational process. Moreover, local wisdom learning, which is closely related to scientific
concepts, also needs to be emphasized. This study aimed to analyze students' critical and
creative thinking skills by implementing Project-Based Learning Integrated with Ethno-STEM.
This study was a case study with a One-Shot Case Study design. Its subjects were 36 students of
class XI Science Program of SMA Negeri 1 (State Senior High School 1) Weleri as many as 36
students. The data collection used a test instrument validated by experts and gained a Cronbach
Alpha score of 0.72. Based on the results of data analysis, it revealed that students' critical
thinking skills included good criteria with the highest achievement in the aspect of providing
simple explanations. In contrast, students' creative thinking abilities belonged to good criteria
with the highest achievement in flexibility, giving various interpretations of an image, story, or
problem. In conclusion, Project-Based Learning integrated with Ethno-STEM can train students'
critical and creative thinking skills.

Keywords: project based learning; PjBL; ethno-STEM; creative thinking; critical thinking


Berpikir kritis dan kreatif merupakan komponen keterampilan abad ke-21 yang
memenuhi kebutuhan dalam proses pendidikan. Selain itu pembelajaran kearifan lokal yang
berkaitan erat dengan konsep keilmuan juga sangat perlu ditekankan. Penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk menganalisis keterampilan berpikir kritis dan kreatif siswa melalui penerapan Project
Based Learning Terintegrasi Etno-STEM. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi kasus dengan
desain One-Shot Case Study. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Weleri
sebanyak 36 siswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen tes yang telah divalidasi oleh
ahli dan menunjukkan skor Alpha Cronbach 0,72. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data
menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa termasuk dalam kriteria baik dengan
capaian tertinggi pada aspek memberikan penjelasan sederhana sedangkan kemampuan
berpikir kreatif siswa termasuk dakam kriteria baik dengan capaian tertinggi pada aspek
flexibility yaitu memberikan bermacam-macam penafsiran terhadap suatu gambar, cerita, atau
masalah. Kesimpulannya, Project Based Learning terintegrasi Etno-STEM dapat melatih
keterampilan berpikir kritis dan kreatif siswa.

Kata kunci: project based learning; PjBL; Etno-STEM; berpikir kreatif; berpikir kritis


Copyright © 2021 JEC | ISSN 2715-3029 (p) 2685-4880 (e)

Volume 3, Issue 1, 2021
Analysis of Project …

Introduction laboratory. Students tended to accept

concepts and to be encouraged. Students
The Revolutionary Era 4.0 is a real
were less experienced in the process of
challenge that the community in the nation
concept proof through laboratory activities.
life must face. The era of digitalization and
In addition, some of the assignments and test
the industrial revolution 4.0 resulted in
questions were not based on questions that
automation in all fields, including combining
used higher-order thinking. So, students
real human life with the physical world
have not been appropriately trained in
fundamentally and simultaneously
solving problems in questions. The concept
(Tjandrawinata, 2016). Industrial revolution
evaluation process was also rarely taught by
4.0 has an impact on the world of global and
teachers. The opportunity to convey ideas or
regional education. Educational institutions,
creative designs in solving the problems
including schools and colleges, are required
encountered was also infrequently provided
to produce qualified generations who can
in the teaching and learning process.
adapt to various life challenges (Gardiner et
The phenomenon does not only
al., 2017). One of the emphases in the
happen in Indonesia but also in other
current education system in Indonesia, apart
countries in the world. A study reported in
from cognitive abilities, is creating a
Newsweek (July 10, 2010) by Bronson &
generation that can think critically and
Merryman (2010) shows that the significant
creatively (Wijayati, Sumarni & Supanti,
decline in the creativity of American
2019). Higher-order thinking skills,
students in recent decades was observed and
especially critical thinking skills and creative
represented as a creativity crisis. It
thinking skills, are needed in utilizing
attributes this decline to the standardization
students' knowledge for problem-solving
of curriculum, teaching, and assessment in
and decision-making in various areas of life
schools. Students seem more pressured to
(Retnawati et al., 2018).
memorize facts and find correct answers
Discussions about 21st-century skills
than critically analyzing and evaluating the
in facing the challenges of the industrial
content or exploring creative ideas and
revolution 4.0 generally refer to the core
innovative thinking.
competencies of collaboration, digital
STEM becomes a well-known
literacy, critical thinking, and problem-
approach among educators due to the
solving in meeting the global world.
increasing perspective of 21st-century global
Graduates must have learning skills in
technology (Shernoff et al., 2017). STEM is a
information communication, creative and
discipline that requires mathematics as a
critical thinking, and problem-solving.
tool in data processing, technology, and
Therefore, it is essential to teach higher-
engineering as an application of science. The
order thinking skills which refer to
STEM approach allows students to solve
competence in producing, synthesizing, and
problems better and become innovators,
evaluating information in different cultures
inventors, independent workers, logical
(Rahmawati, Ridwan & Hadinugrahaningsih,
thinkers, and technological literacy (Afriana,
2019). One of the learning programs that are
Permanasari & Fitriani, 2016). Several study
effective in improving critical and creative
results show the success of learning with a
thinking skills is student-centered project-
STEM approach to improve concept
based learning as an alternative to education
understanding (Utami et al., 2017) and
to develop critical and creative thinking
critical thinking skills (Permanasari, 2016).
skills (Sasson, Yehuda & Malkinson, 2018).
Integrative STEM allows various innovative
The initial observations at SMA
learning models that can be used to support
Negeri 1 Weleri showed that the learning
its implementation (Oktaviani, Anom &
carried out tended to be teacher-centered.
Lesmini, 2020). This study implemented the
The teaching and learning process mainly
Project-Based Learning model integrated
was carried out in the classroom and rarely
with Ethno-STEM (PjBL) to analyse critical
conducted learning activities in the
and creative thinking skills. Integrating the

Copyright © 2021 JEC | ISSN 2715-3029 (p) 2685-4880 (e)

Volume 3, Issue 1, 2021
A. Ariyatun

Ethno-STEM approach with the PjBL model balanced with soft skills and critical and
is expected to provide a solution to the creative thinking skills to develop according
existing problems. PjBL integrated with to competency needs in the 21st Century.
STEM is based on local culture to develop This study aimed to analyze students' critical
critical, creative, innovative, and and creative thinking skills after
collaborative thinking skills. Ethno science- implementing the PjBL model integrated
laden learning is one of the learning models with Ethno-STEM in colloidal material
that can be used to facilitate students in learning.
improving critical and creative thinking skills
Research Method
(Arifianawati & Sumarni, 2016; Damayanti,
Rusilowati & Linuwih, 2017; Wibowo & This study was carried out at SMA
Ariyatun, 2020). Negeri 1 Weleri with 36 class XI Science
Students need to be trained to Program students as subjects. The research
develop their experience in the Ethno-STEM design used in the study was One-Shot Case
field with meaningful learning to improve Study (Creswell, 2010). In this study, the
their knowledge and higher-order thinking subjects were given treatment in the form of
skills, so Ethno-STEM integration has been PjBL integrated with Ethno-STEM learning.
carried out in PjBL learning on colloidal After being given treatment, the subject was
material. Through this PjBL learning given a written test related to critical and
integrated with integrated Ethno-STEM, creative thinking questions. The research
students are expected to have hard skills design can be seen in table 1.

Table 1
Research Design
Subjects Treatment Critical and creative thinking skills
XI Science Program X Y

X = Treatment (Implementation of PjBL Ethno-STEM)
Y = Test after being given treatment

The data collection technique in this

Results and Discussion
study was through a test technique with
open-ended problem questions declared a. Description of Activities Project Based
valid by two material experts and had a Learning Integrated with Ethno-STEM
reliability of 0.72. Critical and creative
thinking skills were measured based on STEM is an approach to link and
critical and creative thinking indicators integrate, explore, combine two or more
adopted from (Tawil & Liliasari, 2013). Then, STEM subjects into learning based on
the analysis of students' critical and creative real-world problems. If the problems in
thinking skills was carried out by calculating life/real world are integrated with local
each indicator of critical and creative wisdom/local culture around students,
thinking skills from the answers to test this learning is called ethnoscience
questions. The criteria for achieving integration in STEM or Ethno-STEM
students' critical and creative thinking for approach learning. Ethno science is an
each indicator were 84 < % 100 very good activity to transform/reconstruct public
categories, 68 < % 84 good categories, 52 < knowledge that has been going on for
% 68 good enough categories, 36 < % 52 generations into scientific knowledge.
poor categories and % 36 with very low Community knowledge that can be
category. observed includes customs, habits,
behavior, art, religion, language, myths,
and symbols. The stages of ethnoscience

Copyright © 2021 JEC | ISSN 2715-3029 (p) 2685-4880 (e)

Volume 3, Issue 1, 2021
Analysis of Project …

integration in STEM learning are as integration of ethnoscience into basic

follows: 1) Observing the public about competence of the selected topics is
community knowledge and transforming carried out, then formulating the learning
it into scientific knowledge; 2) Based on target indicators and lesson plan. Next is
the results of the reconstruction, the to make a STEM analysis on the selected
chemical concepts contained in public chemistry learning topics described in
knowledge will be identified; and 3) table 2.
Based on the identification results, the

Table 2
Analysis of STEM Learning Materials
STEM Aspects Description
Science 1. Factual. Soap is a chemical compound resulting from the
reaction between fats or oils with bases.
2. Conceptual: Saponification Reaction
3. Procedural: Applying procedures to chemical reactions in
making herbal soaps
Technology 1. Using a scale to measure/determine the mass of reagents or
2. Using the internet to search for information to solve the
problem of "good herbal soap products."
3. Using computers to make reports or data analysis
Engineering 1. Designing and making soap according to design
2. Making herbal soaps with various aromas
Mathematics 1. Calculating the composition of reagents in soap making
2. Planning an effective budget
(Source: Adopted from Sudarmin et al., 2019))
The research of project-based item. The results of the analysis of
learning integrated with Ethno-STEM was students' critical and creative thinking
carried out following the general syntax. skills are presented in Figure 1. In
The syntax of the STEM integrated contrast, the recapitulation of the
chemistry learning model through PjBL is achievement of each critical thinking
described in Table 3. indicator is illustrated in Figure 2. The
In the process of project activities, recapitulation of the achievement of each
each group was allowed to discuss creative thinking indicator is presented in
solving problems on students' Figure 3.
worksheets related to STEM aspects to Aspects of critical thinking skills
express ideas and thoughts. In this studied on this occasion including giving
process, students' skills were trained to simple explanations, building basic skills,
be more active in finding creative ideas, and concluding. Meanwhile, aspects of
digging up information, displaying work creative thinking skills included:
results, and providing solutions to any flexibility, fluency, originality, elaboration,
problems encountered. and evaluation. Figure 1 shows that the
achievement of critical thinking skills as
b. Analysis of Critical and Creative many as 52% of students are good
Thinking Skills category and 24% a very good category.
While the achievement of creative
The overall achievement of critical thinking, 62% of students are good
and creative thinking skills was obtained category, and 16% are very good
by calculating the average percentage of category. These data show that the
students who correctly answered each implementation of PjBL integrated with

Copyright © 2021 JEC | ISSN 2715-3029 (p) 2685-4880 (e)

Volume 3, Issue 1, 2021
A. Ariyatun

Ethno-STEM can improve students' achieved by students during STEM-PjBL

critical and creative thinking skills. This learning is higher than non-STEM
situation is in line with Sumarni et al., learning. Meanwhile, Arfianawati,
(2020) research that says that STEM-PjBL Sudarmin & Sumarni (2016) also
learning integrated with local wisdom is conclude that the ethnoscience approach
very effective in improving students' in classroom learning can improve
critical and creative thinking skills. Based students' critical thinking skills. This
on the descriptive analysis of the achievement proves that the
obtained critical thinking ability data, the implementation of Ethno-STEM in PjBL
results show that the students' abilities can guide students in connecting the
are high and medium categories. Han et knowledge learned with concepts and
al. (2016) also conclude in their research technologies in daily life.
that the score of critical thinking skills

Table 3
Learning Syntax of PjBL Learning Integrated with Ethno-STEM
Learning Syntax Description
Phase 1) The teacher divided into groups (e.g., five groups).
Engage 2) The teacher played a related video: Covid-19.
3) The teacher asked rhetorical questions such as: "What do you observe from
the video related to Covid-19, why it is spreading, what should be done to
prevent it."
4) Finding the benefits of learning the importance of soap or concepts related
to organic chemical reactions [saponification]
5) "What should we do to avoid Covid-19?"
Example: Prevention of Covid-19 – YouTube:
Explanation 1) Students presented and explained the results of group discussions regarding
phase the experimental design/project for making soap and why the herbal soap
was made.
2) The teacher provided input from the design, both in terms of the best
concepts, procedures, and soap-making techniques.

Exploratory 1) Students collected information from various sources regarding the

Phase manufacture of herbal soaps.
2) The teacher distributed worksheets to each group to discuss the tools and
materials for making herbal soap.
3) Students handed in worksheets that have been discussed
4) Each group presented the results of the discussion regarding the plan to
make herbal soap.
In this activity, creative and critical thinking, collaboration, and communication
skills were developed
Elaboration 1) The teacher invited to make herbal soap according to the group
Phase 2) The teacher provided peer assessment to see student activity and provide
3) Students packed herbal soap products and labeled them
4) Students tested herbal soaps for hand washing, soap odor, softness, etc.
Evaluation 1) The teacher allowed students to present the experiment/project results of
Phase making herbal soap.
2) Students presented the results of the project and answered questions from
teachers/other students.
3) The teacher evaluated learning activities and soap products. 4C skills were
developed, especially communication.

(Source: adopted from Sudarmin et al., 2019))


Copyright © 2021 JEC | ISSN 2715-3029 (p) 2685-4880 (e)

Volume 3, Issue 1, 2021
Analysis of Project …

Figure 1
Percentage of Students' Critical and Creative Thinking Skills

Figure 2
Average Achievement of Critical Thinking Skills

Figure 3
Average Achievement of Creative Thinking Skills

Aspects of critical thinking skills simple explanations, building basic skills,

studied on this occasion including giving and concluding. Meanwhile, aspects of

Copyright © 2021 JEC | ISSN 2715-3029 (p) 2685-4880 (e)

Volume 3, Issue 1, 2021
A. Ariyatun

creative thinking skills included: flexibility, those related to their local culture. In Ethno-
fluency, originality, elaboration, and STEM PjBL, students actively get involved
evaluation. Figure 1 shows that the with problem-solving through designing and
achievement of critical thinking skills as building their knowledge. They are directly
many as 52% of students are good category in contact with the context to positively
and 24% a very good category. While the impact a more comprehensive
achievement of creative thinking, 62% of understanding of knowledge. This result is
students are good category, and 16% are supported by Johnson (2014). He states that
very good category. These data show that the someone will show high critical thinking if
implementation of PjBL integrated with they can express opinions confidently and
Ethno-STEM can improve students' critical generate ideas based on logical reasons.
and creative thinking skills. This situation is While figure 3 shows that the highest
in line with Sumarni & Kadarwati (2020) average of creative thinking skills is in the
research that says that STEM-PjBL learning aspect of flexibility, which is 80.04. The
integrated with local wisdom is very indicators in this aspect are to provide
effective in improving students' critical and various interpretations of an image, story, or
creative thinking skills. Based on the problem and consider situations that are
descriptive analysis of the obtained critical different from those offered by others. This
thinking ability data, the results show that high achievement is because students are
the students' abilities are high and medium used to making questions and making
categories. Han et al. (2016) also conclude in conclusions or summaries at the end of
their research that the score of critical learning or experiments during the Ethno-
thinking skills achieved by students during STEM PjBL teaching and learning process.
STEM-PjBL learning is higher than non- Students are also guided in analyzing and
STEM learning. Meanwhile, Arfianawati, interpreting solutions based on calculation
Sudarmin & Sumarni (2016) also conclude (mathematical) data in this learning process.
that the ethnoscience approach in classroom It makes students able to answer questions
learning can improve students' critical coherently and systematically. Han et al.
thinking skills. This achievement proves that (2014) also concluded in their research that
the implementation of Ethno-STEM in PjBL PjBL-STEM is an appropriate learning
can guide students in connecting the approach in improving students'
knowledge learned with concepts and mathematical calculations. Then, the lowest
technologies in daily life. percentage is in the originality aspect, with
The data in figure 2 show that the an average of 62.65. It is probably because
critical thinking skills of students who get students still find it difficult to answer the
the highest average are providing simple original required questions or their thoughts
explanations of 78.87, followed by aspects of and knowledge in problem-solving. It is also
building basic skills of 73.46. It is possible possible because of their habit of
because the implementation of PjBL memorizing concepts so that their level of
integrated with Ethno-STEM can guide innovation and imagination in creating new
students in linking the concepts learned with ideas is still relatively low. The concepts that
technology that exists in daily life. This students learn are not only requirements to
linkage refers to concepts related to answer questions, but students must be able
traditional technology and technology that to interpret, analyze, evaluate, conclude and
are developed well enough so that field explain in answering problems (Hughes &
activities and the existing context provide Lavery, 2015). Students must connect
the main reasons for processing good science, technology, and mathematics in
knowledge for students. Learning through STEM-based learning (Ariyatun &
Ethno-STEM PjBL reflects the process used Octavianelis, 2020). Complex thinking skills
by scientists to solve real-world problems by also require students to be able to see and
actively building new knowledge and interpret specific problems
developing problem-solving skills, especially comprehensively. It may be the cause of the

Copyright © 2021 JEC | ISSN 2715-3029 (p) 2685-4880 (e)

Volume 3, Issue 1, 2021
Analysis of Project …

low average aspect of originality of creative chemistry and science teachers. Some
thinking skills in this study. preparation needed to make the learning
Ethno-STEM PjBL success improves process effective, basic competence analysis
learning innovations in training critical and with STEM aspects and time management.
creative thinking skills. However, further
research must consider further work about
students whose critical and creative thinking
skills are still relatively low. Even though Afriana, J., Permanasari, A., & Fitriani, A.
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Volume 3, Issue 1, 2021
A. Ariyatun

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Copyright © 2021 JEC | ISSN 2715-3029 (p) 2685-4880 (e)

Volume 3, Issue 1, 2021
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Copyright © 2021 JEC | ISSN 2715-3029 (p) 2685-4880 (e)

Volume 3, Issue 1, 2021

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