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SOP for Procedure for Operation of Ultrasonic Bath

Purpose: This SOP outlines the procedure for the proper operation of the Ultrasonic Bath.

Scope: This procedure applies to all personnel responsible for operating the Ultrasonic Bath in the

Equipment and Materials:

Ultrasonic Bath

Sample containers

Cleaning solution

Safety goggles and gloves


Place the Ultrasonic Bath on a stable and level surface.

Fill the bath with an appropriate cleaning solution as per the experiment's requirements.

Ensure the samples to be cleaned are placed in suitable containers.

Immerse the containers in the Ultrasonic Bath.

Set the desired operating temperature and time on the control panel.

Turn on the Ultrasonic Bath and allow it to run for the specified duration.

After completion, carefully remove the containers and samples.

Safety Precautions:

Wear safety goggles and gloves when handling chemicals and hot samples.

Be cautious when handling the Ultrasonic Bath to avoid spills.

Maintenance: Clean the Ultrasonic Bath after each use and perform routine maintenance as per the
manufacturer's instructions.

Record Keeping: Maintain a log of the Ultrasonic Bath's usage and cleaning solutions used.

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