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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Lapu-Lapu City

English 2
Diagnostic Test
SY 2022 – 2023
Read the short story and answer the questions that follow. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

Sally saw a candy bar in a jar. She took one and put it in her pocket.
She fell asleep. When she woke up, she saw ants on her pants. She checked
her pocket. There was a candy bar in it.

Source: Teacher Fun Files

1. What is the setting of the short story?

The short story happens in the ____________.
A. backyard C. mall
B. house D. store

2. What could be the possible ending of the short story?

Sally will___________.
A. eat the candy bar C. pat the ants off her pants
B. go back to sleep D. put the candy bar back in the jar

3. What word would best describe the ants based on the short story?
The ants ________.
A. are Sally’s pets C. like to eat candy
B. hide inside the jar D. live inside Sally’s pocket

4. What could be the possible color of the ants on Sally’s pants?

The ants on Sally’s pants are _________.
A. blue C. pink
B. green D. red

5. What did Sally take from the jar?

Sally took __________ from the jar.
A. an ant C. a pant
B. a candy bar D. a pocket

6. If Sally will pat off the ants from her pants, what do you think will happen to her?
Sally will __________________.
A. be bitten by the ants C. eat the candy bar with the ants
B. be friends with the ants D. have holes in her pants

7. How does Sally feel when she saw the ants on her pants?
Sally will feel ______________.
A. angry C. surprised
B. happy D. upset

8. Which word completes the sentence? Choose the word with the strongest meaning.
There are ________ ants on Sally’s pants.
A. little C. tiny
B. small D. wee

9. What could be a possible solution of having ants on the pants?

A. Clean as you go. C. Don’t sleep while eating.
B. Everything in its right place. D. Water is life.

10. Which set of words is a sentence?

A. sleep on the bed
B. candy bar in the jar
C. Sally emptied her pockets.
D. ants in the pockets and on the pants

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