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Mail Merge

Mail merge is a word processing tool that is used to create a set of documents such as form letters
that are sent to many recipients. In addition to form letters, mail merge facilitates the creation of
labels, envelopes, directories, mass email and fax distributions. Each document has the same kind
of information, yet some of the content is unique. Documents may be personalised to address each
recipient by name

Performing a Mail Merge In Microsoft Word 2003

1. Go to: Tools > Letters and Mailings > Mail Merge

2. Select document type; What type of document are working on? > Letters > Next: Starting
3. Select starting document; How do you want to set up your letters? > Use the current
document > Next: Select recipients
4. Select recipients > Type a new list > Create. This will invoke the "New Address List"
dialog box. > Fill in the recipient information for the first entry > Click on "New Entry"
If a required field is not available from the default list, click the "Customize" > Add
This will invoke the "Add Field" mini dialog box. Enter the name of the field in the "Type a
name for you field" > OK. If any field needs to be repositioned, click on it to select then
click on either the "Move" Up or "Move Down" buttons

5. When the last entry has been filled in, click on the "Close" button. This will invoke the
"Save Address List" dialog box. Select a suitable location in the "Save in:" field > Enter a
suitable file name in the "File name:" Field. Make sure that the default "Microsoft Office
Address Lists (*.mdb)" is selected in the "Save as type" field.

6. When the "Save" button is clicked in the "Save in:" field, The "Mail Merge Recipients"
dialog box will be invoked. Make sure that there are check marks next to each recipient that
is to be included. Here you will be able to edit, clear, etc recipients. Click OK if everything
is fine.

7. Now click on "Next: Write your letter". The Mail Merge panel will change to the "Write
your letter" screen.
8. Type the contents of the letter and enclose the all fields to be merged in double arrows – e.g.
<<Title>> <<Firstname>> <<Lastname>>.

9. When the letter is typed, place the cursor in the location where the first merge field is to be
inserted (near the first field with the double arrows). Click on "More items". This will
invoke the "Insert Merge Field" dialog box. Ensure that the "Database Fields" radio button is
selected. Click on the first merge field from the list in the dialog box and select "Insert".
Then delete the merge field that you had typed when preparing the letter leaving on the one
generated by the computer. Repeat this process for the other fields. Note, if the fields are
entered in the wrong location, they can be cut and pasted in the correct position.

10. If the inserted field contain no spaces between them, enter spaces using the space bar.
11. Click on Preview your letters. This will present two "Recipient" directional arrow buttons.
Click either button to preview the letters.

12. If all is fine, click on "Complete the merge". This will invoke the "Complete the merge"
heading in the Mail Merge field. There the letters can be printed or the individual letters can
be edited.

If either the "Print ..." or the "Edit individual letters ..." option is clicked, a mini dialog box shall be
invoked which allow either "All", "Current" or a specified range of letters to be printed or viewed.

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