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Shao Kahn has pitted Outworld's peoples against one another for millennia. And for what?

The honor
of dying in his wars? We must fight for each other, Baraka. Not with each other. - Kitana

OPL: 10; SPL: 6; DPL: 10; FWPL: 7; HP: 1
Real Name: Kitana
Age: 10,000
Height: 5-9
Weight: 128
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Skin: Olive
Race: Edenian
Identity: Public
Alignment: Hero
Status: Active
Occupation: Princess; Adventurer
Base of Operations: Edenia
Team Affiliations: Earthrealm Warriors



SKILLS: Akrobatiks 6 (+13) [Agile Feint], Athletiks 5 (+7), Klose Kombat [Unarmed] 2 (+16), Deception
2 (+5), Expertise [Outworld] 8 (+10), Insight 7 (+10), Intimidation (+3), Perception 6 (+9), Persuasion
10 (+13), Ranged Kombat [War Fans] 9 (+13), Stealth 3 (+10)

ADVANTAGES: Agile Feint, Attraktive (1), Benefit (6) (Status. Wealth, Resources 6 – Khan of
Outworld), Defensive Attakk (2) (War Fan Strike, Unarmed), Defensive Roll (2), Fascinate (1)
(Persuasion), Grabbing Finesse, Improved Defense, Improved Initiative (1), Instant Up, Languages (1)
(English, 1 other, Base: Edenian), Leadership, Move-by Action, Power Attack (3) (Unarmed, War Fan
Strike, Whirlwind Fan Strike), Swift*, Takedown (1)

Edenian Physiology: Immunity 2 (Aging, Disease); 2 pts
Pixie Dust: Teleport 1 (60 ft); 2 pts
War Fans: 13 pts Traits, Easily Removable (-6 pts); 9 pts
War Fan Array: 10 pt Array; 13 pts
Fan Lift: Move Objekt 7 (Extra: Linked [Affliktion], Flaw: Inakkurate, Limited direction [up
approximately 10 ft off the ground], Diminished Range 2 [5/10/25]), Ranged Affliktion 7
(Resisted/Overkome by Fortitude; 1st: Dazed and Vulnerable, 2nd: Stunned and Prone, Extra: Extra
Kondition, Linked [Move Objekt], Flaw: Diminished Range 2 [5/10/25], Inakkurate, Instant Recovery
[Prone], Limited to two degrees); 10 pts
War Fan Strike: Slashing Strength-based Damage 3 (Extra: Koncealable, Dangerous, Defensive,
Disarming, Split); 1 pt
Whirlwind Fan Strike: Multiattack Slashing Strength-based Damage 3 (Extra: Dangerous, Flaw:
Distrakting); 1 pt
War Fan Throw: Ranged Slashing Strength-based Damage 3 (Extra: Dangerous, Split); 1 pt


Initiative +11
Klose Attakk +14 [War Fan Strike +5, Kritikal 19-20; Whirlwind War Fans +5, Kritikal 19-20,
Unarmed +16 [Unarmed +2]
Ranged Attack +4
War Fan Throw +13 [War Fans +5, Kritikal 19-20]
War Fan Lift +11 [Fan Lift Move Objekt/Affliktion +7]
Dodge +15 [DC24] Parry +15 [DC25]
Toughness +5 (+3 without Defensive Roll), Fortitude +6, Will +7

Enemy: Her "father" Shao Kahn and her "sister" Mileena.
Relationships: She is klose to her mother, Queen Sindel, Liu Kang and she has a komplicated
relationship with her former best friend Jade.
Responsibility: To protect Edenia and her people from the threats of Shao Kahn and the other forces
of evil in Outworld.

Abilities 76 + Skills 29 (58 ranks) + Advantages 24 + Powers 11 + Defenses 16 = 156 / 156

Build Comments: The queen of Fanservice herself (get it, FAN-service?!?!? HA! I kill me!), Kitana.
She’s another of the iconic members of the cast, being around since MKII and basically bigfooting
Sonya Blade out of being the main female character in the game. She become so popular that they
pallet swapped Mileena and Jade in short order.

She’s got some wicked capabilities with those fans and is fun to play with her quick hitting style.

Secret Origins: Kitana was introduced as Shao Kahn's daughter and personal assassin. Her true
feelings and alignment were a mystery, though they were revealed to the Earthrealm warriors during
the tournament. She was not really the daughter of Shao Kahn, but in fact his stepdaughter; she was
adopted by Kahn, as an infant, to strengthen his claims to the Edenian throne after he killed its king,
Jerrod, and married Jerrod's wife, Queen Sindel, who were Kitana's parents. Suspecting she would
someday learn the truth, however, Kahn instructed Shang Tsung to create a twin for Kitana; the
monstrous Mileena, who was actually a grotesque and evil clone of Kitana.

Kitana grew up dutifully loyal to Shao Kahn, whom she believed was her real father. She grew up to
be one of Shao Kahn's personal assassins, alongside her good friend Jade and her evil "sister"
Mileena. Upon learning the truth about her past, she continued to feign loyalty to Kahn whilst she
planned and waited for the right time to turn against him openly.

The Story so Far: Kitana's chance finally came during the second Mortal Kombat tournament, when
Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung lured Earth's heroes into Outworld. Kitana entered the tournament, but
secretly began to contact one of Earth's heroes, trying to help them defeat Kahn. However, Kitana's
efforts were discovered by her clone Mileena. Mileena attacked her traitorous "sister," forcing Kitana
to defend herself. She defeated and killed Mileena, and in so doing revealed that she was no longer
loyal to Shao Kahn.

The Earthrealm warriors escaped from Outworld, but Kitana was imprisoned and sentenced to death
for killing Mileena. However, after Sindel's resurrection and Shao Kahn's subsequent invasion of
Earthrealm, she managed to escape and rejoin her friends from Earth. Her only purpose was to save
the resurrected Sindel and remove the evil taint in her soul.

Kitana also had to contend with her friend Jade, who was sent by Kahn to capture her. Kitana
seemingly managed to convince her to turn against Kahn and join the forces of good. Jade then
helped the Princess defeat Reptile, another assassin sent by Kahn to capture Kitana. However, Jade
remained loyal to Kahn and the two battled, with Kitana eventually emergining victorious. Eventually,
Kitana reached through to her mother and freed her from Kahn's grasp. Shao Kahn's reign over
Earthrealm was short-lived, as he and his elite forces were ultimately defeated. In the wake of these
events, Kitana and Sindel freed Edenia as well. Before leaving Earthrealm, Kitana thanked Liu Kang for
all he had done.

Earthrealm had barely recovered from its violent merger with Outworld, however, as a new threat
presented itself in the form of Shinnok. He and his grand vizier Quan Chi invaded Edenia from the
forbidden Netherrealm and imprisoned its legitimate rulers.

No novice to escaping from prisons, Kitana broke loose once more, only to encounter a resurrected
Mileena now in the service of Shinnok. She defeated Mileena in battle before locking her in a jail cell
in the prisons of the Edenian Palace. The forces of darkness were soon defeated by Raiden and his
comrades, and Edenia was free once more. It is after these events that Kitana finally proposed to Liu
Kang and offered to rule Edenia together as King and Queen. Liu Kang reluctantly denied her offer,
saying his place was as Champion of Earth.

After Shinnok's defeat, Kitana learned that Shao Kahn had survived his defeat in Earthrealm and was
trying to regain his strength in Outworld. Realizing the vulnerable position of her realm, however,
Kitana hastily formed an alliance with the Shokan, a powerful and ancient race that had fallen in
disgrace with the weakened Emperor. After having mediated a peace accord between the two mortal
enemies of Shokan and Centaur after Shinnok's defeat, Kitana and her forces prepared for battle.

The combined armies, led by Prince Goro and Kitana herself, marched against Outworld's armies a
few years later, with much initial success. However, in the decisive moments, Goro was mortally
wounded by the mysterious Noob Saibot, ending the battle with a draw.

Shortly thereafter, Kitana learned that Shao Kahn had been slain by unknown assassins. Thinking her
fight was finally over, Kitana began to journey back to Edenia, hoping she could finally live in peace.
However, she then encountered her old ally Kung Lao and he told her of a new threat: the "Deadly
Alliance" of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung.

Characterization: Princess Kitana is 10,000 years old, but is considered young in her realm of Edenia
and only appears to be in her early twenties. Throughout the years, she rose to great importance;
first as the loyal stepdaughter of Shao Kahn, then as his enemy, tearing herself away from his grasp
and freeing her home realm of Edenia. She also led an army into Outworld to combat any chance of
Shao Kahn rising to power again.

Friends and Foes: Kitana is still close to her mother, Queen Sindel, and has had romantic feelings for
Liu Kang for some time. She and her former best friend Jade, have a complicated relationship, each
still trying to bring the other to their side of the battle for Outworld. She has a heated rivalry with her
clone “sister” Mileena and their “father” Shao Kahn.

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