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This is astounding! Am I a spider with the limitations of a pig?

Or a pig with the proportionate

strength and agility of a spider? I've become something greater than either spider or pig... I've
become a Spider-Ham! - Spider-Ham


OPL: 10; SPL: 7; DPL: 11; FWPL: 7; HP: 1
Real Name: Peter Porker
Age: 8
Height: 3-6
Weight: 85
Eyes: Black
Hair: Brown
Skin: Pink
Race: Pig Spider Mutate
Identity: Secret
Alignment: Hero
Status: Active
Occupation: Adventurer
Base of Operations: New Pork City, NP, USA
Team Affiliations: Web Warriors; Spider Army

SKILLS: Acrobatics 1 (+9/+11/+17), Athletics (+8/+12), Close Combat [Unarmed] 2 (+10/+12),

Deception 4 (+5/+13) [Taunt], Insight (+3), Intimidation (+1), Perception 3 (+6/+14), Persuasion (+1),
Ranged Combat [Web Shooters] 4 (+11), Stealth (+10)

ADVANTAGES: Accelerated Climb*],Agile Feint, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll (1), Equipment (1),
Evasion 2, Fighting Climb*, Improved Defense, Languages (1) (English, 1 other, Base; Pig Latin), Luck
(Improve Roll) (1), Move-by Action, Power Attack (1) (Unarmed), Ranged Attack (2), Redirect, Set-Up
(1), Takedown (1), Taunt, Teamwork, Uncanny Dodge

Pig Size: Shrinking 4 (-1 Str, +2 Dodge/Parry, +4 Stealth, -2 Intimidation, Speed -1 [1 mph/15 fpr], -1
Mass; Extra: Innate, Permanent); 9 pts
Pig Senses: Senses 2 (Low-light Vision, Scent [Acute]), Feature 1 (Iron Stomach); 3 pts
Quip Machine: Enhanced Skills 4 (Deception 8 ranks, Flaw: Limited to Deception checks to
feint/Taunt); 2 pts
Spider-Senses: Enhanced Advantages 13 (Agile Feint, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Defensive
Strike*, Evasion 2, Fighting Climb*, Improved Defense, Move-by Action, Ranged Attack 2, Redirect,
Uncanny Dodge), Enhanced Skills 4 (Acrobatics 6 ranks, Close Combat [Unarmed] 2 ranks), Enhanced
Skills 4 (Perception 8 ranks, Flaw: Limited to Danger Sense checks), Enhanced Agility 2, Enhanced
Dodge 2, Enhanced Parry 2, Senses 6 (Danger Sense [Mental, Ranged, Extra: Extended, Counters
Concealment]); 33 pts
Spider-Strength: Enhanced Skills 2 (Athletics 4 ranks); 2 pts
Does Whatever a Spider Can: Enhanced Advantages 1 (Accelerated Climb*, Leaping 2 (30 ft), Speed 1
(4 mph/60 fpr), Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2 [Normal speed]); 7 pts
Web Shooters: 37 pts Traits, Removable (-7 pts); 30 pts
Web Swinging: Flight 4 (32 mph/500 fpr; Flaw: Platform); 4 pts
Web Slinging Array: 30 pt Array; 33 pts
Web Slinging: Ranged Cumulative Affliction 10 (Resisted by Dodge, Overcome by Strength/Damage;
1st: Hindered and Vulnerable, 2nd: Defenseless and Immobilized; Extra: Extra Condition, Split, Flaw:
Diminished Range [10/25/50], Limited to two Degrees); 30 pts
Web Throwing: Move Object 10 (Extra: Split, Flaw: Diminished Range [10/25/50]); 1 pt
Web Nets: Ranged Shapeable Area Movement 1 (Safe Fall, Extra: Affects others, Shapeable Area [30
ft volume], Attack, Quirk: Requires anchor); 1 pt
Web Spinning: Create 10 (Extra: Stationary, Tether, Flaw: Flaw: Diminished Range [10/25/50],
Permanent, Quirk 3 [No complex objects, Stationary requires anchor, Web objects dissolve after 1
hour]); 1 pt

(5 pts)
Extra Web Fluid Canisters: Feature 1 (Can eliminate Web Fluid Power Loss Complication at GM
discretion); 1 pt

Initiative +10
Close Attack +8
Unarmed +12 [Unarmed +8]
Ranged Attack +7
Web Shooters +10 [Web Slinging Affliction +10; Web Spinning Create +10; Web Throwing Move
Object +10]

Dodge +13 (+15 with Spider Sense) [DC23/25] Parry +13 (+15 with Spider Sense) [DC23/25]
Toughness +6 (+5 without Defensive Roll), Fortitude +8, Will +6

Enemy: Ducktor Doom, Bullfrog, the Buzzard, Hog-zilla, the Kingpig, and Raven the Hunter among
Power Loss: Those web shooters seem to run out of fluid at the most inopportune times.
Power Loss: Web Swinging (Flight) can only be used if there are tall, sturdy structures available to
anchor web lines to, like multiple story buildings or thick trees.
Relationships: His aunt, May Porker. He has also become close to his allies in the Spider Army,
particularly the Web Warriors.
Responsibility: With great power comes great…
Secret Identity: Peter Porker.

Abilities 82 + Skills 6 (12 ranks) + Advantages 12 + Powers 87 + Defenses 12 = 199 / 199

Build Comments: I do so love it when the comic companies embrace their silly stuff along with their
more serious characters of recent times. Spider-Ham is a prime example. In the Spider-Verse
crossover, there are a few obligatory jokes about the Spider-Pig (cue the music) but for the most part,
he’s treated just like any of the other Spider folk and Slott actually made him a key part of the final
battle with Morlun’s family. He just seemed like one of the gang, along with Spider Monkey. It’s like
they all just accepted the craziness of the whole situation and with all the Spiders and just rolled with

And he rocked in the original Spider-Verse movie but didn't get anything other than a cameo in
Across the Spider-Verse. Probably because of his voice actor, John Mulaney, having a stint in rehab
during filming. Hopefully they both bounce back in the next movier

I almost made him like PL14 just for the heck of it, but he stays in line with most of the other Spiders
for now. The key phrase there is “for now”…

Secret Origins: Peter Porker was born a spider (simply named Peter) on Earth-1507. He resided in the
basement lab of May Porker, a slightly goofy animal scientist who had created "the world's first
atomic powered hairdryer", hoping that "the introduction of nuclear fusion into America's beauty
salons" would "revolutionize the hair care industry". After dousing her head with water and
activating the dryer, May Porker accidentally irradiated herself, and in a fit of delusion, bit Peter, who
then found himself transformed into an anthropomorphic swine much like May Porker herself.
Running from the Porker homestead disoriented, Peter soon came to realize that he still retained a
spider's abilities:

The Story so Far: After this startling series of events, Peter (who adopted the surname "Porker", that
of his benefactor May Porker, who after the accident mentally attuned to a state in which she
believed she was Peter's loving aunt) dedicated himself and his new-found abilities to fighting
injustice. May Porker's scientific genius was transferred to Peter, giving him the know-how to devise
his webspinner gauntlets to replace his lost natural ability.

Porker, in his spider-themed alter-ego's first adventure teamed up with Captain Americat, as they
attempted to foil the nefarious plot of "The Marauder", in a series of events that led to the creation
of the Hulk-Bunny.

Several months later, Spider-Ham encountered his main nemesis and one of his only re-occurring
enemies in the form of Ducktor Doom. Spider-Ham would meet again with Doom when Porker would
foil the would-be world conqueror's plot to create an army of living super vegetables.

He also meets J. Jeremiah Jackal, Jr. (J. Jonah Jackal's nephew), Bunson Bunny and Upton Adam Stray
(a cat with shades), all junior trainees at the Daily Beagle. They acquire super-powers, encouraging
Spider-Ham in his already made decision to abandon his super-hero career. But they totally fumble
their first mission, forcing Peter Porker to resume his alterego as Spider-Ham.

Peter has also worked with and/or clashed with Deerdevil, Goose Rider, the Fantastic Fur, the Sub-
Merchandizer (a dog) and the Sub-Marsupial (possibly a wombat).

During the Spider-Verse storyline which featured Spider-Men from various alternate realities, Spider-
Ham became a member of the Spider-Army fighting against the Inheritors. He played a crucial role in
the final confrontation, leading to the Inheritors defeat.

Characterization: Peter Porker is one of the greatest heroes of his, or any world.

Friends and Foes: Peter is close to his “mother” May Porker and his allies Captain Americat and Iron
Mouse. He has formed friendships with my other the Spider people from across the Mutlitverse.

His greatest enemy is Ducktor Doom. Other notable menaces Porker has faced include the Bullfrog,
the Buzzard, Hog-zilla, the Kingpig, and Raven the Hunter.

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