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Miles Morales: “I love chai tea.

Spider-Man India: “What did you just say?! Chai tea?! Chai means ‘tea,’ bro! You are saying ‘tea tea!’
Would I ask you for a ‘coffee coffee’ with room for ‘cream cream’?”


OPL: 10; SPL: 8; DPL: 10; FWPL: 7; HP: 1
Real Name: Pavitr Prabhakar
Age: 23
Height: 5-5
Weight: 105
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Skin: Brown
Race: Human Mutate
Identity: Secret
Alignment: Hero
Status: Active
Occupation: Adventurer
Base of Operations: Mumbai, India
Team Affiliations: Web Warriors; Spider Army



SKILLS: Acrobatics 2 (+10/+12/+18), Athletics (+8/+12), Close Combat [Unarmed] 2 (+10/+12),

Deception 5 (+6), Expertise [Science] 9 (+15), Insight 1 (+5), Intimidation (+1), Perception 2 (+6/+14),
Persuasion 5 (+6), Ranged Combat [Web Shooters] 3 (+10), Stealth (+10), Technology 9 (+15)

ADVANTAGES: Accelerated Climb*, Agile Feint, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Defensive Strike*,
Defensive Roll (1), Equipment (1), Evasion (2), Fighting Climb*, Improved Defense, Inventor,
Languages (1) (English, 1 other, Base: Hindi), Move-by Action, Power Attack (1) (Unarmed), Ranged
Attack (2), Redirect, Teamwork, Uncanny Dodge]

Spider-Senses: Enhanced Advantages 13 (Agile Feint, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Defensive
Strike*, Evasion 2, Fighting Climb*, Improved Defense, Move-by Action, Ranged Attack 2, Redirect,
Uncanny Dodge), Enhanced Skills 4 (Acrobatics 6 ranks, Close Combat [Unarmed] 2 ranks), Enhanced
Skills 4 (Perception 8 ranks, Flaw: Limited to Danger Sense checks), Enhanced Agility 2, Enhanced
Dodge 2, Enhanced Parry 2, Senses 6 (Danger Sense [Mental, Ranged, Extra: Extended, Counters
Concealment]); 33 pts
Spider-Strength: Enhanced Skills 2 (Athletics 4 ranks); 2 pts
Does Whatever a Spider Can: Enhanced Advantages 1 (Accelerated Climb*, Leaping 2 (30 ft), Speed 1
(4 mph/60 fpr), Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2 [Normal speed]); 7 pts
Organic Web Shooters: 37 pts Traits
Web Swinging: Flight 4 (32 mph/500 fpr; Flaw: Platform); 4 pts
Web Slinging Array: 30 pt Array; 33 pts
Web Slinging: Ranged Cumulative Affliction 10 (Resisted by Dodge, Overcome by Strength/Damage;
1st: Hindered and Vulnerable, 2nd: Defenseless and Immobilized; Extra: Extra Condition, Split, Flaw:
Diminished Range [10/25/50], Limited to two Degrees); 30 pts
Web Throwing: Move Object 10 (Extra: Split, Flaw: Diminished Range [10/25/50]); 1 pt
Web Nets: Ranged Shapeable Area Movement 1 (Safe Fall, Extra: Affects others, Shapeable Area [30
ft volume], Attack, Quirk: Requires anchor); 1 pt
Web Spinning: Create 10 (Extra: Stationary, Tether, Flaw: Flaw: Diminished Range [10/25/50],
Permanent, Quirk 3 [No complex objects, Stationary requires anchor, Web objects dissolve after 1
hour]); 1 pt

(5 pts)
Extra Web Fluid Canisters: Feature 1 (Can eliminate Web Fluid Power Loss Complication at GM
discretion); 1 pt
Spider-Tracer: Feature 2 (Tracking, 5 Mile range; Linked to Spider-Sense); 2 pts

Initiative +10
Close Attack +8
Unarmed +12 [Unarmed +8]
Ranged Attack +7
Web Shooters +10 [Web Slinging Affliction +10; Web Spinning Create +10; Web Throwing Move
Object +10]

Dodge +12 (+14 with Spider Sense) [DC22/24] Parry +12 (+14 with Spider Sense) [DC22/24]
Toughness +6 (+5 without Defensive Roll), Fortitude +7, Will +7
Enemy: Doctor Octopus, Nalin Oberoi (The Green Demon), The Inheritors and more..
Inexperienced: Being a fairly new Spider-Man, Pavitr sometimes doubts his abilities and significance
now that he's aware of all the other Spiders across the Multiverse.
Power Loss: Sometimes the flu, a radiation drain or just his own mental state can cause him lose his
powers. If he does, his stats change to STR 1, STA 2, AGL 2, DEX 2, and FGT 3.
Power Loss: Those web shooters seem to run out of fluid at the most inopportune times.
Power Loss: Web Swinging (Flight) can only be used if there are tall, sturdy structures available to
anchor web lines to, like multiple story buildings or thick trees.
Relationships: He is close to his Aunt Maya and friend (maybe more), Meera Jain. He has also
become close to his Web Warrior allies.
Responsibility: With great power comes great…
Secret Identity: Pavitr Prabhakar college student.,

Abilities 90 + Skills 19 (38 ranks) + Advantages 5 + Powers 80 + Defenses 11 = 205 / 205

Build Comments: I really liked Spider Man: India in the comics Spider-Verse. And then I saw Across
the Spider-Verse and I became a full on fanboy.

I also liked in the comics how they copied Pete’s origin story point by point, but just shifted
everything to India and the fact that he noticed when he met the other Spiders, making him doubt
his importance to the group. He overcame it and became a great addition to the main team, which is
also a common trait among the Spiders.

Secret Origins: Pavitr Prabhakar of Earth-69, a poor Indian boy, lived in a village, but moves to
Mumbai with his aunt Maya and uncle Bhim to study after getting half a scholarship. His parents died
some years ago. Other boys at the school tease him and beat him. He knows his uncle Bhim is
struggling to support him and his aunt Maya, and pay the school. Only Meera Jain, a girl from school,
befriends him. Meanwhile, Nalin Oberoi, a local crimelord, uses an amulet to perform an ancient
ritual, where he gets possessed by a demon committed to opening the gate for other demons to get
back to Earth. While being chased by other kids, Pavitr encounters an ancient yogi who gives him the
power of a spider, to fight the evil that threatens the world. While discovering his powers, Pavitr
refuses to help a woman being attacked by several men. He leaves the place, but comes back when
he hears his uncle's cry, who was stabbed when he tried to help the woman. Thus Paviitr
understands that with great power comes great responsibility.

The Story so Far: Next, Nalin Oberoi becomes human again, transforms his doctor into Doctor
Octopus (without the usual mechanical arms, he has demon arms that look's similar to his
mechanical arms), and sends him to kill Spider-Man, as instructed by the demon voices. Doc Ock
fails, and Spider-Man makes it to the newspapers, where he is deemed a threat.

Oberoi kidnaps Pavitr's aunt, taking her to a refinery outside Mumbai. There he betrays Doctor
Octopus, blasting him away with a ray. Spider-Man arrives and fights Oberoi, who has also kidnapped
Meera. He lets both aunt Maya and Meera fall. Spider-Man dives for his aunt, but then fails to rescue
Meera, who is saved by Doctor Octopus, that is just coming back to exact revenge on Oberoi. Pavitr
reveals his identity to Meera and asks her to take his aunt away.

Oberoi gets rid of Doctor Octopus for good, and touches Spider-Man with the amulet. A Venom-like
creature tries to take Spider-Man to the dark side, but he remembers his uncle and rejects the evil.
By doing so, the link between the demons and Oberoi is shattered, and he becomes human again.

Everything goes back to normal, Spider-Man gets the girl, and celebrates the Diwali, the Hindu
festival of lights, with his aunt.

Sometime later, Spider-Man is encountered by Superior Spider-Man (Otto Octavius), who saves him
from certain death by Karn. He joins the team of Spider-Men from many dimensions to battle the
Inheritors. When they met up with the other Spiders and meeting Spider-Man Ben Parker, Pavitr
suffered an existential crisis regarding to the overwhelming number of similarities between himself
and the other Spider-Totems, especially the Peter Parker of Earth-T1, in which Pavitr felt like he and
the others are echoes or distorted reflections of the Earth-T1 Peter, and therefore expendable in the
coming battle against the Inheritors. However, his worries were refuted by Spider-UK, who stated
that each Spider-Man is unique and special in their own way.

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