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Isn't this the part where you put on your ring, strike a hero pose, and fly off

to kick ass? - Soranik



OPL: 12; SPL: 2; DPL: 12; FWPL: 11; HP: 1
Real Name: Soranik Natu
Age: 28
Height: 5-9
Weight: 145
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Skin: Magenta
Race: Korugarian
Identity: Public
Alignment: Neutral
Status: Active
Occupation: Sinestro Corps; Doctor; Adventurer
Base of Operations: New Korugar
Team Affiliations: The Sinestro Corps



SKILLS: Athletics 3 (+4), Deception (+2), Expertise [Green Lantern Lore] 4 (+5), Expertise [Surgeon] 9
(+12), Insight 4 (+7), Intimidation (+2), Investigation 2 (+5), Perception 4 (+7), Persuasion (+2), Ranged
Combat [Power Ring] 7 (+10), Stealth (+3), Technology 2 (+5), Treatment 9 (+12) [Skill Mastery]

ADVANTAGES: Defensive Roll (2), Lionheart*, Skill Mastery (1) (Treatment), Teamwork

Great Will: Enhanced Will 6 (Flaw: Limited to Power Ring effects); 3 pts
Qwardian Power Ring: 132 pts Traits, Removable (-26 pts); 106 pts
Attention Sinestro Corpsman...: Features 2 (A.I. and Sinestro Corps Database); 2 pts
Communication: Senses 1 (Communication Link to Central Power Battery); 1 pt
Quick Change: Features 1 (Quick Change); 1 pt
Universal Translator: Comprehend 4 (Speak, Read, Understand, Understood in All Languages); 8 pts
Scanning Beam: Variable 1 (5 pts traits, Extra: Action [Move], Flaw: Limited to Senses); 7 pts
Sinestro's Light: Environment 2 (60 ft radius; Light [reduce partial concealment to none, total
concealment to partial]); 2 pts
Show Me Your Fear: Senses 3 (Detect Emotions [Mental; Acute, Ranged], Flaw: Limited to Fear); 2 pts
Ring Flight: Flight 14 (32,000 mph/60 mpr), Movement 4 (Environment Adaptation [Zero G], Space
Travel 3 [Any star system]), Feature 1 (Use Intimidate [DC20] to increase Flight speed instead of
Athletics); 37 pts
Force Field: Protection 10 (Flaw: Sustained), Impervious Toughness 11 (Flaw: Sustained), Immunity 10
(Life Support); 31 pts
Force Manipulation: 29 pt Dynamic Array; 41 pts
Force Blast: Ranged Force Energy Damage 14 (Extra: Dynamic); 29 pts
Force Constructs: Create 14 (Hard Light Constructs; Extra: Dynamic); 2 pts
Movable Constructs: Create 9 (Hard Light Constructs; Extra: Dynamic, Movable); 2 pts
Force Lifting: Move Object 14 (Extra: Dynamic); 2 pts
Force Bubble: Ranged Burst Area Immunity 8 (All Environmental Conditions, Suffocation, Airborne
Toxins, Extra: Dynamic, Burst Area [30 ft radius], Flaw: Affects others only); 2 pts
Mass Communication: Communication 5 (Subspace audiovisual projection, Any Distance, Extra:
Dynamic, Selective); 2 pts
Force Minions: Summon 4 (60 pt minions; Extra: Dynamic, Multiple Minions 2 [4 minions], Variable
Type 2 [Broad, Hard Light Constructs]); 2 pts


Initiative +3
Close Attack +8 [Unarmed +1]
Ranged Attack +3
Power Ring +10 [Force Blast +14; Force Constructs +14; Movable Force Constructs +8; Force Lifting
Move Objects +14]

Dodge +11 [DC21] Parry +9 [DC19]
Toughness +4 (+2 without Defensive Roll, +13 with Force Field, +6 Impervious with Force Field),
Fortitude +6, Will +8 (+14 for Power Ring Effects, +10 against Fear Effects)

Daddy Issues: Her biological father is Sinestro. While she despises what he has become, she is torn
by the fact that part of her still cares for her father.
Honor: She honors her Koragarian version of the Hypocratic Oath to treat all who need it.
Power Loss: The power ring needs periodic recharging and issues a warning as its power runs low.
Relationships: She is close to Princess Iolande amd Katma Tui, her former partners in the Green
Lantern Corps.
Responsibility: To protect her space sector as the Sinestro Corpsperson of Sector 1416.
Weakness: The Yellow Power Ring are fueled by the user's abilities spread fear. Loss of that ability or
their loss of belief in the power of fear can cause the ring to fail..

Abilities 50 + Skills 21 (42 ranks) + Advantages 5 + Powers 109 + Defenses 18 = 203 / 203

Build Comments: So things change quickly in the comic world, but the last time I looked, Soranik
Natu had joined the Sinestro Corps while the GL Corps was “gone”. She may be back in the GL Corps
now for all I know, but for this take, I’m having her embrace the destiny of her father and be a
member of the Sinestro Corps.

Secret Origins: Soranik's background is more convoluted than is readily apparent from her early
appearances. She is initially portrayed as a gifted surgeon and bearer of the horrible legacy of Green
Lantern ring bearer for the planet of Korugar, a curse for a people who still resent the actions of a
former ringbearer, Sinestro. Although she was raised by the Natus, her father is actually Sinestro and
her mother is Arin Sur, sister of legendary Green Lantern Abin Sur. She was hidden from Sinestro
since a young age to protect her. During her upbringing she excelled in the sciences and eventually
became a skilled surgeon. Due to the disdain which the denizens of her planet have for the Green
Lantern Corps, she rejected the ring numerous times before finally only accepting so that she could
perform a difficult surgery. She begrudgingly reported for service to the Corps afterwards.

The Story so Far: She started out similarly to many of her fellow Korugarians, somewhat distrustful of
the Green Power Ring, even believing at one point that it is cursed and that she is not worthy of
wearing it or of controlling its power. With the tutelage of others like Kilowog and Guy Gardner, she
learns that she has great potential as a ring bearer and that it is her responsibility to be an active
member of the Corps.

She has been a major player in a number of significant major events involving the Corps - Sinestro
Corps War, Ring Quest, and Blackest Night among others. All the while that she has been a member
of the Corps she tries to balance that with her role as a Korugarian. She was initially shunned, finally
accepted and eventually revered. A defining aspect of her personality becomes her romantic
relationship with Kyle Rayner. Another defining relationship is that with her partner, Princess Iolande.
She is initially unreceptive to her, for reasons that speak more to Soranik than to Iolande, but the two
eventually form a strong bond, becoming close allies and friends. This could be seen during the
events of Blackest Night when the two of them were instrumental in evacuating injured Green
Lantern Corps members to Mogo.

When Nekron was defeated, the Entity of Life resurrected fifty-two beings, and among them was
Kyle's former lover, Jade, as well as deceased Green Lanterns Abin Sur and Katma Tui. This caused
some tension between the three, but Kyle ultimately elected to remain with Natu. It also caused the
Guardians to reassign Tui as Natu’s partner with Iolande relinquishing her ring (temporarily). It also
gave Soranik the chance to forge a relationship with Abin Sur, who is her maternal uncle.

Natu was later abducted by the Weaponer, the Qwardian who created her father's original yellow
ring. The Weaponer sought to use her to take vengeance on Sinestro for all the suffering his decision
to make Sinestro that ring had caused for his people. During her captivity, Natu came to see signs of
nobility in the Weaponer, but her elevated opinion of him was soon crushed when the Weaponer
chose to join the Sinestro Corps when defeated and offered the opportunity. After her release she
was corrupted by her green power ring in the events leading up to the War of the Green Lanterns.
After the Earth based Green Lanterns stopped the threat she and Kyle broke off their relationship
due to the strain of recent events.

After several more adventures, during the period where it appeared the Green Lantern Corps was
lost, she accepted a role in the Sinestro Corps.

Characterization: Soranik is a gifted surgeon whose skills have saved the lives of many Green
Lanterns during her tenure. She is confident and headstrong, traits that also define her father.

Friends and Foes: Soranik is close to her former sector partner Princess Iolande and had begun to
form a good working relationship with her most recent partner, Katma Tui. She and Kyle Rayner
weregetting closer to being on good terms after their break up before she joined the Sinestro Corps.

Her relationship with her father Sinestro is complicated to say the least but she is becoming tighter
with her uncle, Abin Sur.

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