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Enemies of Darkseid? They look more to me like victims of Mantis!

- Mantis

OPL: 13; SPL: 5; DPL: 14; FWPL: 12; HP: 1
Real Name: Mantis
Age: Unknown
Height: 6-4
Weight: 225
Eyes: Orange
Hair: None
Skin: Olive
Race: New God
Identity: Public
Alignment: Villain
Status: Active
Occupation: Ruler of Insect People
Base of Operations: Apokolips
Team Affiliations: Darkseid's Elite



SKILLS: Acrobatics 1 (+7), Athletics (+15), Deception 4 (+7), Insight (+4), Intimidation 7
(+10), Perception 3 (+7), Persuasion 4 (+7), Ranged Combat [Blast] 4 (+10), Stealth 1 (+7),
Technology 8 (+10)

ADVANTAGES: Benefit (5) (Status, Resources 5 – Darkseid’s Elite, Leader of Bug People
of New Genesis), Close Attack (1), Fearless, Power Attack (3) (Energy Blast, Energy Strike,

New God Physiology: Protection 4, Impervious Toughness 9, Regeneration 2 (1/every 5
rounds); 15 pts
Immortal: Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support); 11 pts
Energy Detection:Senses 7 (Detect Energy [Analytical, Extended 2, Radius], Infravision,
Ultravision); 7 pts
Flight: Flight 8 (500 mph/1 mpr); 16 pts
Energy Control: 36 pt Array; 39 pts
Anti-Matter Burst: Burst Area Anti-Matter Energy Damage 12 (Extra: Burst Area [30 ft
radius], Penetrating 12); 36 pts
Energy Blast: Ranged Energy Damage 14 (Extra: Penetrating 8, Variable Descriptor 2
[Heat, Cold, Anti-Matter or Energy Absorbed]); 1 pt
Energy Strike: Strength-based Energy Damage 0 (Extra: Penetrating 10); 1 pt
Boom Tubes: Movement 3 (Space Travel 3 [Any star system], Extra: Portal); 1 pt
Energy Vampire: Protection 2 (Flaw: Limited to energy effects), Impervious Toughness 4
(Flaw: Limited to energy effects), Immunity 40 (Energy Damage, Flaw: Limited to half
effect), Enhanced Enhanced Fortitude 4 (Flaw: Limited to Energy Effects). Energy Blast 2
(Flaw: Fades), Healing 5 (Flaw: Fades); 34 pts


Initiative +6
Close Attack +11 [Unarmed +15; Energy Strike +15]
Ranged Attack +6
Blast +10 [Energy Blast +14; Absorbed Energy Blast +16]
Special Attack [Anti-Matter Burst +12, [Burst Area]

Dodge +10 [DC20] Parry +10 [DC20]
Toughness +16 (+5 Impervious, +18 against energy effects, +9 Impervious against energy
effects), Fortitude +12 (+16 against energy effects), Will +8
Power Loss: If denied of, or if he expends too much energy, he has to return to his power
pod to recharge.
Responsibility: To Darkseid.
Rivalry: Sometimes with Darkseid as he sometimes tries to rebel against him.
Vulnerable: All New Gods are vulnerable to Radion.

Abilities 116 + Skills 16 (32 ranks) + Advantages 10 + Powers 120 + Defenses 8 = 270 /

Build Comments: The first time I really saw Mantis was when he took on Superman and
Captain Atom in JLU. I haven’t seen all of the Superman TAS where Superman was
originally dealing with Darkseid, actually. Anyway, he had a good showing and I didn’t
realize how tough he really was until I read up on him. He’s a good one-on-one for Clark and
definitely a battle for a PL10 team.

Secret Origins: Mantis is one of the "bug" people of New Genesis and has been given some
of his superhuman powers by Darkseid.

The Story so Far/Characterization/Friends and Foes: Mantis left New Genesis first for
Apokolips and then for Earth, where he planned to conquer as much of the planet as he
possible could. He did this with the blessing of Darkseid, who hoped that the chaos Mantis
created woukd help him in locating the human mind holding the all powerful Anti-life

The bug has been referred to as the Energy Vampire, due to his ability to drain energy from
his enemies. To regain his strength after a loosing battle, Mantis sometimes rests in a tomb-
like cacoon.

The Forever People summoned the Infinity Man who defeated Mantis and ended his first
assault on Earth. Mantis then organised the inhabitants of the "bug" colonies of New Genesis
into an army that invaded Earth. Lightray, Orion and Forager battled Mantis and his army and
forced them to retreat. Mantis went on to aid Darkseid in his continual attempts to conquer
the Earth.

During Orion's reign on Apokolips, Mantis retreated to New Genesis in order to "plant"
firepits on the beautiful planet. He was quickly stopped by Mark Moonrider and Big Bear of
the Forever People.

Like most of Darkseid's minions, there were occasions when Mantis has risen up against his
master, and was punished in the most severe way.

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