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I should do this now--don’t know when I’ll get this chance again.

I want to thank you, Mark

Grayson...Invincible. Really. From the bottom of my heart. It’s not often that I get to cut loose like
this. I mean really cut loose like I have here. Usually, there are so many mission parameters. "Don’t
destroy this." "Keep this person alive." But not here—not with this planet. For whatever reason, I
don’t really care why, to be honest, I was told--take control, no matter what it takes…take control of
the planet. So whatever you did to piss us off--thank you. This has been fun. - Conquest

OPL: 14; SPL: 7; DPL: 14; FWPL: 12; HP: 1
Real Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Height: 6-4
Weight: 300
Eyes: Orange
Hair: Grey
Skin: Fair
Race: Viltrumite
Identity: Secret
Alignment: Villain
Status: Active
Occupation: Criminal
Base of Operations: Mobile
Team Affiliations: The Viltrumite Empire


SKILLS: Athletics (+17), Close Combat [Unarmed] 1 (+11), Deception (+1), Expertise [Military] 6 (+7),
Expertise [Viltrumite Lore] 4 (+5), Insight 5 (+7) [Assessment], Intimidation 10 (+11) [Startle],
Perception 3 (+5), Persuasion (+1), Ranged Combat [Throwing] 4 (+6), Stealth (+2), Technology 3 (+4)

ADVANTAGES: All-Out Attack (1) (Unarmed), Assessment, Chokehold, Diehard, Improved Grab,
Lionheart*, Power Attack (1) (Unarmed), Startle, Takedown (1)

Viltrumite Physiology: Feature 1 (Longevity); 1 pt
Invulnerability: Immunity 10 (All Environmental Conditions, Poisons, Suffocation [Need to breathe,
Flaw: Limited to ability to hold breath], Starvation/Thirst [Flaw: Limited to approximately 2 weeks],
Disease [Flaw: Limited to terrestrial diseases]), Regeneration 2 (1/every 5 rounds, Extra: Persistent),
Protection 3, Impervious Toughness 15; 30 pts
Super Strength: Enhanced Strength 6 (200,000 Tons, Flaw: Limited to Lifting); 6 pts
Flight and Super Speed: 31 pt Dynamic Array; 35 pts
Flight: Flight 15 (64,000 mph/125 mpr; Extra: Dynamic); 31 pts
Space Travel: Movement 2 (Space Travel 2 [Other star systems]) (Extra: Dynamic) (Extra: Dynamic); 2
Super Speed: Speed 15 (64,000 mph/125 mpr), Quickness 8 (Extra: Dynamic); 2 pts
Bionic Arm: 12 pts Traits, Removable (-2 pts); 10 pts
Damage Enhancements: Enhanced Advantages 1 (Improved Grab), Adds Penetrating 10 and Reach 2
(10 ft) to Unarmed, Quirk: All Limited to Right Arm only; 12 pts


Initiative +2
Close Attack +10
Unarmed +11 [Unarmed +17]
Ranged Attack +2
Throwing +6

Dodge +9 [DC19] Parry +10 [DC20]
Toughness +18 (+18 without Defensive Roll, +8 Impervious), Fortitude +14, Will +8

Responsibility: To the Viltrumite empire.
Rivalry: He longs to defeat Nolan (Omni-Man) and Invincible in combat.
Temper: Viltrumites are known for their towering battle rages.
Vulnerable: When a Viltrumite's equilibrium in their ears is disturbed, mainly by a sonic effect, it can
cause extreme pain and may even possibly kill them.

Abilities 98 + Skills 18 (36 ranks) + Advantages 8 + Powers 82 + Defenses 13 = 219 / 219

Build Comments: I was trying to think of some good villains to test my Lantern-verse builds against
and it hit me that one of the villainous groups that would fit perfectly in the Cosmic Thorpacoverse
are the Viltrumites. They are Omni-Man’s race that is out for universal conquest and they would have
bumped heads against the Corps many times in a shared universe. One of the baddest of the bad
dudes in their group is Conquest, one of the oldest, strongest and most ruthless of their soldiers. He
and Mark’s first fight might be my all-time favorite superhero throwdown bar none. That fight was
when I knew real power creep had hit the Invincible-verse because Cecil Steadman went and got
EVERY superhero in the Image-verse and I mean all of them, including Spawn, Savage Dragon, the
Dynamo 5 amongst about 30+ others, to come to fight Conquest in case Mark fell.

In my setting Conquest survived and is still a high-ranking member of the Viltrumite Empire, and he is
eagerly awaiting another crack at Mark and to test himself against the true greatest hero of Earth,

Secret Origins: Conquest is one of the Viltrumite empires’ greatest warriors.

The Story so Far: Conquest first appeared in the aftermath of the Invincible War, a disastrous event
in which a supervillain named Angstrom Levy used his dimension spanning powers to summon an
army of evil, alternate universe counterparts of Invincible to the main Invincible's world. What
followed was a cataclysmic battle between the evil Invincibles and all of the world's superheroes. The
heroes won, but the battle had ravaged the face of the planet and left most of the heroes either
dead or severely injured, minus Invincible himself. When the evil Viltrumite Empire noticed this, they
decided that this would be the perfect time to conquer Earth, so they sent Conquest respectively to
accomplish the task. Conquest appeared before Invincible and gave him an ultimatum; either
Invincible would conquer Earth, or else Conquest would kill him and take over Earth himself. This
only fueled Invincible's already large amount of stress and anger, so he responded to Conquest's
threat by attacking him.

The ensuing battle between the two caused even more destruction to the already devastated world
with Conquest proving to be not just stronger than Invincible, but also very sadistic, explaining that
he wasn't trying to kill Invincible because he was ordered to, but because he wanted to. As Invincible
continued to get pummeled, his half-brother Oliver arrived to assist him. Oliver managed to land a
few hits on Conquest, but when the latter grabbed hold of the former and prepared to tear him in
half, Invincible rescued him and ordered him to stay away from the conflict while he fought
As their battle raged on, Invincible suffered serious injuries while Conquest only suffered minor ones.
During this time, Invincible's girlfriend Eve woke up from a coma in the hospital, and after she saw
Invincible battling Conquest on television, she flew to the battle to assist her boyfriend. When she
arrived, she tried to contain Conquest with her forcefields, but Conquest tore through them easily,
and then critically wounded Eve by punching a hole in her stomach. As Eve seemingly died in
Invincible's arms, Conquest confessed to him that he is glad that he angered the Viltrumites enough
to send himself to Earth, claiming that he hasn't had this much fun in ages. The broken Invincible
then vowed to destroy Conquest no matter what.

Conquest wasn't convinced that Invincible can stand a chance against him, but admitted that he is
impressed that Invincible can still threaten him after all he has done. When Invincible's only response
was a rage-filled glare, Conquest provoked him to attack again. Invincible then delivered a punch
powerful enough to destroy Conquest's robotic arm, but in the process broke his own arm, and then
tore off a chunk of Conquest's shoulder with his teeth. As the two reach the final moments of their
battle, Eve regenerates herself and used her powers to sear Conquest's skin off his body. Invincible
then apparently killed Conquest with several blows to his head.

It was recently revealed that Conquest waisn't dead, but imprisoned by Cecil for interrogation.
However, after healing from his severe injuries, Conquest escaped confinement and flew into space
to regroup with the remaining Viltrumites. He cames before Thragg, the Grand Regent of the
Viltrumites, and pleaded for mercy for failing to take over Earth. Thragg spared him, but only if he
doesn't fail him a second time, and then instructed him to intercept and kill Invincible before he
reached the Coalition of Planets. Conquest obeyed, and after receiving a new robotic arm took two
other Viltrumites with him to locate Mark's ship.

After locating Invincible's ship, Conquest destroyed the vessel and then prepared for his rematch
with the young Viltrumite. He found great joy in the chance of killing both Invincible and his father
Nolan. Oliver attacked Conquest first and is easily swatted away. Oliver, still inexperienced with being
in space, began to suffocate as he lost his breath. He headed towards a Planet with an atmosphere to
catch his breath. Conquest noticed that Oliver has broken away from the others and saw an
opportunity for an easy kill and followed him. As Invincible's allies take on the other two Viltrumites,
Invincible followed Conquest to help his brother. As Conquest enters the Planet’s atmosphere he
makes a crucial mistake and exhales, but before he can breathe in again Invincible starts to strangle
him. At one point in the fight, Conquest is actually worried that Invincible will kill him, so he punched
a hole in the young Viltrumite's stomach, mirroring what happened to Atom Eve, in hopes of ending
the fight quickly, but Invincible fought on until he manages to finally kill Conquest by strangling him
to death.

But again, Conquest was revived and lived in exile, plotting his revenge against Invincible and his

Characterization: Conquest is a brutal, sadistic warrior that only lives to destroy his foes.

Friends and Foes: He has a great rivalry with Invincible and also wants to defeat Omni-Man. He is
loyal to the Viltrumite empire.

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