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A Research Proposal Presented to

Senior High School Department
Ocampo National High School

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for Practical Research 2

Shane N. Awat
Cathlen A. Bataller
Rizal P. Borela
Franco R.Cuba
Katrice Mae D. Gojo
Liza A. Isaac
Abegail N. Jazarino
Aldrin H. Mirando
Client S. Prila
Neca F. Panganiban
Neil Anton Romero
Angelica R.Vera


A Research Proposal Presented to

Senior High School Department
Ocampo National High School

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for Practical Research 2

Shane N. Awat

Cathlen A. Bataller

Rizal P. Borela

Franco R.Cuba

Katrice Mae D. Gojo

Liza A. Isaac

Abegail N. Jazarino

Aldrin H. Mirando

Client S. Prila

Neca F. Panganiban

Neil Anton Romero

Angelica R.Vera

Submitted to MRS. Xenia Baesa- Alfelor , Ocampo National High School

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Practical Research 2.



Title Page
Table of Content
List of figures
Approval Sheet


I. The Problem
Statement of the problem
Significance of the study
Scope and delimitation
II. Review of Related Literature and Studies
Review of related literature
Review of related study
Theoretical framework
Conceptual framework
Definition of terms
III. Research Design and Methodology
Research Methodology
Data gathering procedure
Methods of data analysis

The student’s research attached here, entitled “STUDY HABIT AND


GENERAL ACADEMIC STRAND”, prepared and submitted by the student

researches in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Senior High School,

Practical Research 2, General Academic Strand (GAS) is hereby accepted.


SHS Research Teacher


Date Signed

Approval as partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Senior High School, General Academic Strand (GAS)

Justino B. Cabarles Jr.

ONHS Newest Secondary School Principal II


Date Signed

A research paper like this is never the effort of anyone alone. The contributions

of many different ways have made this possible. The researchers would like to

thank the following:

Mr. Justino B. Cabarles Jr., for approving the researchers to take on the


Mrs. Xenia Baesa- Alfelor , General Academic Strand (GAS) Subject teacher,

for giving them advice, support, recommendation, for her attentiveness and

bright ideas that were given for the study.

The Respondents (12-GAS Students of Ocampo National High School),

for contributing and sharing their thoughts, comments and views during survey.

To our Parents, for their never-ending support and giving all the researcher’s

needs during the entire duration of the research work.

To our Friends and Classmates, for supporting them in time of hardships, for

inspiring, motivating and helping them to their research.

Especially to our Almighty Father, for guiding and giving power to the

researchers during difficulties, without His assistance none of this would indeed

be possible.
-The Researchers

Acopio, D., et al., Ocampo National High School, July 2023. STUDY HABIT




The research study, Problems met by 12 Senior High School Students at Ocampo

National High School year 2022-2023, the objective of this research is to identify

the viewpoints Grade 12 Senior High School Students about their Problems met

in Ocampo National High School. This study was conducted to determine the

following: (1.) What are the individual study habit predictors among Grade 12

students under the General Academic Strand at Ocampo National High School? a.

Behaviors b. Skills (2.) What are the factors that significantly contribute to the

development of effective study habits and improvement of academic

achievement among Grade 12 students in the General Academic Strand at

Ocampo National High School? (3.) Is there a significant correlation between the

study habits and academic achievement of Grade 12 students under the General

Academic Strand in Ocampo National High School? (4). What interventions or

strategies can be implemented to improve study habits and enhance academic

achievement among Grade 12 students in the General Academic Strand?

This study was conducted at Ocampo Senior High School was a success over and

done with questionnaire prepared by the students-researchers to identify the

viewpoints of Senior High School students concerning their problems met at

Ocampo National High School. Through the study that was conducted, the main

problem met at Ocampo National High School was recognized. The researchers

gathered sufficient information that answers the three questions.



A Research Proposal Presented to

Senior High School Department
Ocampo National High School

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for Practical Research 1

Shane N. Awat
Cathlen A. Bataller
Rizal P. Borela
Franco R.Cuba
Katrice Mae D. Gojo
Liza A. Isaac
Abegail N. Jazarino
Aldrin H. Mirando
Client S. Prila
Neca F. Panganiban
Neil Anton Romero
Angelica R.Vera


Education is widely recognized as a critical factor in individual and

societal development. Academic achievement, which encompasses the

knowledge and skills acquired by students, serves as a significant indicator of

educational success. In today’s highly competitive academic environment, it is

essential to understand the numerous factors that influence student’s academic

performance. One such factor that has garnered considerable attention in

educational research is student’s study habits, as they directly impact the

effectiveness of learning and overall academic performance.

Extensive research consistently the critical role of study habits in shaping

student’s academic outcomes. Study habit encompass the behaviors and skills

adopted by students to facilitate learning and maximize their academic potential.

According to a study by Crede and Kuncel (2008), effective study habits, have

been positively correlated with academic achievement across various educational


Grade 12 marks a pivotal phase in a student’s academic journey as it

serves as a transition period from secondary to tertiary education. During this

stage, students face new challenges, including increased academic rigor,

complex subject matter, and greater self-directed learning. The general

Academic Strand (GAS) is specifically designed to provide Grade 12 Students

with a broad range of subjects that equip them with the necessary knowledge

and skills for various college courses.

Understanding the study habits of Grade 12 students under the

General Academic Strand is of utmost importance as it sheds light on their

approach to teach time management, organization, and strategies employed to

comprehend and retain information. Research conducted by Son and Senel

(2010) demonstrated that study habits significantly influence academic

performance by mediating the relationship study time and academic

achievement. Ocampo National High School serves as the ideal research setting

for this study due to its diverse student population and the prevalence of the

General Academic Strand. By focusing on this specific group of Grade 12

students, the findings of this research can provide valuable insights into the

study habits that contribute to academic success within the General Strand.

The primary objective of this study is to explore the correlation between

study habits and academic achievement among Grade 12 students under the

General Academic Strand in Ocampo National High School, by examining various

dimensions of study habits, such as study environment, study techniques, time

management, and self-discipline, this research aims to identify the factors that

significantly impact academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

This study focuses on the study Habits and Academic achievement among

Grade 12 students under General Academic Strand in Ocampo National High

School, Specifically, this research aims to address the following questions:

1. What are the prevailing study habits among Grade 12 students under

General Academic Strand in Ocampo National High School?

2. How do Grade 11 Students under the General Academic Strand in

Ocampo National High School perceive between their study habits and

academic achievement?

3. In what ways can Ocampo National Hugh School support Grade 11

students in developing effective study habits and improving their

academic achievement in the general Academic Strand?

Significance of the Study

The researcher believes that this study will be beneficial to the following groups:

Students. This study provides Grade 11 students under the General Academic

Strand with insights into effective study habits that can enhance their academic

performance. Understanding their own study habits and their correlation with

academic achievement can empower students to make informed choices and

improve their learning strategies.

Teachers and Educators. The research findings can assist teachers and

educators in Ocampo National High School in designing targeted interventions

and instructional approaches the promote effective study habits among Grade II

students. By recognizing the factors that influence study habits and academic

achievement, educators can provide appropriate support and guidance to

enhance student learning outcomes.

School Administrators. The study offers valuable insights to school

administrations in Ocampo National High School regarding the study habits and

academic performance of Grade 11 students under the General Academic Strand.

This information can inform policy-making, curriculum development, and

resource allocation to create an environment conductive to effective studying

and improved academic achievement.

Parents and Guardians. The research findings can help parents and guardians

understand the study habits of their Grade 11 children and their impact on

academic performance. This knowledge enables them to provide appropriate

guidance and support at home to foster effective study habits and facilitate their

child’s academic success.

Future Researchers. This study serves as a foundation for future research

educational psychology, providing opportunities to explore various factors and

context related to the study habits and academic success. The findings have

potential application in comparative studies across different educational settings

and student population. They can also inform the development of interventions

and programs targeting the improvement of study habits.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study mainly focuses on exploring correlation between study habits

and academic achievement within the Grade 11 students under the General Act

ademic Strand in Ocampo National High School.

The study is limited to Grade 11 students in General Academic Strand and

may not be applicable to students in other educational levels or strands. The

findings should be interpreted within the context of this specific group of


The research is conducted solely at Ocampo National High School and

may not be generalized to other schools or educational settings. The

characteristics, resources, and support systems unique to Ocampo National High

School may influence the study habits and academic performance of its students.

While the study aims to explore the relationship between study habits and

academic achievement, it may not account for all factors that could potentially

impact academic success. Variables such as socio-economic background,

individual learning abilities, and external influences are not specifically addressed

in this study.

This chapter presents different literatures and related studies in order to

provide significant information and a better knowledge of the problems

emphasized in this study.

Related Literature

Numerous studies have explored the relationship between study habits

and academic achievement, emphasizing the importance of effective study habits

in shaping students’ educational outcomes. Crede and Kuncel (2008) conducted

a comprehensive meta-analysis that demonstrated a positive correlation between

study habits and academic achievement across various educational settings.

Their findings indicated that students who exhibited effective study habits, such

as consistent study schedules, active learning strategies, and proper time

management, tended to achieve higher academic success.

Furthermore, Son and Senel (2010) conducted a study focusing on the

mediating role of study habits between study time and academic achievement.

This emphasizes the need to not only consider study time but also the quality of

study habits employed by student.

To understand the importance of study habits and their impact on

academic achievement among Grade 11 students in the General Academic

Strand (GAS) at Ocampo National High School, it is crucial to explore the existing
body of research in this area. Previous studies have consistently emphasized the

significant role of study habits in shaping student’s learning outcomes and overall

educational success. Study habits encompass a range of behaviors, strategies,

and techniques that students employ to enhance their learning experience and

optimize their academic potential.

The significance of study habits cannot be overstated, as they have

profound effects on student’s academic performance. Effective study habits

enable students to acquire, process, and retain information efficiently, leading to

improved comprehension, critical thinking skills, and overall academic

achievement. When students develop strong study habits, they become more

self- directed learners, capable of managing their time effectively, organizing

their study materials, and utilizing appropriate study techniques. By investing in

developing effectively study habits Grade 11 students under the General

Academic Strand can enhance their academic performance and increase their

chances of success in their chosen college courses.

Numerous studies have examined the relationship between study and

habits and academic achievement, providing valuable insights into the factors

that contribute to student’s success. Research by Crede and Kuncel (2008)

demonstrated a positive correlation between effective study habits and academic

achievement across diverse educational settings. Son and Senel (2010) found

that study habits mediate the relationship between study time and academic
achievement. These findings highlight the crucial role of study habits in shaping

students’ learning outcomes.

The significance of study habits in academic achievement is supported by

numerous researchers who had conducted a study and concluded that study

habits and academic performance move in the same direction. According to

(Robinson, 2001) as cited in the study entitled” influence of study habit on

students” (2013), the academic performances of the students is expressed in the

form of high scores in the result of their quizzes, seat works, activities and

assignments. The quizzes and seat work given by the teachers or professors are

used to determine whether the students excel in the subject or not. It will also

test if they are exercising good study habits. Furthermore, as stated by (Mayland

Community College, 2002, p. 2) when a student performs well in school it means

that they exercise good study habit on students” (2013), the academic

performance of the students is expressed in the form of high scores in the result

of their quizzes, seat works, activities and assignments. The quizzes and seat

work given by the teachers or professors are used to determine whether the

student excel in the subject or not. It will also test if they are exercising good

study habits. Furthermore, as stated by (Mayland community College, 2002, p. 2)

when a student performs well in school it means that they exercise good study

habits and it reflects their performance during examination and will result to a

superior degree level.

Recent studies have further confirmed the critical link between study

habits and academic achievement. A study conducted by Lee and Chen (2021)

found that students who consistently practiced effective study habits, such as

creating a conductive study environment and using active learning strategies,

achieved higher grades and demonstrated deeper conceptual understanding.

Another study by Williams et al. (2022) revealed that students who effectively

managed their study time and utilized self-regulatory strategies exhibited greater

academic success in their chosen subjects.

The research on study habits and academic achievement among Grade

11 students the General Academic Strand highlights the importance of

developing effective study habits. The findings consistently demonstrate that

study habits significantly impact students’ learning outcomes and overall

academic performance. By focusing on creating a conductive study environment,

utilizing appropriate study techniques, managing time effectively, and fostering

self-discipline, Grade 11 students can enhance their academic achievement and

better prepare themselves for future educational endeavors. It is essential for

educators, schools, and parents to recognize the significance of study habits and

provide the necessary support and resources to help students develop and

cultivate these essential skills for lifelong learning success.

Related Studies
While study habits have been consistently associated with the academic

achievement among Grade 11 students in the General Academic Strand, it is

important to acknowledge the diverse perspectives and criticisms surrounding

this relationship. Effective study habits, including consistent study schedules,

active strategies and time managements, have shown positive effects on

academic outcomes (Dela Cruz, 2016; Santos et al., 2019). Future research

should explore these factors in conjunction with study habits to provide a more

nuanced understanding of the dynamics between study habits and academic


Numerous studies conducted in the Philippine educational context have

emphasized the significant impact of study habits on students’ learning outcomes

and overall academic success. However, despite this recognition, these remains a

lack of research specifically exploring study habits among Grade 11 students in

the General Academic Strand (GAS) at Ocampo National High School,

highlighting the need for further investigation.

The consequences of poor study habits on academic achievement among

Filipino students are evident. Research conducted by the National Center for

Education Statistics (NCES) has consistently shown that students who report

engaging in detrimental study behaviors, such as procrastination, distractions,

and a lack of motivation, are more likely to experience lower grades in overall

academic performance (NCES, 2017; David et al., 2020).

Furthermore, the long-term effects of poor study habits are significant for

Filipino students. A study by the Department of education (DepEd, 2018). This

highlights the urgency of addressing study habits among Grade 11 students

under the General Academic Strand in Ocampo National High School to ensure

their continued educational journey and maximize their potential for future


While the research conducted by the NCES provides valuable insights into

the general relationship between study habits and academic achievement, it is

essential to contextualize these findings within the educational system. Filipino

students face unique challenges and cultural influences that may impact their

study habits and subsequent academic performance (Reyes, 2015; Santos et al.,


Critic argue that the focus on study habits should be complemented by a

broader consideration of students’ overall well-being and engagement in the

learning process. Conley (2015) suggests that a holistic approach that

incorporates students’ emotional well-being, motivation, and sense of belonging

may provide a more comprehensive understanding of academic achievement

beyond study habits alone. Moreover, the mediating role of study habits between

study time and academic achievement has been a subject of investigation.

However, critics such as Peng (2016) argue that study habits may not always act

as effective mediators and that other variables, such as students’ motivation and

self-regulation, should be taken into account to provide a more comprehensive

understanding of the relationship. Therefore, future research should strive to

explore these interrelated factors to gain a deeper understanding between study

habits and academic achievement among Grade 11 students under the General

Academic Strand (GAS) in Ocampo National High School.

Gap Bridge of The Study

The related literature in this study focuses on the importance of study

habits and their impact on academic achievement among Grade 11 students in

the General Academic Strand (GAS) at Ocampo National High School. It

highlights the significance of study habits in shaping students’ learning outcomes

and overall educational success. The literature emphasizes that effective study

habits enable students to acquire, process, and retain information efficiently,

leading to improved comprehension, critical thinking skills, and academic

performance, as demonstrated by previous research studies.

On the other hand, the related study complements the literature by

acknowledging the diverse perspectives and criticisms surrounding the

relationship between study habits and academic achievement. It recognizes that

while effective study habits have shown positive effects on academic outcomes,

such as strategies, and time management, there is a need for a more nuanced

understanding of the dynamics between the study habits and academic

achievement. The related study suggests exploring these factors in conjunction

with study habits to provide a deeper understanding of the relationship and its

implications for Grade 11 students in the General Academic Strand.

Theoretical Framework

In formulating the theoretical framework for determining the study habits

and academic achievement of Grade 11 students under the General Academic

Strand (GAS) at Ocampo National High School, the theories of Self-Regulatory,

Barry Zimmerman, and Dale Schunk were utilized and applied. These theories

provide a useful and meaningful prototype for the study.

The Self-Regulatory Theory provides a structure for focusing on self-

regulatory skills and processes that contribute to effective study habits. It offers

a framework for understanding how students can take control of their learning

process through goal setting, planning, monitoring, and self-reflection. It

provides strategies and structures for managing one's own studying, time, and

resources effectively.

According to the Self-Regulated Theory, students who possess self-

regulatory skills, including goal setting, planning, monitoring, and self-reflection,

are more likely to engage in effective study habits and achieve higher levels of

academic success. By emphasizing self-regulatory skills and promoting ownership

of learning, this theory highlights the importance of students' ability to regulate

their learning process and actively engage in their academic pursuits. It

integrates insights from related theories such as social cognitive theory

developed by Albert Bandura, which emphasizes the role of self-efficacy beliefs,

and Cognitive Load Theory developed by researchers such as John Sweller,

which focuses on managing cognitive resources during learning.

Additionally, the Self-Regulated Learning Theory aligns with Achievement

Goal Theory developed by numerous researchers, including Carol Dweck, Andrew

Elliot, and Judy Harackiewicz. This theory highlights the importance of students'

beliefs and motivation underlying their study habits, emphasizing the influence of

their perceived value of studying and expectancy of success.

Figure 1. Theoretical Paradigm

Conceptual framework

The conceptual framework for the study on determining the Study Habits

and Academic Achievement of Grade 11 Students under the General Academic

Strand at Ocampo National High School aims to provide a comprehensive

understanding of the factors influencing students' study habits and their

subsequent impact on academic achievement. This conceptual framework

incorporates the use of system analysis as a tool to examine the complex

interactions between study habits, study environment, support from the school,

and academic achievement.

Study habits, as an independent variable, encompass a range of

behaviours, techniques, and strategies employed by Grade 11 students in their

study routine. These habits may include effective time management, meticulous

note-taking, and the use of summarization techniques, active reading strategies,

and active engagement in class activities. It is important to consider that study

habits are influenced by various factors, including individual motivation, learning

styles, and prior academic experiences. Understanding and analysing these study

habits will provide insights into the students' approach to learning and their

academic performance.

The study environment, also an independent variable, plays a crucial role

in shaping students' study habits and subsequent academic achievement. This

variable encompasses the physical and social surroundings in which students

engage in their studies. It includes studying in a quiet and isolated setting,

participating in group study sessions with classmates, utilizing library or study

hall resources, or studying within the comforts of their home environment. The

study environment significantly impacts students' ability to concentrate, focus,

and effectively absorb information. Analysing the study environment will help

identify the settings that are most conducive to students' learning and

Furthermore, the support provided by Ocampo National High School, as

another independent variable, is essential in facilitating the development of

effective study habits and enhancing academic achievement among Grade 11

students. This support includes various resources, guidance, and assistance

offered by the school. Examples of such support may include organizing study

skills workshops or seminars, granting access to academic resources such as

books and online materials, providing guidance and counselling on study

techniques and time management, facilitating peer tutoring or study groups, and

creating a conducive study environment within the school premises. Examining

the level and effectiveness of support from the school will shed light on the

school's role in nurturing students' study habits and academic success.

Fig.2 Conceptual Framework of the Study

Definition of Terms
In order to achieve a thorough comprehension of the research, the
subsequent terminology employed is elucidated in a conceptual manner:

General Academic Strand (GAS). This is a strand in Senior High School that

provides a comprehensive curriculum that does not concentrate on a particular

profession, enabling students to delve into various academic domains.

Academic Achievement. This is a measure of the extent to which a student

has assimilated their educational goals and achieved academic success.

Education. This is the act of acquiring or imparting organized education,

particularly within the context of a school or university setting.

Study Habits. This is a collection of effective learning strategies, encompassing

elements such as time management, organization, concentration, active

engagement, and review. These techniques have the ability to pave the way for

academic achievements and triumphs.



This chapter presents the research method that the researcher used in the

conduct of this study. This also includes the sources of data, respondents of the

study, instrumentation, data gathering procedures, and statistical tools used in

interpreting the data.

Research Method

This study made use of the Qualitative methods of research to determine

the study habits and academic achievement of Grade 11 students under the

General Academic Strand (GAS) in Ocampo National High School through

conducting survey questionnaires and thereby asses prevailing study habits of

the Grade 11 students under the General Academic Strand, how they perceive

between their study habits and academic achievement, and the ways Ocampo

National High School can do to support them in developing effective study habits

and improving their academic achievement in the General Academic Strand


Sources of Data

The data for this study were gathered through a survey questionnaire

administered to Grade 11 students under the General Academic Strand (GAS) at

Ocampo National High School. The purpose of the questionnaire was to

determine the study habits and academic achievement of the participants. The
data collected from this survey were instrumental in emphasizing the importance

of study habits in influencing students' learning outcomes and overall educational

Respondents of the Study
In the research study conducted at Ocampo National High School, the

participants in the study examining the relationship between study and academic

achievement among Grade 11 students enrolled under the General Academic



In the research study conducted at Ocampo National High School, the

participants were selected from each Grade 11 class under the General Academic

Strand. The study aimed to examine the relationship between study habits and

academic achievement among Grade 11 students at Ocampo National High


A questionnaire was developed by the researcher to gather information on

study habits and academic achievement among Grade 11 students under the

General Academic Strand (GAS) at Ocampo National High School. The

questionnaire was divided into two parts:

1. To assess the prevailing study habits among Grade 11 students under

the General Academic Strand at Ocampo National High School.

2. To determine the habits and academic achievements of Grade 11

students under the General Academic Strand at Ocampo National High

Administration of the Study

The researcher sought approval from the Practical Research 1 adviser to

conduct the study with one hundred seventeen (117) General Academic Strand

(GAS) students. The researcher contacted the participants and requested their

participation in the research. The participants were randomly selected from the

Grade 11 classes, and the survey was conducted at Ocampo National High

School-Senior High School Department. The researchers distributed the

questionnaires to the participants, who were free to answer the questions based

on their knowledge and experiences. After completing the questionnaires, the

participants returned them to the researcher.

Follow-up Interviews

Unstructured interviews were conducted by the researcher to clarify any

unclear or unanswered questions. These interviews aimed to gather additional

data and improve the quality of the research findings.

Data Collection

The study involved the actual collection of data through the

questionnaires completed by the participants. This data collection process served

two main purposes: (1) to evaluate the appropriateness of the questionnaire and
the relevance of the questions to the study, and (2) to understand the meaning

behind the questions. The participants in this study comprised one hundred

seventeen (117) Grade 11 students under the General Academic Strand at

Ocampo National High School.

Data Gathering Procedure

The research process began with the researcher formally submitting a

research proposal to the school administration of Ocampo National High School.

The proposal outlined the purpose, objectives, and methodology of the study, as

well as the intended participants and data gathering procedures. Upon receiving

approval from the school head, the researcher obtained the necessary research

approvals and permissions, ensuring compliance with ethical guidelines and data

protection regulations.

For participant selection, the respondents consisted of one hundred

seventeen (117) Grade 11 students under the General Academic Strand (GAS) at

Ocampo National High School. Class sections were taken into consideration to

ensure a diverse and unbiased sample. The researcher obtained a list of eligible

students from the school records.

The questionnaire development process involved careful consideration of

the research questions and objectives. The researcher designed a structured

questionnaire consisting of multiple-choice questions, Likert-scale items, and

open-ended questions. The questions were developed to gather data on study

habits, academic achievement perceptions, and support needed from the school.

The questionnaire was reviewed by the research adviser and other experts in the

field to ensure its validity and reliability.

To test the clarity and effectiveness of the questionnaire, a pilot study was

conducted with a small group of Grade 11 students who were not part of the

final sample. The participants in the pilot study were given the questionnaire and

asked to provide feedback on its clarity, relevance, and comprehensibility. They

were encouraged to suggest any improvements or identify any issues with the

questionnaire. The researcher collected their feedback, analyzed it, and made

necessary revisions to enhance the questionnaire's quality.

Once the questionnaire was finalized, the researcher obtained permission

from the school administration to administer it to the Grade 11 GAS students.

The administration was informed about the purpose and scope of the study, and

arrangements were made to allocate sufficient time and suitable venues for data

collection. The researcher personally distributed the questionnaires to the

selected participants in their classrooms or designated research areas. Clear

instructions were provided on how to complete the questionnaire, and

participants were assured of the confidentiality and anonymity of their

After the data collection phase, the researcher carefully entered the

collected data into a secure database or statistical software to ensure accuracy

and integrity. Data verification measures, such as double-checking entries and

resolving any discrepancies, were implemented to minimize errors during the

data entry process.

The gathered data were then subjected to appropriate statistical analysis

techniques, such as descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and inferential

statistics. The researcher used statistical software to analyze the data and

interpret the results. The findings were summarized, organized, and presented in

a comprehensive research report, adhering to the appropriate structure and


In the research report, the researcher provided recommendations based

on the study's findings to Ocampo National High School. The recommendations

focused on supporting Grade 11 students in developing effective study habits

and improving academic achievement. The conclusions of the study summarized

the key findings and their implications, highlighting the significance of the

research and its potential contributions to the field of education.

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