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CYCLE TEST – I [2022-23]
DATE: 22.06.2022 CLASS : XII
MARKS : 30


1. Monochlorination of toluene in sunlight followed by hydrolysis with aq. NaOH
a) o – cresol b) m – cresol
c) 2, 4 – dihydroxytoluene d) benzylalcohol

2. Molecule whose mirror image is non-superimposable over them are known as chiral.
Which of the following molecules is chiral in nature?
a) 2 – Bromobutane b) 1 – Bromobutane
c) 2 – Bromopropane d) 2 - Bromo – Propan – 2 – ol

3. Ethylidene chloride is a
a) vic – dihalide b) gem – dihalide c) allylic halide d) vinylic halide

4. Picric acid is
a) trinitro toluene b) o – nitro phenol c) 2,4,6 – trinitro phenol d) phenol

5. The reaction of with forms the product.

6. The major product of dehydrohalogenation of 2 – Bromo pentane is
a) pent – 1 – ene b) pent – 2 – ene c) pent – 1 – ol d) pent – 2 – ol.

7. Arrange the following in increasing order of boiling point.

i) ii)


a) b) c) d)

Assertion – Reason Questions (3)

a) (A) & (R) are both correct statements and (R) is the correct explanation for (A).
b) (A) & (R) are both correct statements but (R) is not the correct explanation for (A).
c) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong.
d) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct.

8. (A) : Williamson’s synthesis method cannot be used for preparing diphenyl ether.
(R) : Aryl halides do not undergo nucleophilic substitution easily.

9. (A) : Bond angle in ethers is slightly less than the tetrahedral angle.
(R) : There is a repulsion between the two bulky (-R) groups.

10. (A) : KCN reacts with methyl chloride to give methyl isocyanide.
(R): CN─ is an ambident nucleophile.

Case Study:- Read the passage given below and answer the following questions. (5)

Alcohols are versatile compounds. They act as both nucleophiles and electrophiles. The
bond between O-H is broken when alcohols act as nucleophiles.

a) Alcohols as nucleophiles.

b) The bond between C-O is broken when they act as electrophiles. Protonated alcohols
react in this manner. They act as electrophiles.

Based on the cleavage of O-H and C-O bonds, the reaction of alcohols and phenols may
be divides into two groups.
i) Reactions involving breaking of O-H bond.
ii) Reactions involving breaking of C-O bond.

Acidity of alcohols and phenols:-

Reaction with metals:- Alcohols and phenols react with active metals such as sodium,
potassium and aluminium to yield corresponding alkoxide / phenoxides and hydrogen
sodium alkoxide.

11. The correct descending order of acid strength of alcohols is


12. W rite the IUPAC name of the compound

a) 2 – methyl – 2 – phenyl ethanol

b) 2 – phenyl butanol
c) 2 – phenyl propan – 2 – ol
d) 1 – methyl – 1 – phenyl ethanol.

13. Name the following reaction.

a) Williamson’s synthesis
b) Kolbe’s reaction
c) Reimer – Tiemann reaction
d) Sand Mayer’s reaction

14. Arrange the following in increasing order of acid strength.

a) Phenol, 4-methyl phenol, 3,5-dinitrophenol 2,4,6 – trinitro phenol
b) Phenol, 4-methyl phenol, 2,4,6- trinitro phenol , 3,5-dinitrophenol
c) 4-methyl phenol, phenol, 3,5-dinitrophenol 2,4,6 – trinitro phenol
d) 2,4,6 – trinitro phenol , 3,5-dinitrophenol , Phenol, 4-methyl phenol
15. Acid catalysed hydration of alkene is an example for
a) nucleophilic substitution b) nucleophilic addition
c) electrophilic addition d) electrophilic substitution


16. Which of the following compounds would undergo SN1 reaction faster and why?


17. List any two differences between SN1 and SN2 mechanism. (2)

18. a) Write the mechanism for preparation of 1 – propoxy propane by dehydration of

propan – 1 – ol.
b) Predict the products of the following reaction.

19. a) Write the IUPAC name of

b) Write the preparation of phenol from cumene.
c) Write the equation of the reaction of hydrogen iodide with benzyl ethyl
ether. (1+1+1)

20. a) Write the structure of the major organic product in the following reaction

b) How are the following conversions carried out?

i) Benzyl alcohol to 2-phenyl ethanoic acid.
ii) Benzene to diphenyl
iii) Bromomethane to propanone. (1+1+1+1+1)


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