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1. Benefits and drawbacks of the place you live or like - Hue city
Hue city is a beautiful and historic city located in central Vietnam. It is known
for its rich culture, stunning architecture, and delicious cuisine. There are many
benefits to living in or visiting Hue city, but there are also some drawbacks to consider.
One of the biggest benefits of Hue city is its rich cultural heritage. As the
former imperial capital of Vietnam, Hue is home to many historic landmarks and
cultural treasures. The city is known for its impressive citadel, temples, and pagodas,
which attract tourists from all over the world. Hue is also famous for its traditional
music and dance performances, which showcase the city's unique cultural traditions.
Another benefit of Hue city is its beautiful natural surroundings. The city is
situated along the picturesque Perfume River, which offers stunning views and
opportunities for boating and fishing. There are also many parks and green spaces in
Hue where visitors can relax and enjoy the scenery.
However, there are also some drawbacks to living in or visiting Hue city. One
of the biggest drawbacks is the weather. Hue is located in a tropical climate zone,
which means that it can be very hot and humid for much of the year. This can make it
uncomfortable for visitors who are not used to the heat.
Another potential drawback of Hue city is its traffic. Like many cities in
Vietnam, Hue has a lot of motorbikes on the roads, which can make it difficult to
navigate for pedestrians and drivers alike. Visitors should exercise caution when
crossing the street, and should consider renting a motorbike or hiring a driver to get
around the city.
Overall, while there are some drawbacks to living in or visiting Hue city, the
benefits far outweigh them. With its rich cultural heritage, stunning natural
surroundings, and delicious cuisine, Hue is a wonderful place to explore and
experience the unique beauty of Vietnam.
2. Imagine that you're going to take a vacation where you choose.
I am excited to share with you my plans for an upcoming vacation to Hue city. I
chose Hue city for my vacation destination because of its rich cultural history, stunning
architecture, and delicious cuisine.
To plan my trip to Hue city, I researched the weather there and decided to go in
the winter, when the weather is cool and the sky is often clear. I booked a hotel near
the Imperial City for convenience. I also scheduled visits to attractions to avoid
wasting time and enjoy my trip to the fullest.
During my trip, I plan to visit historical sites in Hue such as the Imperial City,
the tombs of the Nguyen emperors, and many other relics. I also want to take a boat
trip on the Perfume River and visit the Thien Mu Pagoda. These activities will help me
immerse myself in the rich history and culture of Hue city.
In particular, I am very excited about local cuisine in Hue city, especially Hue-
style beef noodle soup and Hue-style pancakes. I believe that street food in Hue will be
a great experience for me. I will search for local restaurants and try many specialties of
Hue such as banh beo, banh nam, nem lui, and many other dishes.
In addition to historical and culinary experiences, I also want to explore many
cultural activities in Hue city. I plan to attend a traditional music performance and
learn about the history and architecture of the city by visiting museums and pagodas..
In conclusion, I am very excited about my vacation to Hue city and look
forward to enjoying a memorable trip. I want to immerse myself in the rich culture and
history of this beautiful city, enjoy local cuisine, and explore many interesting cultural
activities. I believe that this trip will help me understand more about the past and
present of Vietnam, and create unforgettable memories for a lifetime. Thank you for
3. The features that are the most important to you when you buy a house
When I'm looking to buy a house, there are several features that are important
to me. The first feature is location. I believe that the location of a house is crucial as it
can affect many aspects of one's lifestyle, such as commute time, access to amenities,
and overall safety. I would prefer a house located in a safe and quiet neighborhood,
ideally with easy access to public transportation and nearby shops and restaurants.
The second feature that I consider important is the size of the house. I would
like to have a spacious house with enough room for my family and friends to visit. A
large living room and kitchen are particularly important to me, as I enjoy hosting
gatherings and cooking for others. Additionally, having a backyard or outdoor space is
a must for me as I love spending time outdoors and gardening.
The third feature that I look for in a house is its overall condition. I want a
house that is well-maintained and move-in ready. I don't want to spend a lot of time
fixing up or renovating a house, and I don't want to deal with any major repairs or
issues. Ideally, the house should have modern amenities and appliances, and the layout
should be practical and functional.
Finally, affordability is also an important factor for me when buying a house.
While I want a house with all the features I mentioned earlier, it is crucial that the
house is within my budget. I don't want to overspend on a house and have financial
stress down the line. Therefore, I would prioritize finding a house that meets my needs
and is affordable.
In conclusion, when I'm looking to buy a house, location, size, condition, and
affordability are the most important features that I consider. I want a house that is
located in a safe and convenient neighborhood, has enough space for my family and
friends, is move-in ready, and is within my budget.
4. What do you want to do in the future?
Today, I want to talk about my plans for the future. There are many things that I
want to do, but I will focus on some of the most important ones.
First of all, I want to continue my education. I believe that learning is a lifelong
process, and I want to keep improving myself. I plan to take courses or pursue a degree
in a field that interests me. This will help me gain knowledge and skills that will be
useful in my career and personal life.
Secondly, I want to travel to other countries. I have always been fascinated by
different cultures and customs, and I want to experience them firsthand. I want to see
new places, try new foods, and meet new people. Traveling will broaden my horizons
and help me understand and appreciate the diversity of our world.
Finally, I want to own a house. I believe that having a place to call my own is
important for my stability and security. It will also give me the freedom to decorate
and personalize my living space according to my taste and style.
Of course, these are just some of my plans for the future, and they may change
as I grow and evolve. But I am determined to work hard and make them a reality.
Thank you for listening to my speech.
5. The pros and cons of city lights and the dark-sky movement
*city lights
I want to talk about the pros and cons of the city lights movement.
City lights are bright and can make it easier to see at night. They help people
feel safe and secure, and can make cities look beautiful. City lights also make it
possible for people to work and do things at night.
There are many benefits to the city lights movement. For example, it can
improve safety by making it easier for people to see at night. It can also create jobs in
the lighting industry. Additionally, city lights can help businesses stay open longer,
which can boost the economy.
However, there are also some downsides to the city lights movement. Bright
lights can be too harsh and cause light pollution, which can have negative effects on
wildlife and the environment. It can also be expensive to install and maintain city
In conclusion, the city lights movement has its pros and cons. While it can
improve safety and create jobs, it can also contribute to light pollution and be costly.
It's important to find a balance between having enough light to see and reducing light
pollution. By being mindful of our use of outdoor lighting, we can help preserve the
beauty of the night sky and protect the environment.
Thank you for listening to my speech.
Hello everyone. Today, I want to talk about the pros and cons of the dark-sky
The dark-sky movement is a movement that aims to reduce light pollution and
preserve the night sky. This movement encourages people to use outdoor lighting that
is energy-efficient and directed downwards, so that light is not wasted and doesn't
contribute to light pollution.
One of the benefits of the dark-sky movement is that it can help people see the
stars and the beauty of the night sky. It can also reduce energy consumption and save
money on electricity bills. In addition, reducing light pollution can have positive
effects on wildlife and the environment.
However, there are also some downsides to the dark-sky movement. Some
people argue that it can make it harder to see at night and can make people feel less
safe. In addition, it may be difficult to convince people and businesses to change their
lighting systems, especially if they are concerned about safety.
In conclusion, the dark-sky movement has its pros and cons. While it can
preserve the beauty of the night sky and reduce energy consumption, it may also make
it harder to see at night and can be difficult to implement. It's important to find a
balance between having enough light to see and reducing light pollution. By being
mindful of our use of outdoor lighting, we can help preserve the beauty of the night
sky and protect the environment.
Thank you for listening to my speech.
Good morning, teacher. My name is Lam My Uyen, and I am honored to be
here today for this speaking test. As a dedicated student with a strong passion for
learning, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to demonstrate my speaking skills to
you. I have been preparing for this test by practicing my speaking skills and studying
the topic, and I am confident that I am well-prepared for it. I am excited to show you
what I have learned and to receive your feedback on my performance. Thank you for
your time and attention, and I am looking forward to the test.

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