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Creating an Effective SMM Plan for Saudi Tourism

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Creating an Effective SMM Plan for Saudi Tourism


In the world of social media marketing (SMM), success hinges on a well-crafted plan that

aligns with specific goals and strategies. The cornerstone of this plan lies in the art of listening

and observing, crucial prerequisites for setting marketing goals and crafting effective strategies.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the process of analyzing the Saudi Tourism

market through the lens of listening and observing. Our journey begins by dissecting Saudi

tourism's social media presence, identifying key platforms, and exploring avenues for market

research. Subsequently, we will outline the goals of a social media campaign for Saudi Tourism,

emphasizing the use of the Valid Metrics Framework (VMF) and the integration of a compelling

Call to Action (CTA). Finally, we will connect this SMM strategy with the broader vision of

Saudi Vision 2030, exploring how it dovetails with the country's ambitious tourism development


Listening and Observing: Analyzing Saudi Tourism Market

The foundation of a successful social media marketing (SMM) plan lies in attentive

listening and astute observation. In the context of Saudi tourism, this entails a comprehensive

exploration of the digital landscape where travelers and enthusiasts congregate. We embark on a

journey through various social media platforms, including Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook,

meticulously dissecting their content to identify emerging trends, gauge engagement levels, and

capture the nuances of user sentiments. These platforms serve as vibrant canvases upon which

the Saudi tourism narrative unfolds, allowing us to grasp the market's pulse. Furthermore, our

investigative efforts extend beyond traditional social media platforms (Alkhaldi et al., 2022). We

delve into the dynamic world of forums and discussion boards, where travelers eagerly share

their experiences and insights. This treasure trove of authentic narratives forms a rich tapestry of

information, offering us unique perspectives on the Saudi tourism landscape. Additionally, we

tap into the immersive realms of podcasts and travel blogs, recognizing their pivotal role in

disseminating first-hand accounts and expert opinions. These multimedia platforms offer a depth

of knowledge that complements our research efforts. To ensure real-time awareness and

responsiveness, we harness the power of cutting-edge tools like Google Alerts. These tools

enable us to monitor online continuous mentions and conversations about Saudi tourism with

unwaveridiate insights into emerging topics, concerns, and opportunities by staying attuned to

the digital chatter ((Alfeel & Ansari, 2019). This constant data stream equips us with the agility

to adapt our SMM strategies effectively.

Setting the Stage: Goals and the Valid Metrics Framework

Armed with a wealth of insights acquired through our meticulous listening and

observation efforts, the next pivotal step in our journey is the establishment of well-defined

SMM goals explicitly tailored to the Saudi Tourism initiative. The Valid Metrics Framework

(VMF) emerges as our guiding compass in this endeavor, providing a structured approach that

prioritizes metrics of utmost significance. Our objectives within the VMF framework encompass

four key pillars: awareness, engagement, conversion, and advocacy. To illustrate, consider the

aim of enhancing Instagram engagement by a substantial 20% within a reasonable six-month

timeframe. This concrete and quantifiable goal embodies the essence of the SMART criteria:

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. By adhering rigorously to the

VMF principles, our goals transform into precise and measurable targets, eliminating ambiguity

and charting a well-illuminated path toward success. Through this meticulous goal-setting

process, we ensure that our SMM strategy for Saudi Tourism remains rooted in a strategic

foundation, effectively guiding our efforts towards fostering awareness, driving engagement,

facilitating conversions, and nurturing advocacy within the dynamic world of social media


Creating a Connection: Goals and Call to Action

While setting clear and measurable goals is undoubtedly essential, it's imperative to

recognize that more than plans are needed in social media marketing. A well-crafted Call to

Action (CTA) bridges intention with action, catalyzing and turning aspirations into tangible

engagement. In Saudi Tourism, our objectives are purposefully crafted to evoke the spirit of

adventure, enticing travelers to embark on a journey to explore the captivating wonders of the

kingdom. The CTA is meticulously aligned with our objectives to resonate with our goals. For

example, if we aim to augment Facebook page likes by a commendable 15%, the associated CTA

will strategically prompt users to "Follow the Page" with the promise of receiving exhilarating

travel updates and exclusive offers. This harmonious relationship between the goal and CTA

fosters a symbiotic connection, enhancing the overall effectiveness of our SMM campaign. In

essence, our SMM strategy for Saudi Tourism defines measurable goals and ensures that these

goals are brought to life through compelling CTAs. These carefully crafted calls to action serve

as the lighthouses guiding potential travelers through the dynamic seas of social media,

transforming mere intentions into concrete engagement and, ultimately, encouraging them to

embark on an unforgettable journey to experience the enchanting allure of Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Vision 2030: Aligning with Tourism Development

Saudi Vision 2030 is a comprehensive blueprint for the nation's transformation. Within

this vision lies a significant focus on tourism development as a key economic driver. Our SMM

strategy for Saudi Tourism dovetails with this vision by promoting the nation's cultural and

natural treasures to a global audience. As tourism flourishes, the goals of Saudi Vision 2030,

such as economic diversification and job creation, find resonance in our marketing endeavors.

Analyzing Saudi Tourism Social Media Platforms

To dig deeper into the Saudi Tourism market, we must analyze the social media platforms

where its presence is most pronounced. Instagram, for instance, showcases the kingdom's

picturesque landscapes and vibrant cultural festivals (Khan, 2019). Effective market research

demands a thorough understanding of where and how to listen and observe. Additionally,

conducting surveys and focus groups on platforms like LinkedIn can yield qualitative data,

further enriching our understanding of traveler preferences and pain points.

The Power of User-Generated Content

In the travel industry, user-generated content (UGC) uses gigantic impact. Travelers

frequently share their encounters through photographs, recordings, and surveys via social media

platforms ((Mohammed & Ferraris, 2021). Integrating UGC into our SMM technique helps

legitimacy and energizes commitment. We establish a genuine connection with our audience by

showcasing authentic stories from real travelers. Moreover, enabling travelers to use specific

hashtags related to Saudi tourism fosters a sense of community and virality, amplifying the reach

of our campaign.

Measuring Success and Iteration

Our journey in creating an effective SMM plan continues after implementation. Regular

measurement and iteration are imperative. We will continually monitor key performance

indicators (KPIs) in alignment with the VMF. If we aim to increase engagement on Instagram,

we will track likes, comments, and shares. In the event of underperformance, we will adapt our

content and strategies accordingly. This iterative approach ensures that our SMM plan remains

agile and responsive, consistently delivering the desired results for Saudi Tourism. In summary,

an effective SMM plan for Saudi Tourism necessitates a deep dive into social media platforms,

comprehensive market research, the integration of user-generated content, and a commitment to

ongoing measurement and improvement. This holistic approach ensures that we achieve our

goals and contribute to the broader vision of Saudi Vision 2030, making Saudi Arabia a must-

visit destination on the global tourism map.


In conclusion, creating an effective SMM plan for Saudi Tourism is a multi-faceted

endeavor that involves listening, observing, goal setting, and alignment with broader national

visions. By meticulously following these steps and utilizing the Valid Metrics Framework, we

can craft a campaign that not only boosts tourism but also contributes to Saudi Vision 2030's

ambitious goals. This blueprint ensures that Saudi Arabia's cultural and natural treasures shine

brightly on the global stage, attracting travelers from every corner of the world.


Alfeel, E., & Ansari, D. Z. A. (2019). The impact of social media marketing on consumer

purchase intention: Consumer survey in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Marketing and

Consumer Research, 56(1), 13-22.

Alkhaldi, R., Alsaffar, D., Alkhaldi, T., Almaymuni, H., Alnaim, N., Alghamdi, N., & Olatunji, S.

O. (2022). Sentiment analysis for cruises in Saudi Arabia on social media platforms using

machine learning algorithms. Journal of big Data, 9(1), 1-28.

Khan, M. M. (2019). The impact of perceived social media marketing activities: An empirical

study in Saudi context. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 11(1), 134.

Mohammed, A., & Ferraris, A. (2021). Factors influencing user participation in social media:

Evidence from twitter usage during COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia. Technology in

Society, 66, 101651.

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