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Subject: ICT Date: 13.4.2022

Class: IX IG

Internal computer hardware

1. the mother board – it is a hub that other computer devices connect to

2. random access memory(RAM) – memory gets deleted once computer
is off
3. read only memory (ROM) – permanent storage. It is used to store
system software etc.
4. Video cards – allows the computer to send graphical information to a
video display.
5. Sound cards – helps the computer to produce sounds. They use 2 basic
methods to translate digital data into analog signals.
1. FM synthesis – mimics different musical instruments according to
builtin formulas.
2. wavetable synthesis – relies on recordings of actual instruments to
produce sound.
6. Internal storage devices like HDD (Hard disk drive), SSD (Solid state

Internal hardware devices

1. CPU (central processing unit), contained on the motherboard.
a. It interprets and executes the commands from computer hardware and
b. Now referred to as microprocessor.
c. Made up of control unit, arithmetic and logic unit and immediate
access store (RAM).
2. Internal hard disk drive
Application software, disk operating system and files are stored.
3. Random access memory. (RAM)
Volatile memory
4. Read only memory. (ROM)
Permanent memory. ROM contains some coding known as the boot file.
This code tells the computer what to do which is referred to as BIOS
(basic input /Output system). It first finds out all the devices are present
and functional and then loads the operating system into RAM.
The BIOS stores the date, time and system configuration in a non-volatile
chip called a CMOS (Complementary metal oxide semiconductor).

Main components of a computer

1. Input devices – key board, mouse
2. Output devices – monitor, printer
3. Secondary storage devices – hdd, ssd

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