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Subject: ICT Date: 16.5.2022

Class: IX IG

Driving Wheel: It is similar to joystick and connects to a computer through a USB

port. The wheel allows you to simulate the turning of a steering wheel with the
associated devices that allow to accelerate and brake. Sensors are used to pick up
left/right movement and user gets the sensation of steering a car.

1. Used in video/computer games
2. Used in simulators
1. Easier than key board or joystick to control steering movements.
2. The driving experience is nearer to an actual steering wheel
Dis Adv
1. It can be expensive than mouse or joystick
2. Movements in steering are too sensitive and unrealistic
3. Unless an expensive simulators, driving wheel feedback is non-existent.

Touch Screens: User can simply touch an icon on the screen to open it.
1. Self-service tills
2. ATM
3. Point of scale terminals
4. Public information systems at airports
5. Personal digital assistants
6. Interactive white boards in education.
7. Computer based training
8. As an output device as they work as flat screen monitors.
1. Faster entry of options than keyboard and mouse.
2. Easy method to choose options
3. User-friendly
Dis Adv
1. Limited number of options available.
2. If used frequently straining of arm muscles possible.
3. Screen can become dirty due to regular usage, reduce its responsiveness and
gets difficult to read in strong light.
Scanners: These are used to enter information from hard copy to the computer.
The most common type is the flatbed scanner which is made up of glass panel and
lid. The hard copy document or photo is scanned by light source and produces a
computer readable image.
1. Scan documents and convert to the required formats for use in various
software packages.
2. Scan in old/valuable documents and save them as in case of tearing or losing
3. Scan in photos and store in computers and use for any digital purposes.
4. Scan in barcodes at POS terminals.
1. Images can be stored for editing at later date.
2. Faster and accurate than typing in the documents.
3. Possible to recover damaged documents by scanning and using appropriate
software to produce an acceptable copy.
Dis Adv:
1. Quality is limited depending on scanner resolution
2. It is slow when chosen scanning resolution is high and in colour scanning

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