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Subject: ICT Date: 15.5.2022

Class: IX IG

Trackerball: the ball is on the side or top of the device and user controls the
pointer on the screen by rotating the ball with hand. Easier for people with
restricted hand/wrist movement. They have 2 buttons same has left and right
button of the mouse. If they have a 3rd button it is similar to a double click.
Since they don’t physically move no need of desk space.
1. Used in applications where user has disability.
2. Used in control room environment.
3. Used in some luxury cars.
1.Doesnot need the same fine control as a mouse.
2. easier to use than a mouse if operator disabled.
3. More accurate positioning of the pointer on the screen than a mouse.
4. they are more robust than a mouse.
5. needs less desk space than a mouse.
1. Not supplied with computers, hence costly.
2. User needs training as it is not standard equipment.

Remote Control: It is used to control the operation of other devices

remotely using infrared signals.
1.televisions, satellite systems, DVD players etc.
2. used to control multimedia systems
3. used in industrial applications for start and stop machinery.

1. Can be operated from any reasonable distance
2. Some chemical processes are hazardous so it is a big advantage to be able
to select operations from a distance.

Dis Adv
1. Difficult to use if operator has limited hand/wrist movement.
2. It is easier to block the signals like walls.

Joystick: It is similar to mouse or tracker ball, by holding the stick we can

control the pointer on the screen. It is used for gaming purpose.
1. Used in video/computer games.
2. Used in simulators
1. Easier than keyboard to navigate the screen
2. Control is more realistic
Dis adv
1. More difficult to control the pointer than the mouse.

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