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Best Memories as a Youth in

Barangay Kalawag Dos

Being in a certain position in a certain faction isn’t’ easy. People expect great things from you,
expecting that you have the ability to help or change your community in some ways. Because of this, the
pressure in your shoulder becomes so heavy just trying to meet their expectations from you, sometimes
people get scared of failure because you don’t want to disappoint them. This is “Me”, an average guy who
isn’t really good at this job that happened to be one of the officers of the Youth of Kalawag Dos.

It wasn’t that long that I became the Vice-President of our faction but still, I already made the
best memory with my fellow officers. It was Saturday 17 th of April 2021 when our president relayed a
message to us to participate in Got talent for the youth. Our President insisted us to participate in the
upcoming event to at least show that our faction can compete with others. I replied “why not?” but since I
can’t sing, dance, play complicated instruments or act, I didn’t join any of those but instead I participated
in the Phonetography event. The next day did go according to plan, we took some acceptable picture, add
a description and then post it online for the like counts. I was happy I could hang out with my friends in
the park. At 4pm in the afternoon we participated in the Zumba event since it was required for us to do so.
Before the music starts, I tried to find a spot where not much people can see me dance, for you see I’m
not a good dancer, I’m not kidding when I said “ Not a good dancer”. As soon as the music starts my
body started to tense up and my mind keeps thinking “someone might be laughing seeing me dance like a
dysfunctional robot” I mean who dances like a person trying to summon a demon?! Anyways as soon as
we are halfway to the dancing program I didn’t think any of those anymore, I just tried to enjoy the music
and dance the way my body moves while copying the steps of the coaches dancing. When it was time for
the second round, I rested for a bit and then got back again to enjoy myself not thinking about anyone
judging me anymore. When the coach said they have a challenge for us I tried to participate. I participated
in the Planking Challenge, at the first few minutes of the round, many participants already got tired but I
was still doing the challenge. As soon as there were only the two of us competing in the Section A the
crowd cheering for the other participant are going wild! The participant had a well built body for being a
girl, I mean look at her muscle! Mine doesn’t even hold a candle to her, by the way my body looks like a
stick bug compared to her but still we were the only two left in the younger side. As the round goes on my
body started to shake and my abdomen started to drop while she on the other hand was barely tired. I was
already at my limit so my body dropped on the floor as I could barely stand, her teammates started to
cheer as loudly as a lion the moment I lay on the ground. After that I got back on my bench and rested for
a bit, my body was screa~ming in pain. At that moment I realized how happy I was for being able to
compete with someone in such an event that I could never do before. I kept thinking to myself “Am I
going to experience this kind of things from this point onward? The kinds of experience like to have fun
and make memorable memories with others as a fellow youth officer? If so, this isn’t so bad at all”. It was
only a short time but I still made one of the best memories as a youth in Kalawag Dos.

We may experience hardships in our lives but arming ourselves with positivity and great
dedication to our goal; we can’t only reach our objectives in the end but also make the best memories
with our friends and family along our journey.

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