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Nama : Ahmad Ansari

Lokal :A3
Tugas Bahasa Inggris
•perbedaan present continuous tense dan past continuous tense
•perbedaan present perfect tense dan past perfect tense
Perbedaan Present Continuous Tense dan Past Continuous Tense:
- Present continuous tense digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi sedang berlangsung
sekarang dan dapat berlanjut di masa depan
- Past continuous tense digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan tindakan atau kejadian pada waktu
sebelum sekarang, yang berawal di masa lalu dan masih berlanjut pada saat penuturan
- Rumus present continuous tense: Subject + to be (is, am, are) + verb present participle/verb-ing
Contoh : - I am eating breakfast now.
- They are playing football in the park.
- She is studying for her exam at the library.
- Rumus past continuous tense: Subject + to be (was, were) + verb present participle/verb-ing
Contoh : - I was eating breakfast at 7 AM yesterday.
- They were playing football in the park last Saturday.
- She was studying for her exam at the library yesterday afternoon.

Perbedaan Present Perfect Tense dan Past Perfect Tense:

- Present perfect tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aksi yang dimulai di masa lalu dan masih
berlangsung sampai sekarang atau baru saja selesai
- Past perfect tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aksi yang telah selesai di masa lalu sebelum
aksi lain terjadi
- Rumus present perfect tense: Subject + have/has + past participle
Contoh : - They have traveled to many countries.
- She has read three books this week.
- I have never eaten sushi before.
- Rumus past perfect tense: Subject + had + past participle
Contoh : - They had already left when I arrived.
- She had finished her work before she went home.
- I had never seen that movie before last night.

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