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I. Objectives
Identify the basic sequence of events and make relevant predictions about the story
Answer questions about the story
Realizes the importance of honesty and not taking advantage of others
II. Story: Identifying Basic Sequence of Events
References: MELCS
Story book
Written by Joanne Cruz
Illustrated by Peter Espina
Material: Powerpoint
Review Direction: Sequence events that happened in the story. Write numbers
1,2,3, and 4.
____ The ant was gathering food.
____ The rain came.
____ The grasshopper asked the ant to play with him.
____ The grasshopper had nothing to eat.
III. A. Pre-reading
Unlocking Difficulties
Loamy soil
Cauldron of boiling water
Cry with envy
C. Motivation
Show pictures of Monkey and Turtle
Ask them what they know about the two animals
Ask what they want to find out about the two animals

D. Introducing the story:

Show the storybook – Have the children describe what they see on the cover

Let us read the title of the story, author and illustrator.

Read the standard for oral reading.

During Reading

How will Monkey and Turtle get the banana tree?

What will Monkey and Turtle do with banana tree?

What do you think will happen to each part of the story?

What can you say about Turtle when he offered to share the fruit of his tree?

What will Turtle do?

What will Monkey do to Turtle?

How will Turtle escape from Monkey?

Who is smarter – Monkey or Turtle?

Why do you say so?

Post Reading

Activity 1

1. Where did our story happen? What kind of place is it?

2. Would you like to live in a place like this? Why?
3. How about in our world? Do you want peace? Why?

Activity 2

____ Once upon a fine day, Monkey and Turtle found a banana tree.

____ Monkey throw Turtle into the lake

____ After a few days, the leaves began to come out, and began to bear fruits.

____ Monkey climbed up the tree and ate all the ripe bananas

____ Turtle put thorns all around the trunk

Activity 3

Write a certificate of promise to your friend.

Certificate of Promise
I Pedro, promise Juan that


Story sequence is the order in which events take place in a narrative.

Values – Honesty

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Read the story then sequence event happened in the story. Write numbers
1,2,3, and 4 in your paper.

Once when a Lion was asleep, a little Mouse began running up and down upon him.
This soon wakened the Lion. He placed his big paw on the Mouse and opened his big
jaws swallow him.

“Pardon, O king” cried the little mouse. Who knows that I may be able to do you a
good turn of these days? The Lion was so tickled at the idea of the Mouse being able to
help him. So, he lifted up his paw and let the Mouse go.

Sometime after this the Lion was caught in a trap. Just then the little Mouse happened
to pass by. Seeing the plight of the Lion, the Mouse went up to him and gnawed away the
ropes that bound the King of the Forest.
V. Assignment

Direction: Read the story and then write three sentences about the three events that
happened in the story.

A man’s ship sank in a storm at sea. The man swam to an island. He was so tired that he
fell asleep. When he woke up, he found himself in a hospital. A nurse was beside him.

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