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Mistake: A pen is for to write

1. Teacher: Cars – drive

Student: Cars are for driving
Teacher: What do you use a car for?
Student: I use a car to drive

*You can simply call out the object or give them the two pieces of information for

2. Knifes – cut things

3. Phones – call
4. Kettles – boil water
5. Spoons – stir coffee
6. Microwaves – heat food
7. Freezers – freeze food
8. Planes – fly
9. Pens – write
10. Books – read
11. Coffee maker – make coffee
12. Book – study
13. Video games – play
14. Mop – mop the floor
15. Toothbrush – brush your teeth
16. Watering can – water plants
17. Board markers – write on the board
18. Sunglasses – protect your eyes
19. Beds – sleep
20. Costumes – dress up
21. Camera – take photos
22. Trolleys – do the shopping
23. Toys – play
24. Key – open doors
25. Staplers – staple documents

Asistir a una reunión – Attend a meeting, NOT “ASSIST TO A MEETING”

Assist = help

1. No asistí a clase la semana pasada.

I didn’t attend class last week.

2. Asistí a muchas conferencias el año pasado.

I attended many/a lot of conferences last year.

3. ¿Asististe a la rueda de prensa?

Did you attend the press conference?

4. Voy a clase todos los viernes.

I attend classes every Friday

5. Asisten a la iglesia de forma habitual

They attend church regularly/often

6. He asistido a dos reuniones en lo que va de día.

I’ve attended two meetings so far today.

7. ¿Vas a asistir al curso mañana?

Are you going to attend the course tomorrow?

8. Lo siento, no pude asistir al evento.

I’m sorry, I couldn’t attend the event

a. Lo siento, no podré asistir al evento.

I’m sorry, I won’t be able to attend the event.

9. El jefe quiere que todo el mundo asista.

The boss wants everybody to attend.

10. Aprenderás más rápido si asistes al curso.

You’ll learn quicker if you attend the course.

11. El profesor dice que no es necesario asistir a clase para aprobar el curso.
The teacher says it’s not necessary to attend classes to pass the course.

12. Algunos de sus amigos (de él) no pudieron asistir a la ceremonia.

Some of his friends weren’t able to attend the ceremony.
Call somebody

Mistake: call to somebody

 Peter – Mary – right now

Peter is calling Mary right now

 Peter – Mary – yesterday

Peter called Mary yesterday

1. Last night
2. Next week
3. From time to time
4. Usually
5. When’s he’s better
6. Sometimes
7. This morning
8. At the moment
9. When you get home
10. Every now and again
11. Never
12. Tomorrow
13. Two months ago
14. Always
15. Hardly ever
16. The day before yesterday
17. In two weeks’ time


Mistake: Explain me the problem

1. The problem - I

Explain the problem to me please

 Negative – Don’t explain the problem to me

 Interrogative with “could” – Could you explain the problem to me?

Rephrase with pronouns!

Explain it to me please.
 Negative – Don’t explain it to me
 Interrogative with “could” – Could you explain it to me?

*now do it with Peter, Sarah, Peter and Sarah, you and me, etc.

2. The exercise – John

Explain the exercise to John please.

Explain it to him please.
*now do it with Peter, Sarah, Peter and Sarah, you and me, etc.

3. The lesson – the students

Explain the lesson to the students please.
Explain it to them please.

*now do it with Peter, Sarah, Peter and Sarah, you and me, etc.

4. The grammar rules – your classmates

Explain the grammar rules to your classmates please.
Explain them to them please.

*now do it with Peter, Sarah, Peter and Sarah, you and me, etc

5. The procedure – your boss

Explain the procedure to your boss
Explain it to him/her please

*now do it with Peter, Sarah, Peter and Sarah, you and me, etc.

6. The game the children

Explain the game to the children
Explain it to them please

*now do it with Peter, Sarah, Peter and Sarah, you and me, etc.

7. The route – I
Explain the route to me please
Explain it to me please

*now do it with Peter, Sarah, Peter and Sarah, you and me, etc.
8. The situation – the team
Explain the situation to the team
Explain it to them (or it!)

*now do it with Peter, Sarah, Peter and Sarah, you and me, etc.

9. These numbers – your colleagues

Explain the numbers to your colleagues
Explain them to them

*now do it with Peter, Sarah, Peter and Sarah, you and me, etc.

10. The sentences – Mary

Explain the sentences to Mary
Explain them to her

*now do it with Peter, Sarah, Peter and Sarah, you and me, etc.

Mistake: I find difficult to

1. My boss – make friends in the office – imposible

My boss finds it impossible to make friends in the office
2. Me – speak in public – difícil
I find it difficult to speak in public
3. Me – read a book in English – fácil
I find it easy to read a book in English
4. Some people – sleep when they have coke – imposible
Some people find it difficult to sleep when they have coke
5. My best friend – show his feelings – difícil
My best friend finds it difficult to show his feelings
6. Nobody – learn another language – fácil
Nobody finds it easy to learn another language


 Me cuesta sonreír cuando estoy enfadada

I find it difficult to smile when I’m angry
 A mi jefe le parece imposible concentrarse en la oficina
My boss finds it impossible to concentrate in the office
 ¿Te resulta fácil estudiar por la noche?
Do you find it easy to study at night?
 Me resulta muy difícil expresarme por escrito
I find it very difficult to express myself in writing
 Me resulta muy fácil hacer amigos
I find it really easy to make friends
 A mi hijo le resulta imposible dormir durante el día
My son finds it impossible to sleep during the day
 A algunas personas les cuesta decir que no
Some people find it difficult to say “no”
 Me resulta imposible perder peso rápidamente
I find it impossible to lose weight quickly

Abro la puerta is NOT: I open the door?

BUT Shall I open the door?

Para ofrecernos a hacer algo


*Solo para I o We

1. I’m hungry – shall I bring you something to eat/ a sandwich, etc?

2. I’m cold – shall I bring you a blanket/turn on the heating/bring you a jacket?
3. I’m bored – shall I bring you a magazine, book,etc?
4. I can’t speak now, I’m busy – shall I call you later/at some other time?
5. I’m sleepy – shall I bring you a coffee?

Now, translate!

1. ¿Empiezo ya? - Shall I begin now?

2. ¿Sigo? - Shall I continue/carry on?
3. ¿Nos vamos a casa? - Shall we go home?
4. ¿Te ayudo? – Shall I help you?
5. ¿Te lo envío? – Shall I send it to you?
6. ¿Vamos a comer? – Shall we go and eat?
7. ¿Te pido un taxi? – Shall I call a taxi for you?
8. ¿Cierro la puerta? – Shall I close the door?

Mistake 1: the Monday morning

Mistake 2: the Mondays morning


 El sábado - On Saturday
Los sábados – On Saturdays
El sábado por la tarde – On Saturday evening
Los sábados por la tarde – On Saturday evenings

 El lunes – On Monday
Los lunes – On Mondays
El lunes por la mañana – On Monday morning
Los lunes por la mañana – On Monday mornings



1. Juego al tenis los lunes por la mañana

I play tennis on Monday mornings
2. Voy a jugar al tenis el lunes por la mañana
I’m going to play tennis on Monday morning.
3. Los sábados por la tarde me levanto tarde
On Saturday mornings I get up late
4. No me gusta trabajar los domingos por la tarde
I don’t like to work on Sunday evenings.
5. El domingo por la tarde voy a ir al cine
On Sunday evening I’m going to the cinema
6. Le ví el Viernes al medio día
I saw him on Friday afternoon
7. Las reuniones suelen ser los miércoles por la mañana
The meetings are usually on Wednesday mornings
8. El miércoles por la mañana voy a hablar con mi jefe
On Wednesday morning I’m going to talk to my boss
9. La fiesta es el sábado por la noche
The party is on Saturday night
10. Los sábados por la noche no hago nada
I do nothing on Saturday nights

1. Have coffee - tea for breakfast

Do you prefer to have coffee or tea for breakfast?
I prefer to have … for breakfast

2. Go for a walk - stay at home

Do you prefer to go for a walk or to stay at home?
I prefer to…. (whatever)

3. Make dinner - lunch

4. Sit down - stand up
5. Have rice - pasta for lunch
6. Work alone – on a team
7. Go to the cinema – theatre
8. Travel on your own – with friends
9. Go out – stay at home tonight
10. Go to work by car – public transport
11. Park on the street – garage
12. Eat out – order in
13. Sleep – watch TV
14. Swim – sunbathe
15. Go to the beach – mountains for holiday

Mistake: all the family

Make sentences in the past

 Family – dressed in red

The whole family was dressed in red
 Class – fail the exam
The whole class failed the exam
 Team – late for the training
The whole team was late for the training
 My face – covered in chocolate
My whole face was covered in chocolate
 Class – laugh at the story
The whole class laughed at the story
 Company – know about the problem
The whole company knew about the problem
 Table – full of papers
The whole table was full of papers
 Staff – strike
The whole staff was on strike
 My arm – cover in ink
My whole arm was covered in ink
 Box – photos
The whole box was full of photos
 Nation – want peace
The whole nation wanted peace
 Town – know about it
The whole town knew about it
 Family – sick in bed
The whole family was sick in bed
 Day – disaster
The whole day was a disaster
 Business – go bankrupt
The whole business went bankrupt
 Trip – boring
The whole trip was boring

Mistake: Think in

Make sentences in the present continuous about you:

1. Jane - I’m thinking about Jane. Pronoun! I’m thinking about her
2. You - I’m thinking about you
3. John - I’m thinking about John. Pronoun! I’m thinking about him
4. Jane and John - I’m thinking about Jane and John. Pronoun! I’m thinking about
5. The options – I’m thinking about the options
6. Go – I’m thinking about going
7. Stay– I’m thinking about staying
8. Study Journalism – I’m thinking about studying Journalism
9. Have dinner – I’m thinking about having dinner
10. Travel around the world – I’m thinking about travelling around the world
11. Change my job - I’m thinking about changing my job
12. Move – I’m thinking about moving
13. My future in this company – I’m thinking about my future in this company
14. New challenges – I’m thinking about new challenges
15. The solution to the problem – I’m thinking about the solution to the problem

Now do this all over again with Peter, Sarah, Peter and Sarah, you and me, etc.
(instead of “I”)

Now translate!!

1. No lo pienses – Don’t think about it

2. Estamos pensando en los cambios – We’re thinking about the changes
3. ¿Estás pensando en las consecuencias? – Are you thinking about the
4. Piénsalo! – Think about it!
5. Estoy pensando en hablar con Julia – I’m thinking about talking to Julia
6. ¿Estáis pensando en tener una mascota? - Are you thinking about having a
7. Mi jefe está pensando en tomarse un descanso – My boss is thinking about
taking a break.
8. ¿Está Mary pensando en comprarse un coche nuevo? – Is Mary thinking about
buying a new car?

Pagar algo

Wrong – To pay something

Right – To pay FOR something

I’ll pay for the costs – Yo pagaré los gastos

But – I’ll pay you 5 dollars if you tell me where he went

Make sentences with the future with will

1. Me – coffees
You’ll pay for the coffees

Now, put it in the past

You paid for the coffees – question tag!

2. You –tickets, me – popcorn

I’ll pay for the tickets and you’ll pay for the popcorn


3. Me – taxi ride, Peter – lunch

You’ll pay for the taxi ride (el viaje en taxi) and Peter will pay for lunch


4. My friends – two rounds

Your friends will pay for two rounds

Now translate

5. ¿Quién pagó todo esto?

Who paid for all of this?

6. Mi jefe pagó las bebidas.

My boss paid for the drinks – question tag

7. Cuando le dieron la cuenta, la pagó

When the bill came, he paid for it

8. ¿Cuánto pagaste por esas entradas?

How much did you pay for those tickets?

9. Mi suegra pagó 2,000 euros por su vestido de novia

My mother in law paid €2,000 for her wedding dress

10. Te pago 10 euros si me dices dónde está John

I’ll pay you 10€ if you tell me where John is

By the way! How do you say:

¿Yo invito? – I’ll pay/let me pay or It’s on me, not I’ll invite
Trip vs Travel

Trip – noun

Travel – verb

1. ¡Que tengas un buen viaje!

Have a good trip!
2. Mi jefe está fuera en un viaje de negocios
My boss is away on a business trip
3. Nunca viajo en semana santa
I never travel at Easter
4. El viaje dura dos semanas
The trip lasts two weeks
5. Estoy planeando viajar a París el mes que viene
I’m planning to travel to Paris next month
6. ¿Cuándo es tu viaje a Londres?
When’s your trip to London?
7. Viajo a londres de vez en cuando
I travel to London every now and again
8. No me gustan los viajes largos
I don’t like long trips
9. Me encanta viajar
I love travelling
10. Me encantó nuestro viaje a Rusia
I loved our trip to Russia
11. ¿Tuviste un buen viaje?
Did you have a good trip?
12. ¿Cuándo viajaste por última vez?
When was the last time you travelled? When did you last travel?
13. Tom viajó alrededor del mundo
Tom travelled around the world
14. ¿Cuál es la mejor forma de viajar?
Which is the best way to travel?
15. No vamos de viaje nunca
We never go on trips

 Look + adjective
You look tired
 Look like + (adjective) noun
You look like a movie star


Me: Tired
You: You look tired

1) Frustrated
2) Happy
3) A bit upset
4) Great today
5) Amazing
6) Gorgeous
7) Really busy
8) Spanish
Wrong: to make questions

Hacer preguntas: to ask questions

1) John – every day

 John asks questions every day. Now with a lot!
 John asks a lot of questions every day. Now in the negative
 John doesn’t ask a lot of/many questions every day. Past!
 John asked a lot of questions yesterday
2) Paul’s nephew - yesterday
 Peter’s nephew asked questions yesterday. Now with a lot!
 Peter’s nephew asked a lot of questions yesterday. Now in the
 Peter’s nephew didn’t ask many/a lot of questions yesterday.
 Peter’s nephew asks a lot of questions every day

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 Look + adjective
You look tired
 Look like + (adjective) noun
You look like a movie star


Me: Tired
You: You look tired

9) Frustrated
10) Happy
11) A bit upset
12) Great today
13) Amazing
14) Gorgeous
15) Really busy
16) Spanish

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