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English Department

8th Grades A – B
Teacher Nicolás Ramírez

E- Reader - “Scout’s Magazine”

Name: ___________________________ Date: _________

In this issue, we look at some of the projects that won

the two highest awards given to scouts: the Eagle
awards and Gold award.

Flying High with the Eagles!

What do Neil Armstrong, who was the first astronaut to

walk on the moon, and Steven Spielberg, the famous
movie director, have in common? Answer: They were
both Eagles Scouts when they were young men.

Perhaps you won’t be surprised. There are many Scouts

in the world – more than 24 million in over 130
countries. The youngest Scouts are just five years old
and many are still Scouts when they are 25. We all
know that Scouts do a lot of outdoor activities like
camping, hiking swimming, and climbing. They
learn outdoor cooking and first aid, but
learning to be independent and using your
initiative are a big part of scouting, too.

Eagle Scouts have to be good at all normal

scouting activities. They also need to know
how to work with other people and organize
and motivate them. To become an Eagle
Scout, the boys have to do an Eagle Scout
Service Project.

Jake Romario has been a Scout since he was

11. In his free time, he plays in a funky rock
band. For his Eagle Scout project, he wanted
to do something to help people who live on the
streets in his city, so he decided to give a
concert with his band. The admission price was
a can of food.

The concert collected more than 500 cans of

food that Jake gave to a local organization that
prepares free meals for homeless people. They
will all enjoy a good meal thanks to his efforts.

Rory Murray is another special Scout. In his free time, he enjoys hanging out in the park
with his friends. A lot of local people go there with their families. It is a cool place to be,
but Rory noticed that the picnic tables in the park were broken. He planned his project
carefully, and then contacted local companies to ask for materials.
They were happy to give him what he needed. Rory and some other Scouts made new
tables and installed them in the park.

One of the strangest Eagle projects is Ryan Funk’s. Ryan heard that his local zoo didn’t
have enough money to build equipment for the animals, so he decided to make a play
gym for the chimpanzees at the zoo. The chimps live on an island surrounded by water,
so Ryan and his friends had to transport all the materials fort the gym to the island on
boat. Now the chimps have a better life and the zoo is going to get more chimps.

Going for gold!

Girl Scouts have a top award, too. It’s called the Gold Award.

Melissa Chmielewski’s Gold Award project was designed to teach children the basic skills
like using the crosswalk, bike safety, and “stranger danger”. She planned and built a
model of a place in her are called “Four Corners”. Anyone in the community can take
their children there to teach them good safety practices. Next year, Melissa is making a
DVD to help with instruction.

Celina Whitmore wanted to educate people

about the importance of recycling. She called
her Gold Awards project: “One Bottle, o Big
Deal”. She wrote and directed a play about
recycling and organized a Recycle Week at her
school. People of all ages came to see the play.
Celina says she is going to continue helping the

“Get Up, Get Out, and Get Moving in

Southbury” is an exercise and fitness guide
that Jeanne Theleen designed for her Gold
Award project. She created a brochure that
informs people about walking and running
routes in her area. Since Jeanne made her
brochure, more people in Southbury have
started doing exercise.

Congratulations to all you Gold and Eagle Scouts for doing extraordinary work!

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