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‌ el.‌ ‌072.682.0663‌

Embracing‌‌World‌‌Class‌‌Standards ‌ Care‌‌to‌‌learn,‌
Name: ___Ramos, Andrea_________________________Section: BSN2-C_____
Subject: Purposive Communciation Date: May 5 , 2022


Module 4 Culminating Activity No. 2

Culminating Activity No. 2

Instruction: Answer the following questions in relation to what has been discussed the
module. Limit your answers from 100-300 words only. 30 points

1. Examine the appendices to any report. Are all of them essential for understanding
the theme of the report? Can they be pruned?

The study "The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health
Equity," authored by the National Academy of Medicine, includes appendices in the
last or final section of the report. This study's appendices contain extensive tables,
descriptive resources, research studies, assessments, actual data, and a list of
institutions that participated in the report. The appendices provide tables and
numbers to back up the assertions and information about the report. Though
Appendices in any report are all necessary for comprehending the topic of the report,
this one is particularly important because it will assist us, as the author of the report,
in authenticating the thesis and assisting the reader in checking the facts as well as
supporting the details in the report. Reports, on the other hand, can be pruned.

2. What are the good and the unwelcome qualities of a memo?

Memos have certain advantages, one of which is that they are less formal than
letters. The letter's style, tone, and structure are different. In addition, whenever a
memo is delivered to colleagues and subordinates, the tone is more casual. When
sending a message to seniors, the tone changes and the writing become slightly more
official. Internal communication in enterprises is now done through networking,
thanks to the introduction of intranet systems. The benefit is that it is immediate.
Memos are handy for taking quick notes that need to be recorded. One example of
having memos is in school, where I recall memos being from announcements or
approval from the supervisor in a certain department. Memoranda with an
unprofessional look, without problem description, poorly written and without
credibility, memos missing included some or papers, and memos that provide
‌ el.‌ ‌072.682.0663‌

Embracing‌‌World‌‌Class‌‌Standards ‌ Care‌‌to‌‌learn,‌
extensive detail that readers may find difficult to grasp are all undesirable qualities
of memos. As a result, memos should be brief yet precise and easy to read.

3. How is a memo different from a letter?

A memorandum is a business message that is sent from one department to

another or from one company to another like the Department of Education office to
different schools. The length of a memo is often a business communication used for
business reasons to communicate between departments or firms. The essence of a
memo's communication is an informal technique of interacting with individuals. The
message is passed around among colleagues in the organization. The memo does not
need a signature at the conclusion. The memo is brief since there is just one thing to
convey. It communicated using more technical phrases in a message.

A letter is a form of communication that is used to send messages, information,

or to explain events from one person to another. A letter's length refers to the
amount of information it delivers from one person to another. Whereas the essence of
letter communication is that it may be done in both a professional and casual manner.
The letter is exchanged between corporate clients, acquaintances, or employees
reporting to the organization's top management. In comparison to the memo, the
letter is not as important. At the bottom of the message, a signature is required. It
communicated in straightforward language.

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