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5th Week

March 1, 2021
On that day, we don't have a synchronous class, what I did was I worked out on that day and at
noon I did my activities in the elms and then my brother and I cleaned our house.

March 2, 2021
On that day we don't have a synchronous class, what I did was I worked out. Actually every
Monday to Wednesday I work out because it's my routine and then I go to school to get our
books and also to pay my tuition. I went to school with Andrea and I also saw my other
classmates there.

March 3, 2021
On that day, what I did was work out again and I did my elms activities and after that I cooked
creamy garlic chicken mushroom because that was also one of my activities in basic food
activities 103.

March 4, 2021
On that day, ma'am joy taught us about Monolingguwalismo, Bilingguwalismo, and
Multilingguwalismo, while ma'am gilyn taught us about the characteristics and ethics of
qualitative research and she also explained to us what to do with ils. For ma'am tolin, she
grouped us for ils and she also explain to us what it was we do. For sir mel, he gave us a lesson
about cereal and dairy products and for sir anthony, we had an activity with him, but he gave us
a lesson first about the components of fitness.
March 5, 2021
On that day, sir ryan taught us about Anthropological and sociological perspectives on culture
and society to ma'am gilyn and he gave a lesson about topic sentences and what are the
positions of the topic sentence to ma'am aillyn we did an online quiz, we answered in elms and
it was only up to 10 points and he gave us time until 11:50 we should have finished and I only
got 7, but it's ok because I know to myself that I gave my best  and to ma'am grace, she just
told us what to do with the ils and she grouped us and explained about the activities we were
going to do.

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