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3rd Week

Feb 15, 2021

On that day, we did not synchronous but all I did was work out in the morning and do my

Feb 16, 2021

On that day, we had no synchronous but something good happened to me, because my mother
bought me a new phone.

Feb 17, 2021

On that day, we had no synchronous I did a work out and checked the elms if there were new
activities and slept.

Feb 18, 2021

On that day, ma’am joy gave us a lesson about Wikang Pambansa and when ma’am gilyn she
also gave a lesson about research and we also had activities then but it didn't end so next time
we just synchronized how it was and ma’am tolin he did a lesson about random variables and
sir mel did a lesson about our laboratory exercise and sir anthony we did the first activity we
found out how much our BMI was.

Feb 19, 2021

On that day, we had a lesson with sir ryan about Anthropology and what are the goals of
anthropology and ma’am gilyn she taught a lesson about Reading techniques and we also had
an activity and ma’am aillyn she did not enter we wondered why he was not there and ma’am
grace he taught a lesson about The origin of the universe.

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