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Saint Columban’s College

Lingayen, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2023-2024

OCTOBER 2, 2023

Good day,
I am writing to request permission to use the band room for our upcoming Teachers’ Day event
practice sessions. We believe that practicing in the band room will enhance our performance and
contribute to the overall success of the event. We assure you that we will respect the space and
adhere to all guidelines and regulations set by the school during our practice sessions.
Here are the details of our proposed practice schedule:
• Dates: October 2-5, 2023
• Time: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
• Purpose: Teachers’ Day Event Practice
We are committed to ensuring that the room is left in a clean and orderly condition after each
practice session. Additionally, we are willing to coordinate with the school staff to ensure that our
practice timings do not conflict with any other school activities.
We understand the importance of the band room and the need to schedule its use efficiently. We
are open to adjustments in our schedule if there are conflicting requests or if there are specific time
slots that are more suitable for the school.
Your support in granting us access to the band room will greatly enhance our preparation for the
Teachers’ Day event, allowing us to deliver a memorable performance to express our gratitude to
the teachers who have dedicated their time and efforts to our education.

Yours faithfully,
Overdose Band

:Approved by




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