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I proudly declare myself, I am qualified to win the Malaysia Teacher Prize, I would like to

tell my story about being a teacher.

To justify my reason that I truly deserve to win the Malaysia Teacher Prize, there are a few
points that will be able to prove my case.
First and foremost, I always desired to teach, to inspire and most importantly to help my
students to grow up. How I walk my talk? I always be an example of myself before I request
my students to do anything that I ask because if I’m unable to do it, I will not ask them to do
it. For example, I’m always punctual to class as there’s one ex-student even labelled me as
human clock. For the inspiring part, I always strive to give my best in my lesson like I always
share personal testimony according to situation and most importantly the right timing. In my
lesson, I always ask my students to write weekly journal which is proven an effective way to
provide students a platform to voice out which indirectly teacher is able to get to know more
his students. In the same time, students are able to improve their writing as teacher will
correct their journal like an essay. In addition, students will have freedom to write whatever
they want as this will boost up their interest in writing. Other than that, in my class I always
start by having weather check. It’s a method that students will suggest a tool, for example
colour to describe based on the tool given. This is a way to know students’ feelings and also
develop their visualization in writing. On the other hand, I have a final round of my lesson
which students will share what did they learn from the lesson of the day. Anyway, the most
important part is to help my students to grow up. How I constantly do this? I practically
always create a platform for my students to learn which I believe is the most direct way in
order to grow in terms of experience and mindset. For example, I let them arrange a Harvest
Festival party which would be arranged everything by the students and they even had to
prepare a proposal of activities. After I checked, the leader of the class will proceed and meet
with the principal to get the consent of organizing the party. All in all, students will learn a lot
as they involved directly.
About my proudest achievement as a teacher would be able to guide my students personally
in terms of time and cost. Even though my students didn’t get any award in Kuching
International PBL Competition 2019 but I was really amazed by their commitments in
making it happened as everything from creating their work till getting fund to flyover to
Kuching. My part I only gave them right advises only.
Lastly, I’m a teacher who is constantly try to improve myself whenever I can.

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