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21/09/2023, 17:13 (10) WhatsApp

शृगाला दुर्वृत्ता निकटवनसंस्था भयहताः

प्रतीच्यामुद्विग्ना विलपति करेणुश्च सशिशुः।
विनिद्रस्येदं चेद् वनमृगपतेर्गर्जनबलं
रदानां पाण्डित्योद्भवसमयलीला भवतु का॥

“The mischievous jackals in the neighboring forests are struck with fear. In the west, an afflicted female
elephant cries, along with her calf. If this is just the power of the roar of a lion who has woken up, what will
be the situation on the day when the expertise of his teeth is demonstrated?” 1/1

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