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Anatomy and Physiology A Unity of

Form and Function 7th Edition Saladin

Test Bank
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Chapter 10
The Muscular System

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The study of the muscular system is known as __________.

A. kinesiology
B. pathophysiology
C. myology
D. biology
E. neurology

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G01.01 Describe the major functions of muscle tissue.
HAPS Topic: Module G01 General functions of muscle tissue.
Learning Outcome: 10.01a Describe the varied functions of muscles.
Section: 10.01
Topic: Muscular System

2. Which of the following is not a function of the muscular system?

A. Stability
B. Heat production
C. Control of openings
D. Secretion
E. Breathing

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G01.01 Describe the major functions of muscle tissue.
HAPS Topic: Module G01 General functions of muscle tissue.
Learning Outcome: 10.01a Describe the varied functions of muscles.
Section: 10.01
Topic: Muscular System
3. What term best describes the relationship between the pronator quadratus and supinator?
A. Fixators
B. Antagonists
C. Synergists
D. Prime movers
E. Depressors

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G09.02 For a given movement, differentiate specific muscles that function as prime mover, antagonist, synergist or fixator.
HAPS Topic: Module G09 Group actions of skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.01e Describe the ways that muscles work in groups to aid, oppose, or moderate each other's actions.
Section: 10.01
Topic: Muscular System

4. Muscle fibers are arranged in bundles called ___________.

A. compartments
B. fascicles
C. retinacula
D. aponeuroses
E. groups

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G03.01 Describe the organization of muscle tissue from cell to whole muscle to groups of muscles.
HAPS Topic: Module G03 Detailed gross and microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle.
Learning Outcome: 10.01b Describe the connective tissue components of a muscle and their relationship to the bundling of muscle fibers.
Section: 10.01
Topic: Muscular System
5. Which of the following describes muscular tissue emerging directly from bone rather than
being separated from it by an obvious tendon?
A. Direct attachment
B. Indirect attachment
C. Inverted attachment
D. Insertion
E. Origin

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G03.02 Name the connective tissue layers that surround each cell, fascicle, muscle, and group of muscles and indicate the
specific type of connective tissue that composes all of these layers.
HAPS Topic: Module G03 Detailed gross and microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle.
Learning Outcome: 10.01b Describe the connective tissue components of a muscle and their relationship to the bundling of muscle fibers.
Section: 10.01
Topic: Muscular System

6. The rectus femoris is an example of what muscle shape?

A. Fusiform
B. Parallel
C. Triangular
D. Elongated
E. Pennate

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G03.02 Name the connective tissue layers that surround each cell, fascicle, muscle, and group of muscles and indicate the
specific type of connective tissue that composes all of these layers.
HAPS Topic: Module G03 Detailed gross and microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle.
Learning Outcome: 10.01c Describe the various shapes of skeletal muscles and relate this to their functions.
Section: 10.01
Topic: Muscular System
7. Groups of muscles are separated by which of the following?
A. Epimysium
B. Fascicles
C. Perimysium
D. Fascia
E. Endomysium

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G03.02 Name the connective tissue layers that surround each cell, fascicle, muscle, and group of muscles and indicate the
specific type of connective tissue that composes all of these layers.
HAPS Topic: Module G03 Detailed gross and microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle.
Learning Outcome: 10.01b Describe the connective tissue components of a muscle and their relationship to the bundling of muscle fibers.
Section: 10.01
Topic: Muscular System

8. Which term below best describes the deltoid?

A. Fusiform
B. Intrinsic
C. Involuntary
D. Extrinsic
E. Parallel

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G03.01 Describe the organization of muscle tissue from cell to whole muscle to groups of muscles.
HAPS Topic: Module G03 Detailed gross and microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle.
Learning Outcome: 10.01f Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic muscles.
Section: 10.01
Topic: Muscular System
9. Which term best describes the relationship of the deltoid and SITS muscles during
shoulder abduction?
A. Prime movers
B. Antagonists
C. Synergists
D. Fixators
E. Adductors

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G09.02 For a given movement, differentiate specific muscles that function as prime mover, antagonist, synergist or fixator.
HAPS Topic: Module G09 Group actions of skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.01e Describe the ways that muscles work in groups to aid, oppose, or moderate each other's actions.
Section: 10.01
Topic: Muscular System

10. The semitendinosus is an example of what muscle shape?

A. Triangular
B. Fusiform
C. Sphincter
D. Convergent
E. Pennate

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G03.01 Describe the organization of muscle tissue from cell to whole muscle to groups of muscles.
HAPS Topic: Module G03 Detailed gross and microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle.
Learning Outcome: 10.01c Describe the various shapes of skeletal muscles and relate this to their functions.
Section: 10.01
Topic: Muscular System
11. Which of the following muscles is the prime mover for inhalation?
A. Internal intercostals
B. External intercostals
C. Diaphragm
D. Stylohyoid
E. Hyoglossus

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G09.02 For a given movement, differentiate specific muscles that function as prime mover, antagonist, synergist or fixator.
HAPS Topic: Module G09 Group actions of skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.03a Name and locate the muscles of respiration and explain how they affect airflow and abdominal pressure.
Section: 10.03
Topic: Muscular System

12. Which of the following extensors of the head is the most superficial?
A. Trapezius
B. Semispinalis capitis
C. Splenius capitis
D. Sternocleidomastoid
E. Temporalis

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.02c Name and locate the neck muscles that move the head.
Section: 10.02
Topic: Muscular System
13. The occipitalis and frontalis are connected via the __________.
A. galea retinaculum
B. galea aponeurotica
C. galea cranium
D. galea orbicularis
E. galea neurotica

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.02a Name and locate the muscles that produce facial expressions.
Section: 10.02
Topic: Muscular System

14. Which of the following muscles of facial expression is not innervated by the facial nerve?

A. Orbicularis oculi
B. Zygomaticus major
C. Corrugator supercilii
D. Levator palpebrae superioris
E. Buccinator

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.02d Identify the origin, insertion, action, and innervation of any of these muscles.
Section: 10.02
Topic: Muscular System
15. A point of convergence for several muscles of the lower face is the __________.
A. retinaculum
B. aponeurotica
C. modiolus
D. nuchal line
E. galea

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.02a Name and locate the muscles that produce facial expressions.
Section: 10.02
Topic: Muscular System

16. The ________ originates on the zygomatic arch and inserts on the angle of the mandible.

A. masseter
B. buccinator
C. temporalis
D. genioglossus
E. stylohyoid

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.02d Identify the origin, insertion, action, and innervation of any of these muscles.
Section: 10.02
Topic: Muscular System
17. Which one of these muscles helps to open the mouth (depress the mandible)?
A. Zygomaticus major
B. Digastric
C. Sternohyoid
D. Depressor anguli oris
E. Hyoglossus

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.02b Name and locate the muscles used for chewing and swallowing.
Section: 10.02
Topic: Muscular System

18. The palatoglossus is innervated by which nerve(s)?

A. Hypoglossal
B. Accessory
C. Vagus
D. Hypoglossal and accessory
E. Accessory and vagal

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.02d Identify the origin, insertion, action, and innervation of any of these muscles.
Section: 10.02
Topic: Muscular System
19. Which of the following muscles of mastication would be responsible for mandibular
A. Temporalis
B. Lateral pterygoid
C. Stylohyoid
D. Zygomaticus major
E. Zygomaticus minor

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.02b Name and locate the muscles used for chewing and swallowing.
Section: 10.02
Topic: Muscular System

20. The aponeurosis of the external oblique forms the ________ at its inferior margin.
A. linea alba
B. rectus sheath
C. linea semilunaris
D. medial retinaculum
E. inguinal ligament

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.03c Identify the origin, insertion, action, and innervation of any of these muscles.
Section: 10.03
Topic: Muscular System
21. The deepest muscle of the abdominal wall is the __________.
A. transverse abdominal
B. internal oblique
C. rectus abdominis
D. latissimus dorsi
E. pectoralis minor

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.03b Name and locate the muscles of the abdominal wall, back, and pelvic floor.
Section: 10.03
Topic: Muscular System

22. While sitting at your desk, you drop your pencil onto the floor. You bend over to pick up
the pencil. In order to straighten up and continue your exam you must use which of the
following muscles?
A. Tibialis anterior
B. Erector spinae
C. Semimembranosus
D. Tibialis anterior and semimembranosus
E. Extensor hallucis longus

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.03c Identify the origin, insertion, action, and innervation of any of these muscles.
Section: 10.03
Topic: Muscular System
23. Which of the following muscles is not externally visible on the trunk of the body?
A. Transverse abdominal
B. Latissimus dorsi
C. Trapezius
D. Pectoralis major
E. External abdominal oblique

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.03b Name and locate the muscles of the abdominal wall, back, and pelvic floor.
Section: 10.03
Topic: Muscular System

24. Unilateral contraction of which muscle causes ipsilateral flexion of the lumbar vertebral
A. Multifidus
B. Latissimus dorsi
C. External intercostals
D. Serratus anterior
E. Quadratus lumborum

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.03c Identify the origin, insertion, action, and innervation of any of these muscles.
Section: 10.03
Topic: Muscular System
25. In lifting a heavy weight from the floor, one should use the power of the __________ in
order to avoid straining the lower back.
A. biceps brachii and brachialis
B. gastrocnemius and soleus
C. external and internal abdominal obliques
D. knee and hip extensors
E. trapezius and latissimus dorsi

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.05b Relate the actions of these muscles to the joint movements described.
Section: 10.05
Topic: Muscular System

26. In a whiplash injury, the neck undergoes forced hyperextension then hyperflexion,
injuring multiple muscles in the neck. Which of the following muscles would be injured
during the hyperextension phase of the injury?
A. Trapezius
B. Splenius capitis
C. Sternocleidomastoid
D. Semispinalis capitis
E. Levator scapulae

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.02d Identify the origin, insertion, action, and innervation of any of these muscles.
Section: 10.02
Topic: Muscular System
27. Tendinous intersections divide the __________ into segments that are externally visible
on the abdomen of a well-muscled person.
A. vastus lateralis
B. serratus anterior
C. rectus abdominis
D. quadriceps femoris
E. transverse abdominal

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.03c Identify the origin, insertion, action, and innervation of any of these muscles.
Section: 10.03
Topic: Muscular System

28. The rectus abdominis is a __________ muscle, while the rectus femoris is a __________
A. fusiform; parallel
B. parallel; bipennate
C. convergent; unipennate
D. bipennate; parallel
E. multipennate; convergent

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G03.01 Describe the organization of muscle tissue from cell to whole muscle to groups of muscles.
HAPS Topic: Module G03 Detailed gross and microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle.
Learning Outcome: 10.01c Describe the various shapes of skeletal muscles and relate this to their functions.
Section: 10.01
Topic: Muscular System
29. Which of the following correctly states the origin and insertion of the
A. Sternal manubrium and lateral one-third of clavicle; mastoid process and lateral half of
superior nuchal line
B. Sternal manubrium and medial half of clavicle; mastoid process and medial one-third of
superior nuchal line
C. Sternal manubrium and medial one-third of clavicle; mastoid process and lateral half of
superior nuchal line
D. Sternal manubrium and lateral half of clavicle; mastoid process and lateral one-third of
superior nuchal line
E. Mastoid process and lateral half of superior nuchal line; sternal manubrium, medial one-
third of clavicle

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.02d Identify the origin, insertion, action, and innervation of any of these muscles.
Section: 10.02
Topic: Muscular System

30. The muscles that laterally rotate and depress the scapula, as in shrugging and lowering
the shoulders, are the __________.
A. trapezius and serratus anterior
B. pectoralis minor and serratus anterior
C. levator scapulae and rhomboideus
D. trapezius and rhomboideus
E. trapezius and latissimus dorsi

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.04b Relate the actions of these muscles to the joint movements described.
Section: 10.04
Topic: Muscular System
31. Which cranial nerve innervates the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius?
A. Abducens
B. Facial
C. Vagus
D. Accessory
E. Trigeminal

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.03c Identify the origin, insertion, action, and innervation of any of these muscles.
Section: 10.03
Topic: Muscular System

32. Which muscle(s) of respiration is(are) innervated by the phrenic nerve?

A. Diaphragm
B. External intercostals
C. Internal intercostals
D. Innermost intercostals
E. Pectoralis major

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.03a Name and locate the muscles of respiration and explain how they affect airflow and abdominal pressure.
Section: 10.03
Topic: Muscular System
33. After taking their wedding vows, a bride and groom often ceremonially use which of the
following muscles before walking away from the altar?
A. Depressor anguli oris
B. Orbicularis oris
C. Levator labii superioris
D. Platysma
E. Quadriceps femoris

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.02a Name and locate the muscles that produce facial expressions.
Section: 10.02
Topic: Muscular System

34. Which muscle originates at the manubrium, inserts on the thyroid cartilage, and aids in
singing low notes?
A. Omohyoid
B. Thyrohyoid
C. Sternothyroid
D. Stylohyoid
E. Lateral pterygoid

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.02d Identify the origin, insertion, action, and innervation of any of these muscles.
Section: 10.02
Topic: Muscular System
35. Some people suffer involuntary urination due to incompetence of what muscle?
A. External urethral sphincter
B. Bulbospongiosus
C. Compressor urethrae
D. Ischiocavernosus
E. Levator ani

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.03c Identify the origin, insertion, action, and innervation of any of these muscles.
Section: 10.03
Topic: Muscular System

True / False Questions

36. A sacral fracture affecting the S3 and S4 nerve roots would result in a person having
difficulty with evacuation of the bowels.

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.03c Identify the origin, insertion, action, and innervation of any of these muscles.
Section: 10.03
Topic: Muscular System
Multiple Choice Questions

37. A baseball pitcher who injures one of his SITS muscles most commonly sustains tears to
the tendon of which muscle?
A. Supraspinatus
B. Infraspinatus
C. Teres minor
D. Subscapularis
E. Deltoid

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.04b Relate the actions of these muscles to the joint movements described.
Section: 10.04
Topic: Muscular System

38. Which of the following is true regarding the levator scapulae?

A. It is innervated by the phrenic nerve.
B. It elevates the scapula if the scapula is fixed.
C. It rotates the scapula and depresses the apex of the shoulder.
D. It flexes the neck if the scapula is fixed.
E. It protracts the scapula if the humerus is fixed.

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.04b Relate the actions of these muscles to the joint movements described.
Section: 10.04
Topic: Muscular System
39. Which of the following is an intrinsic muscle of the hand?
A. Extensor carpi radialis brevis
B. Adductor pollicis
C. Extensor pollicis longus
D. Extensor indicis
E. Abductor pollicis longus

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.04a Name and locate the muscles that act on the pectoral girdle, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand.
Section: 10.04
Topic: Muscular System

40. The serratus anterior is innervated by which nerve?

A. Accessory
B. Dorsal scapular
C. Long thoracic
D. Lateral pectoral
E. Axillary

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.04c Describe the origin, insertion, and innervation of each muscle.
Section: 10.04
Topic: Muscular System
41. Which muscle acting on the arm assists in deep inspiration?
A. Pectoralis major
B. Trapezius
C. Teres minor
D. Diaphragm
E. Deltoid

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.04b Relate the actions of these muscles to the joint movements described.
Section: 10.04
Topic: Muscular System

42. A butcher who cuts the distal portion of his fingers may cut the __________ tendon.
A. flexor pollicis longus
B. flexor carpi ulnaris
C. palmaris longus
D. adductor pollicis
E. flexor digitorum profundus

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.04c Describe the origin, insertion, and innervation of each muscle.
Section: 10.04
Topic: Muscular System
43. When a nurse draws blood, it is not uncommon for the needle to penetrate which muscle
near the cubital region?
A. Pronator quadratus
B. Semimembranosus
C. Pronator teres
D. Buccinator
E. Supinator

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.04a Name and locate the muscles that act on the pectoral girdle, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand.
Section: 10.04
Topic: Muscular System

44. The antagonist to the triceps brachii is the __________.

A. deltoid
B. anconeus
C. biceps brachii
D. supinator
E. teres minor

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G09.02 For a given movement, differentiate specific muscles that function as prime mover, antagonist, synergist or fixator.
HAPS Topic: Module G09 Group actions of skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.04b Relate the actions of these muscles to the joint movements described.
Section: 10.04
Topic: Muscular System
45. Which of the following best describes the insertion of the extensor digitorum?
A. It indirectly inserts on all digits of the hand.
B. It indirectly inserts on all digits of the hand except the thumb.
C. It directly inserts on all digits of the hand.
D. It directly inserts on all digits of the hand except the thumb.
E. It directly inserts on the index finger only.

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.04c Describe the origin, insertion, and innervation of each muscle.
Section: 10.04
Topic: Muscular System

46. Tennis elbow is a common term describing injury to the origin of which of the following?

A. Extensor hallucis longus

B. Pronator quadratus
C. Extensor carpi radialis longus
D. Subscapularis
E. Flexor digitorum profundus

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.04b Relate the actions of these muscles to the joint movements described.
Section: 10.04
Topic: Muscular System
47. An injury that results in complete functional loss of the ulnar nerve will affect which of
the following muscles?
A. Abductor digiti minimi
B. Abductor pollicis brevis
C. Flexor carpi radialis
D. Brachioradialis
E. Extensor indicis

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.04c Describe the origin, insertion, and innervation of each muscle.
Section: 10.04
Topic: Muscular System

48. Carpal tunnel pressure is sometimes relieved by surgically excising part or all of which
A. Palmar aponeurosis
B. Extensor retinaculum
C. Flexor retinaculum
D. Extensor aponeurosis
E. Median nerve

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.04a Name and locate the muscles that act on the pectoral girdle, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand.
Section: 10.04
Topic: Muscular System
49. What is the longest muscle in the human body?
A. Iliopsoas
B. Sartorius
C. Erector spinae
D. Semitendinosus
E. Semimembranosus

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.05a Name and locate the muscles that act on the hip, knee, ankle, and toe joints.
Section: 10.05
Topic: Muscular System

50. Which of the following muscles is in the medial compartment of the thigh?
A. Soleus
B. Adductor longus
C. Piriformis
D. Vastus medialis
E. Semimembranosus

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.05a Name and locate the muscles that act on the hip, knee, ankle, and toe joints.
Section: 10.05
Topic: Muscular System
51. Which of the following muscles inserts on the head of the fibula?
A. Extensor digitorum longus
B. Tibialis anterior
C. Popliteus
D. Biceps femoris
E. Semitendinosus

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.05c Describe the origin, insertion, and innervation of each muscle.
Section: 10.05
Topic: Muscular System

52. Which muscle is innervated by the tibial nerve?

A. Extensor digitorum longus
B. Tibialis anterior
C. Semimembranosus
D. Fibularis longus
E. Vastus lateralis

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.05c Describe the origin, insertion, and innervation of each muscle.
Section: 10.05
Topic: Muscular System
53. Which of the following muscles is responsible for medially rotating the tibia on the femur
when the knee is flexed?
A. Piriformis
B. Semitendinosus
C. Adductor brevis
D. Vastus medialis
E. Sartorius

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.05b Relate the actions of these muscles to the joint movements described.
Section: 10.05
Topic: Muscular System

54. Which of the following muscles adducts and medially rotates the thigh?
A. Gracilis
B. Piriformis
C. Adductor magnus
D. Rectus femoris
E. Sartorius

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.05b Relate the actions of these muscles to the joint movements described.
Section: 10.05
Topic: Muscular System
55. Which of the following muscles is innervated by the obturator nerve?
A. Gracilis
B. Biceps femoris
C. Tibialis anterior
D. Soleus
E. Sartorius

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.05c Describe the origin, insertion, and innervation of each muscle.
Section: 10.05
Topic: Muscular System

True / False Questions

56. Injury to the deep fibular nerve would cause inability to extend ones toes.

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.05c Describe the origin, insertion, and innervation of each muscle.
Section: 10.05
Topic: Muscular System

57. The triceps surae consists of three muscles in the lower limb.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.05a Name and locate the muscles that act on the hip, knee, ankle, and toe joints.
Section: 10.05
Topic: Muscular System
Multiple Choice Questions

58. A clinician induces contraction of the gastrocnemius and soleus and notices that the foot
does not plantar flex as expected. Which of the following would be a logical diagnosis?
A. Peroneal nerve injury
B. Ruptured calcaneal tendon
C. Anterior compartment syndrome
D. Shinsplints
E. Lateral plantar nerve injury

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.05c Describe the origin, insertion, and innervation of each muscle.
Section: 10.05
Topic: Muscular System

59. A male sustains a crushing injury to his foot. After weeks of care, he begins to notice that
he cannot bend the little toe on his right foot. Which of he following would be a logical

A. Atrophy of the flexor hallucis brevis

B. Atrophy of the fibularis brevis
C. Atrophy of the soleus
D. Atrophy of the flexor digiti minimi
E. Atrophy of the adductor hallucis

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.05a Name and locate the muscles that act on the hip, knee, ankle, and toe joints.
Section: 10.05
Topic: Muscular System
60. A heavyset middle-aged insurance salesman, who doesn't exercise often, accepts his
friend's invitation to a pickup basketball game. When attempting a jump shot, he falls to the
ground in pain, grasping at the calf of his leg. There is an enormous bulge in his leg
immediately below the popliteal fossa, and he is unable to plantar flex that foot. Most likely
he has injured his __________ and the bulge is __________.
A. quadriceps tendon; his rectus femoris
B. calcaneal tendon; his triceps surae
C. patellar ligament; his fibularis longus
D. tibia; a previously undetected bone tumor
E. hamstrings; a large hematoma (blood clot)

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.05a Name and locate the muscles that act on the hip, knee, ankle, and toe joints.
Section: 10.05
Topic: Muscular System

61. An Olympic sprinter readies for a race. After the sound of the starting gun, he propels
himself forward from the starting block and immediately grimaces in pain, grabbing for the
back of his thigh. Within 48 hours he begins noticing extensive bruising on the back of his
thigh extending into the back of the knee. He now has difficulty rising from a seated position
and flexing his knee. Bending at the waist generates more pain. Which muscle is likely
A. Gluteus maximus
B. Popliteus
C. Biceps femoris
D. Gastrocnemius
E. Iliopsoas

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.05a Name and locate the muscles that act on the hip, knee, ankle, and toe joints.
Section: 10.05
Topic: Muscular System
62. After childbirth, a woman begins experiencing tremendous pain in her groin, making it
difficult for her to walk. An X-ray shows a fracture extending from her symphysis pubis to the
inferior ramus of the pubis. As a result of the fracture, which group of muscles might be
A. Hip flexors
B. Thigh abductors
C. Hip extensors
D. Lateral rotators
E. Thigh adductors

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.05c Describe the origin, insertion, and innervation of each muscle.
Section: 10.05
Topic: Muscular System

63. A skydiver's parachute fails to deploy. After some struggle, his reserve chute deploys in
time to save his life. However, his landing is harder than normal and he feels his knee slightly
hyperextend. He shakes it off and goes about his normal routine. Later that day he begins
experiencing knee pain. Two days later he notices that his knee "pops" when he crouches and
soon discovers he has dislocated his femur on the knee. What muscle was likely injured
A. Popliteus
B. Tensor fasciae latae
C. Soleus
D. Sartorius
E. Quadriceps femoris

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.05b Relate the actions of these muscles to the joint movements described.
Section: 10.05
Topic: Muscular System
64. A skateboarder falls and lands directly on his buttocks and lower back. He does not feel
much pain and continues skating. After a couple of days he begins experiencing right hip pain
and notices his right foot and leg are rotated to the right. A doctor diagnoses a muscle spasm.
Which of the following muscles is most likely causing the leg and foot rotation?
A. Quadratus lumborum
B. Tibialis posterior
C. Piriformis
D. Adductor longus
E. Sacrospinalis

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.05b Relate the actions of these muscles to the joint movements described.
Section: 10.05
Topic: Muscular System

65. When you kick a soccer ball, you contract your quadriceps femoris. Because the
attachment on the tibia moves towards the attachment on the femur, it is considered the
A. insertion
B. origin
C. belly
D. innervation

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.01d Explain what is meant by the origin, insertion, belly, action, and innervation of a muscle.
Section: 10.01
Topic: Muscular System
66. Based on what you know about muscle attachments, which of the following is true?
A. An insertion generally moves towards an origin in contraction.
B. An origin generally moves towards an insertion in contraction.
C. An insertion generally moves towards another insertion in contraction.
D. An origin generally moves towards another origin in contraction.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.01d Explain what is meant by the origin, insertion, belly, action, and innervation of a muscle.
Section: 10.01
Topic: Muscular System

67. An __________ muscle is contained within a region whereas an __________ muscle acts
upon one region but has an origin elsewhere.
A. intrinsic; extrinsic
B. extrinsic; intrinsic
C. innate; extraneous
D. extraneous; innate

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G03.01 Describe the organization of muscle tissue from cell to whole muscle to groups of muscles.
HAPS Topic: Module G03 Detailed gross and microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle.
Learning Outcome: 10.01f Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic muscles.
Section: 10.01
Topic: Muscular System

68. You hear a loud noise behind you and look back over your left shoulder. Which of the
following is true?
A. This was a contralateral contraction of your right sternocleidomastoid muscle.
B. This was a contralateral contraction of your left sternocleidomastoid muscle.
C. This was an ipsilateral contraction of your right sternocleidomastoid muscle.
D. This was an ipsilateral contraction of your left sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
HAPS Objective: G08.01 Identify the origin, insertion and action of the major skeletal muscles and demonstrate these muscle actions.
HAPS Topic: Module G08 Location and function of the major skeletal muscles.
Learning Outcome: 10.02c Name and locate the neck muscles that move the head.
Section: 10.02
Topic: Muscular System

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