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Case study

A standard six student (jean X) and her mom walked into the principal’s office on the fourth week of
classes in September to file a complaint against a teacher. Jean x claims that the teacher does not like
her. This would be the second year Teacher Mr. Fitness is teaching standard six. He is a young and
vibrant coach for the school’s football team in which Jean X is a member/player of. She demands to be
removed from present standard six class and be placed in the other class. Reason be was that after a
recess-break, when she walk into class eating she was not given her test papers. She also mention that
she beliefs she does not need to request for the test paper because it was her teachers job to give it to
her. She also alleges that the teacher always picks on her. Mother also response that she is tired of the
teacher calling her daughters attention and requesting to meet with her as parent because she has a lot
of more important issues to deal with. As a parent she is tired of coming to class too. The both claim
the teacher is not a good teacher and she demands to be moved to the other class because they have
spoken to the other teacher whom does not have a problem accepting Jean X in his class.

When the office called in Tr. Fitness to hear what the parent and child were alleging he made mention
that the child has the habit of walking in late after recess eating. Secondly his rule stated not eating in
class. Teacher claim that there were two others who came in eating but threw away their ideals and
approached him for the test. Jean X continued to eat and did not bother to request for the test. Lastly
he has been calling and making request for a parent meeting to discuss the many absent in his register.
Parent responded that “Jean x simply does not want to come to your class! “ Teacher fitness made clear
that he is there to properly prepare children for PSE. Not showing up for classes will be detrimental to
your child. Teacher Fitness is willing to work this out.

It was also noted that there was not commitment by the other teacher that he was willing to accept the
child in his class. Now the principal made the decision not to allow her to transfer to another class.

1. What benefits and what harms will each course of action produce, and which
alternative will lead to the best overall results?

Benefits: The principal allowed both parties to meet and come together to discuss the
issues being raised. Teacher/accused got the opportunity to defend himself and make
clarification in front of the parent. Teacher is open to discussion and want to assist in
disciplining the child. Ready to work with the child in catching up.

· Harms: parent is driven/controlled by her child. Child making decision for parent
not to come to school. Poor school attendance and child missing a lot of work. Parent
demonstrates poor parenting skill.
· 2. What moral rights do the affected parties have, and which course of action best
respects those rights?

The child’s right is that, he deserves to be safe and not be bullied. The right to an education.
Parents have the right to provide their children a safe, loving environment free from any dangers
in life. Mother should have told Jean X that she needed to show respect towards her teacher
and that she also need to respect the class rules.

Teachers in school have the right to work free from dangers of scandal and allow/grow students
to reach their full potential.

3. Which course of action treats everyone the same, except where there is a morally
justifiable reason not to, and does not show favouritism or discrimination? Does the
action contribute to virtuousness?

The principal meeting with parents, student and teacher demonstrated transparency and
allowed both parties to participate and come up with a justifiable decision. Parenting skills
clearly needs to improve. A twelve year old child cannot single handed make a decision not to
attend school. By leaving her in the same class and the parent sending her to school will
teacher her to respect and obey the teacher. Her rights comes with responsibility.

4. Which course of action advances the common good?

If the principal would have listen to the parent and granted the request to transferring the child
into another class the child would have continued with that attitude of demanding from parent
and teacher. Teacher fitness name could have been slander and jeans X colleagues would see
the teacher a weak.

By the teacher being firm and open to assist it prove to the parent the teacher is willing to work
with her and her child.

5. Which course of action develops moral virtues?

The school values students and parent as an important partner. Achieving success for a
student is the greatest goal. Respect is earned not forced to be given. When children are small
it is the time to teach them proper Christian values. As they grow the task become harder. At
time we as parent need to take charge of our children and model for them what it is to do right.

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