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Project: Solar Car Parking Phase - II - MAF Area

Document: Lifting Hook Design

Structural Design Calculations

Solar Car Parking Phase - II - MAF Area
Document : Lifting Hook Design

Design input data:

Length of the footing = 3000 mm

Width of the footing = 1100 mm
Thickness of mat, D = 450 mm
Depth of footing below the drive way = 1150 mm
Length of Slab, b = 1000 mm
Density of concrete = 25 KN/m3
Yield Stress of reinforcement, fy = 500 N/mm2
Grade of Concrete, fu = 35 N/mm2

Design Code : CP 65 Part 1: 2009 and EC02

Weight of precast element, wtprecast = 5.124 tons (metric)

Surface area of precast element, Aprecast = 3.3 m2 (for adhesion force calc during
demoulding, if no adhesion put 0 )

Design Criteria

Lifting mechanism design for Demoulding and Insstalltion

Minimum Global FOS,

FOSdemoulding = 1.5
FOSinstallation = 1.5

Panel Configuration During lifting, at casting yard = Slab Type – square/rectanglular

at site (installation) = Slab Type – square/rectanglular
(Note : All 3D casting will assume poor bonding condition as the strands are placed at top of cast)

Dynamic Factor for crane lifting ,at casting yard = Tower crane, portal crane, mobile crane – 1.3
at site = Tower crane, portal crane, mobile crane – 1.3
By lifting elements with a chain, there is a load increase resulting from the angle of
Angle of lifting sling to the vertical β , at casting yard = 30º , at site = 30º

No. of lifting_points ,
Demoulding stage = 4 nos
Installation stage = 4 nos

All balanced lifting MUST use chain blocks and pulleys to provide equal distribution of
loads. The center of gravity of the the lifting hooks must also coincide with the center of gravity
of the precast elements.

Lifting mechanism

lifting using reinforcement bars

φrebar = 20 mm rebarsnos = 1 fst = 500 N/mm2

Angle(Horizontal) from plane of rebars = 25 degrees

h1= 60 mm
b1= 110 mm

Project Title : Solar Car Parking Phase - II - MAF Area
Code = CP 65 Part 1: 2009 and EC02

Lifting during demoulding Lifting during installation

Slab Type - square/rectangular Slab Type - square/rectangular
β = 30o β = 30o


Panel Weight = 5.124 tons or 51.24 kN

Panel Area = 3.3 m2 (suction calc during demoulding,)
fosdemoulding = 1.5 (MIN)
fosinstallation =: 1.5 (MIN)
fcudemoulding = 35 N/mm2 during demoulding stage
fcuinstallation = 35 N/mm2 during installation/handling stage
DFfactory =: 1.3 Dynamic Factor during lifting in factory
DFinstallation =: 1.3 Dynamic Factor during lifting when Installing at Site
z -factor , By lifting elements with a chain, there is a load increase resulting from
the angle of inclination.
β factory =: 30 Angle of lifting sling to the vertical β in factory
zβ_factory = 1/cos(30) = 1.15
β installation =: 30 Angle of lifting sling to the vertical β at Site
zβ_site = 1/cos(30) = 1.15
mould adhesion factor, fadhesion = 1.3 kN/m2 during demoulding stage
Proposed Lifting Pointsdemoulding = 4 nos
Proposed Lifting Pointsinstallation = 4 nos

Fdemoulding,case1 =: (51.24 kN * 1.35 + 3.3 m2 * 1.3 kN/m2)* 1.3 * 1.15 = 109.83 kN

Fdemoulding,case2 =: (51.24 kN + 3.3 m2 * 1.3 kN/m2)* 1.5 = 83.30 kN
Fdemoulding =: max(109.83 kN ,83.30 kN ) = 109.83 kN

Finstallation,case1 =: 51.24 kN * 1.5 * 1.3 * 1.15 = 114.91 kN

Finstallation,case2 =: 51.24 kN *1.5 = 76.86 kN
Finstallation =: max(114.91 kN ,76.86 kN ) = 114.91 kN

φrebar =: 20 mm
nosrebar =: 1 nos
fst =: 500 N/mm2
ψm =: 1.25
βrebar =: 0.4
h1 =: 60 mm

b1= 110 mm
h1= 60 mm

Arearebars = 314 mm2

Arearebar(total) = 314 mm2 * 1 nos * 2 legs = 628.00 mm2
Ixx,rebars = π * (20 mm)4 /64 = 7853.98 mm4
zxx,rebars = 7853.98 mm4/(20 mm/2) = 785.40 mm3
Tult,rebars = 0.87*500 N/mm2 * 314 mm2 /1000 = 136.59 kN / leg
Vult,rebars = 0.57*500 N/mm2 * 314 mm2 /1000 = 89.49 kN / leg
Mult,rebars = 785.40 mm3 *500 N/mm2 /1000000 = 0.39 kNm (per leg)


Lifting configuration during demoulding without load balancing for ' Slab Type -
square/rectangular ' , max determinate lifting points = 4 nos

Pdemould = 109.83 / min(4,3 ) = 36.61 kN

Lifting configuration during installation without load balancing for ' Slab Type -
square/rectangular ' , max determinate lifting points = 4 nos

Pinstall = 114.91 / min(4,3 ) = 38.30 kN

Pr,demould = 36.61 kN / cos(30o) = 42.27 kN
Pv,demould = 36.61 kN
Ph,demould = 42.27 kN *sin(30o)*cos(25o) = 19.15 kN
Ph,demould,25 deg = 42.27 kN *sin(30o)*sin(25o) = 8.93 kN
Trebar,demould = 36.61 kN /2 legs + 19.15 kN * 60 mm / 110 mm = 28.75 kN
Vrebar,demould = √ [(19.15 kN /2 legs)2 + (8.93 kN /2 legs)2 ] = 10.56 kN
Mrebar,demould = 8.93 kN * 60 mm / 2 legs / 1000 = 0.27 kNm

Pr,install = 38.30 kN / cos(30o) = 44.23 kN

Pv,install = 38.30 kN
Ph,install = 44.23 kN *sin(30o)*cos(25o) = 20.04 kN
Ph,install,25 deg = 44.23 kN *sin(30o)*sin(25o) = 9.35 kN
Trebar,install = 38.30 kN /2 legs + 20.04 kN * 60 mm / 110 mm = 30.08 kN
Vrebar,install = √ [(20.04 kN /2 legs)2 + (9.35 kN /2 legs)2 ] = 11.06 kN
Mrebar,install = 9.35 kN * 60 mm / 2 legs / 1000 = 0.28 kNm

checkrebar,demoulding = 28.75/136.59 + 0.27/0.39 + 10.56/89.49 = 1.02
checkrebar,installing = 30.08/136.59 + 0.28/0.39 + 11.06/89.49 = 1.06
Rebar capacity check <=1.2 for demoulding , OK
Rebar capacity check <=1.2 for installation , OK

During demoulding

fbu = 0.4 x √ 35N/ mm2 = 2.37 N/mm2 , bonding condition = good = 1

Lanchorage = 28.75kN×1000 + 50 mm (cover) = 243.07 mm per rebar leg
2.37N/mm2×π×1rebars×20mm×1noslegs× 1
During installation

fbu = 0.4 x √ 35N/ mm2 = 2.37 N/mm2 ,bonding condition = good = 1

Lanchorage = 30.08 kN×1000 + 50 mm (cover) = 252.00 mm per rebar leg
2.37N/mm2×π×1rebars×20mm×1noslegs× 1

For defined balance conditions (statically determined system), the loads can be calculated exactly at
each lifting points. This is the case when using only two lifting points, three lifting points , four or
more lifting points with chain links allowing compensation seesawing movements that would align
the c.g of the lifting with the c.g of the lifting hook.

For undefined or un-balance conditions, the lifting insert loads cannot be calculated exactly. This is
the case when more than two lifting inserts are used, for wall elements with three lines installed or
four or more suspension gears without compensation to rebalanced the weight so that the c.g of the
loads and the lifting points coincides exactly.

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