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10 May 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,

On Friday the 26th of May the Pre-kindergarten and Nursery Plus classes will visit Petrides Farm Park
in Nicosia.

Petrides Farm Park is an animal farm located in Nicosia where the children can see different animals
and play in the outdoor playground area. The entrance fee is €4.00 per child and it includes a tour
around the farm, visiting the animals and using the playground area.

The bus will leave the school promptly at 8:00am and will return by 1:00pm.

The bus will be provided by the school.

All pupils must come in their school uniform and a sun hat. School bags are not required but the
children must bring with them enough snack for two breaks and water to drink, as well as a change
of clothes. Please apply sun cream at home.

The afternoon programme will run as normal.

Important: When the bus returns, all pupils must gather in their classrooms. Parents are asked to
wait outside until the children are released by the class teacher.

Please complete the consent form below and return it to the school together with €4.00 by
Thursday the 18th of May.

Yours sincerely,

Fotini Kalogirou

Cc: Elena Mouzourou - Principal

Consent Form – Excursion to Petrides Farm Park on Friday the 26th of May

Name of pupil ___________________________________ Class ______________________

My child will attend the excursion, I enclose €4 □

My child will stay at home on day of the excursion □

Name of Parent/Guardian: _____________________________

Signature: _______________________________

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