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Meeting Minutes

Date: 7/04/2023
Time: 2;00 pm

 Mr. Sunny
 Mr. Mahabub
 Mr. Nurul
1. Termination of Mr. Mahabub
2. Technical Interview for New Recruitment
3. CV Sharing and Fast-Tracking the Hiring Process
4. Update on Mr. Faysal
5. Question regarding Mr. Mahabub's Reaction
Meeting Notes:
Mr. Sunny initiated the meeting and addressed the following points:
Termination of Mr. Mahabub:
Mr. Mahabub has been informed of the termination. He will remain with the company for a minimum of
three months, unless he secures another job within that time frame. If Mr. Mahabub finds a new job, he
may leave earlier than the three-month period.
Technical Interview for New Recruitment:
a. Mr. Sachit was asked about his availability for conducting a technical interview.
b. Mr. Sachit expressed his preference for conducting the interview in the upcoming week.
CV Sharing and Fast-Tracking the Hiring Process:
a. Mr. Sunny proposed sharing CVs for potential new recruits.
b. He emphasized the requirement for candidates to have a minimum of one year of hands-on
c. Mr. Sunny recommended a specific employee who had been trained for a year.
d. The objective is to expedite the hiring process to avoid any time or employee shortage.
e. It was decided to invite three candidates for one-to-one meetings in the upcoming week to stay
ahead and complete the hiring process within the next six months.
Update on Mr. Faysal:
a. Mr. Faysal was on holiday during the discussed period.
b. No complaints were received regarding Mr. Faysal's performance.
c. It was acknowledged that Mr. Faysal had been performing well.
Question regarding Mr. Mahabub's Reaction:
a. Mr. Sachit raised a question regarding Mr. Mahabub's response to the termination decision.
b. Mr. Sunny mentioned that Mr. Mahabub had anticipated such a decision.
c. Mr. Mahabub had returned to Dhaka the day before and was reported to be sick.
Action Items:
 Schedule the technical interview for the upcoming week.
 Mr. Sunny to share the recommended employee's CV with the relevant team.
 HR department to arrange one-to-one meetings with the selected candidates.
 All participants to remain updated on the progress of the hiring process.
 Mr. Sachit will share any CV if he receives a good CV of Ruby Developer

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