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As I reflect on my life and the things that have influenced me, I realize that I've

been strongly influenced by globalization. From the stuff in our house to the
languages I speak, my upbringing and daily life have been shaped by the way the
world is connected today.

One of the most obvious signs of globalization in my life is that many of the
things we use every day are made in other countries. This isn't just true for my
family; it's happening all over our country. We often choose products from other
countries because they seem better in quality and value for our money.
Globalization has made it easy for us to buy these products, and it's changing the
way people in our country shop. Local businesses are finding it hard to compete.

This trend of preferring foreign goods over local ones is a big deal in our
country. It's making it tough for local businesses to survive. While globalization
lets us buy good stuff from all around the world, it's also important for our local
businesses to come up with new ideas and ways to compete.

Globalization doesn't stop at the things we buy; it also affects the way we talk
and the things we like. In my family, English is important because my mom teaches
it to high school students. So, I grew up speaking English and Bisaya, while
Tagalog feels a bit awkward for me.

Additionally, my dad worked abroad, and when he came home, he brought back a lot of
American things. These American products fascinated me and influenced my tastes.
Having access to modern technology because of my dad's work abroad also had a big
impact on my life.

I remember getting my first computer when I was only two years old. This early
experience sparked my interest in technology, which still influences what I like
and what I want to do in the future. Also, having access to the internet at a young
age allowed me to talk to people from different countries, which improved my
English-speaking skills and helped me learn about the world.

In conclusion, my life has been shaped by globalization in many ways. The things I
use every day, the languages I speak, and the experiences that have shaped my
interests all show how much the world is connected today. While this can create
challenges for local businesses, it also offers amazing opportunities for learning,
growth, and connecting with people from all over the world. My unique experiences
are a testament to how globalization is changing our world, and they inspire me to
keep embracing the opportunities and challenges it brings.

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