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This study aims to know the desirability and impact of using a solar powered power bank with an

emergency alarm to people who enjoy outdoor activities. The primary beneficiaries of the study
are the participants who benefit positively from the product. The study can be valuable and
useful to the following:

Scouts. Solar powered bank can be very useful and convenient since scouts are usually active in
outdoor activities like camping and hiking. When they are in the middle of nowhere with no
access of any electrical outlets and their phones are drained, the solar power bank will come in
handy. In addition, the emergency alarm is also very helpful, incase one of their fellow scouts
gets lost, they can switch on the alarm to help them locate each other by following the sound.
Lastly the emergency alarm can also be appropriate when the scout is in danger, it gives an
incredible loud and noticeable sound to the people around the area to help them locate and help
the scout in need.

Entrepreneurs. Having a solar powered bank with and emergency alarm in the market has a
very huge potential, since the demand for ecofriendly products are high.

Students. Nowadays students usually go home late, and most are commuting which can be very
dangerous and risky especially if they are travelling alone, this is where the emergency alarm
attached to the solar power bank can be very useful in case of any dangerous situations to draw
attention to an unsafe situation, to call for help or to scare off the attacker.

Environment. The most important advantage of the solar power bank is that it will benefit our
environment since it is environmentally friendly. By using the solar power bank, you are able to
contribute and fight against climate change.

Future Researchers. The conducted studies will further open doors for future researchers to
refine and expand studies in relation to the product.

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