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Quick and Easy Medical Terminology

8th Edition Leonard Test Bank

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Chapter 10: Urinary System
Leonard: Quick & Easy Medical Terminology, 8th Edition


1. Excretion is the:
a. elimination of body wastes
b. same as dialysis
c. same as exhalation
d. same as urination
ANS: A REF: p. 248 TOP: Function and Structures

2. An agent that causes increased urination is a:

a. dialysis
b. diuresis
c. diuretic
d. glomerulus
ANS: C REF: p. 264 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

3. The name of the functional unit of the kidney is:

a. glomerulus
b. nephron
c. tubule
d. ureter
ANS: B REF: p. 252 TOP: Function and Structures

4. Diffusing blood through a membrane to remove wastes and maintain the proper balance is
a. dieresis
b. hematuria
c. hemodialysis
d. uremia
ANS: C REF: p. 263 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

5. A major waste product found in the urine of a normal individual is:

a. blood
b. protein
c. sugar
d. urea
ANS: D REF: p. 249 TOP: Function and Structures

6. The term for painful, burning urination is:

a. diuresis
b. dysuria
c. nephrolithiasis
d. voiding
ANS: B REF: p. 259 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

7. Enlargement of both kidneys is called:

a. bilateral nephromalacia
b. bilateral nephromegaly
c. unilateral nephromalacia
d. unilateral nephromegaly
ANS: B REF: p. 257 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

8. A procedure in which a fiberoptic instrument is used for direct visualization of the kidney is:
a. nephroscopy
b. nephrosonography
c. peritoneal dialysis
d. urography
ANS: A REF: p. 265 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

9. Downward displacement of the kidney is:

a. nephrolith
b. nephropexy
c. nephroptosis
d. nephrostomy
ANS: C REF: p. 258 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

10. A condition marked by the presence of kidney stones is:

a. nephritis
b. nephrolithiasis
c. nephromalacia
d. nephroptosis
ANS: B REF: p. 258 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

11. Enlargement of one or both kidneys is called:

a. diuresis
b. nephromegaly
c. nephropexy
d. nephroptosis
ANS: B REF: p. 257 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

12. The term renal pertains to:

a. the bladder
b. the kidney
c. urine
d. urination
ANS: B REF: p. 258 TOP: Function and Structures

13. A condition in which there are degenerative but not inflammatory changes in the kidneys is
a. catheterization
b. nephritis
c. nephrosis
d. percutaneous nephrostomy
ANS: C REF: p. 261 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

14. Surgical incision of the kidney to remove a stone from the renal pelvis is:
a. lithotripsy
b. lithotrite
c. pyelolithotomy
d. ureterolithectomy
ANS: C REF: p. 266 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

15. Blood in the urine is called:

a. albuminuria
b. hematuria
c. ketonuria
d. uremia
ANS: B REF: p. 254 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

16. A term that means increasing urination is:

a. dialysis
b. diuretic
c. polycystic
d. urinalysis
ANS: B REF: p. 264 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

17. A toxic condition of the body that is associated with failure of the kidneys to function
properly is:
a. hematuria
b. incontinence
c. pyuria
d. uremia
ANS: D REF: p. 260 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

18. A surgical procedure that is used to correct nephroptosis is called:

a. nephrocentesis
b. nephropexy
c. nephrostomy
d. nephrotomy
ANS: B REF: p. 265 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

19. A hereditary disorder characterized by hundreds of fluid-filled cysts throughout both kidneys
a. glomerulonephritis
b. nephrosis
c. polycystic kidney disease
d. polyuria
ANS: C REF: p. 261 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

20. Cystoscopy is:

a. an instrument to view inside the bladder
b. cutting into a cyst
c. visual examination of the urinary bladder
d. excision of a cyst
ANS: C REF: p. 259 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

21. Cystitis is:

a. inflammation of the bladder
b. not a urinary tract infection
c. the most serious type of urinary tract infection
d. the same as a kidney infection
ANS: A REF: p. 259 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

22. A term that means pertaining to the urethra is:

a. ureteral
b. urethreal
c. urethral
d. urethrism
ANS: C REF: p. 251 TOP: Function and Structures

23. An instrument that is used to crush bladder stones is a:

a. cystolithotripsy
b. lithotripe
c. lithotripsy
d. lithotrite
ANS: D REF: p. 265 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

24. Creation of a new opening into the renal pelvis, usually done to drain urine from the kidney, is
a. cystostomy
b. nephrostomy
c. pyeloplasty
d. pyelotomy
ANS: B REF: p. 263 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

25. Removal of tissue from the bladder by using a needle inserted through the skin overlying the
bladder is called a:
a. cystourethrogram
b. cystorrhaphy
c. cystotomy
d. percutaneous bladder biopsy
ANS: D REF: p. 266 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions
26. A diminished capacity to form and pass urine (less than 500 mL per day) is called:
a. anuria
b. dysuria
c. oliguria
d. polyuria
ANS: C REF: p. 260 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

27. Absence of urination or production of less than 100 mL of urine per day is:
a. anuria
b. hematuria
c. hypoxia
d. uremia
ANS: A REF: p. 260 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

28. A substance in the blood that provides a rough estimate of kidney function is the:
a. blood sugar
b. blood urea nitrogen
c. red blood cells
d. white blood cells
ANS: B REF: p. 256 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

29. A term that means destructive to kidney tissue is:

a. historrhexis
b. nephromalacia
c. nephrosclerotic
d. nephrotoxic
ANS: D REF: p. 261 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

30. The term for a tumor found on mucosal surfaces such as the inner lining of the bladder is:
a. albumin
b. calculus
c. glomerulus
d. polyp
ANS: D REF: p. 261 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

31. A term for excessive secretion and discharge of urine is:

a. polyuria
b. pyuria
c. renal failure
d. urination
ANS: A REF: p. 259 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

32. Urinary incontinence is:

a. complete failure of the kidney to perform its function
b. the inability to empty the bladder
c. the inability to hold urine in the bladder
d. only partial functioning of the kidney
ANS: C REF: p. 262 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

33. A record of the bladder and urethra obtained by filling the bladder with contrast material and
taking radiographs while the patient is expelling urine is a:
a. cystic sonogram
b. cystic tomogram
c. percutaneous biopsy
d. voiding cystourethrogram
ANS: D REF: p. 262 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

34. Surgical crushing of a stone is called:

a. lithotripter
b. lithotomy
c. lithotripsy
d. nephrolithotomy
ANS: C REF: p. 265 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

35. A general term for a test performed in the laboratory on urine is:
a. dialysis
b. diuresis
c. urinalysis
d. urology
ANS: C REF: p. 254 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

36. Sugar in the urine is termed:

a. glycosuria
b. hematuria
c. proteinuria
d. pyuria
ANS: A REF: p. 254 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

37. An increased concentration of a particular type of protein in the urine is:

a. albuminuria
b. glycosuria
c. hematuria
d. pyuria
ANS: A REF: p. 254 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

38. Surgical repair of one of the tubes that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder is:
a. ureteropexy
b. urethropexy
c. ureteroplasty
d. urethroplasty
ANS: C REF: p. 266 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions
39. Urinary retention is:
a. complete failure of the kidney
b. inability to empty the bladder
c. inability to hold urine in the bladder
d. partial functioning of the kidney
ANS: B REF: p. 262 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

40. Pus in the urine is called:

a. albuminuria
b. hematuria
c. pyuria
d. uremia
ANS: C REF: p. 254 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

41. Softening of the kidney is called:

a. nephromalacia
b. nephrosclerosis
c. nephrorrhexis
d. nephrosis
ANS: A REF: p. 257 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

42. Using ultrasound to study the kidney is called:

a. nephrosonography
b. nephrotomography
c. nephrotripsy
d. pyelography
ANS: A REF: p. 257 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

43. Passage of a tubular, flexible instrument into a body channel or cavity for introduction or
withdrawal of fluid is called:
a. catheterization
b. cystostomy
c. lithotripsy
d. tracheotomy
ANS: A REF: p. 256 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

44. A type of nephritis in which the glomeruli of the kidney are inflamed is called:
a. glomerulonephritis
b. nephrolithiasis
c. nephrosis
d. polycystic kidney disease
ANS: A REF: p. 258 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

45. The part of the nephron that filters the blood is the:
a. collecting duct
b. glomerulus
c. loop of Henle
d. tubule
ANS: B REF: p. 253 TOP: Function and Structures

46. The instrument used in cystoscopy is a:

a. cystogram
b. cystograph
c. cystoscope
d. cystotome
ANS: C REF: p. 259 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

47. Incision of the kidney to remove a calculus is called a:

a. nephrectomy
b. nephrolithotomy
c. nephrotomy
d. nephrotripsy
ANS: B REF: p. 265 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

48. An x-ray film of the kidneys and ureters produced after injection of radiopaque material into a
vein is called an intravenous:
a. urogram
b. venogram
c. urethrogram
d. urethrograph
ANS: A REF: p. 258 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

49. A bladder hernia that protrudes into the vagina is a:

a. bladder polyp
b. cystocele
c. pyelolith
d. vaginal fissure
ANS: B REF: p. 261 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

50. The presence of protein in the urine is termed:

a. proteinemia
b. proteinuria
c. urinalysis
d. urology
ANS: B REF: p. 254 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

51. A 24-year-old man has urinary stones in the renal pelvis. The term that refers to these stones
a. cholelithiasis
b. cystolithiasis
c. ureterolithiasis
d. urolithiasis
ANS: D REF: p. 258 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms
52. A 63-year-old woman with bladder cancer has her bladder removed. What is the name of this
surgical procedure?
a. cholecystectomy
b. cystectomy
c. nephrectomy
d. urethrectomy
ANS: B REF: p. 265 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

53. A 72-year-old man suffers urethral obstruction and requires surgical creation of a new
opening into the bladder for drainage. What is the term for this surgical procedure?
a. cholecystostomy
b. cystostomy
c. nephrostomy
d. urethrostomy
ANS: B REF: p. 265 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

54. Red blood cell production is possible due to the release of which hormone by the kidney?
a. erythropoietin
b. proteinuria
c. pyuria
d. urea
ANS: A REF: p. 248 TOP: Function and Structures

55. A nephrologist uses which instrument for surgical crushing of kidney stones?
a. hematuria
b. hemodialysis
c. lithotripsy
d. lithotrite
ANS: D REF: p. 265 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

56. The kidneys of a 62-year-old man no longer function properly. Which of the following terms
is a special procedure whereby a solution is introduced into the abdominal cavity, and then
removed, to help with the filtration process?
a. diuresis
b. hemodialysis
c. percutaneous nephrostomy
d. peritoneal dialysis
ANS: D REF: p. 263 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

57. A patient who is undergoing renal lithotripsy using shock waves may be undergoing which
a. extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL)
b. glomerulonephral shock wave lithotripsy (GSWL)
c. nephral shock wave lithotripsy (NSWL)
d. transurethral shock wave lithotripsy (TSWL)
ANS: A REF: p. 265 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions
58. An x-ray series using contrast medium injected into a vein provides information about the
structure and function of the kidney, ureters, and bladder. This test is referred to as:
a. intravenous urography
b. nephrotomography
c. retrograde urography
d. voiding cystourethrography
ANS: A REF: p. 259 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

59. A 32-year-old woman has kidney stones. Which is the proper term for a kidney stone?
a. cystolith
b. nephrolith
c. lithotripsy
d. lithtrite
ANS: B REF: p. 258 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

60. A physician is concerned with the functioning of a patient’s kidneys. She orders a sectional
radiographic examination of the kidneys using contrast dyes. An image that results is referred
to as a:
a. cholecystogram
b. cystogram
c. nephrotomogram
d. renal arteriogram
ANS: C REF: p. 256 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

61. A surgical incision of the kidney is called:

a. cystotomy
b. nephrotomy
c. pyelotomy
d. renotomy
ANS: B REF: p. 265 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

62. X-ray series following injection of a contrast medium into the renal arteries provide
radiologists with valuable information about arterial blood supply to the kidneys. An image
that results from this procedure is known as a:
a. cystogram
b. nephrotomogram
c. pyelogram
d. renal arteriogram
ANS: D REF: p. 256 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

63. The radiological examination that is used to assess the arterial blood supply to the kidneys is
referred to as:
a. cystic arteriography
b. cystic urography
c. renal arteriography
d. renal urography
ANS: C REF: p. 256 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

64. Which of the following involves radiologic examination of the renal pelvis and ureter after
injection of a contrast medium into the renal pelvis and is an alternative to intravenous
a. intravenous urography
b. retrograde urography
c. suprapubic radiography
d. transurethral radiography
ANS: B REF: p. 262 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

65. A patient with a spinal cord injury had a(n) _____ catheter placed in the bladder through a
small incision or puncture of the abdominal wall approximately 1 inch above the symphysis
a. Foley
b. suprapubic
c. ureteral
d. urethral
ANS: B REF: p. 262 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

66. A 73-year-old man underwent which procedure to remove part of his prostate due to benign
prostatic hyperplasia?
a. laparoscopic pyelectomy
b. percutaneous nephrectomy
c. retrograde resection
d. transurethral resection
ANS: D REF: p. 265 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

67. Which system eliminates waste products that accumulate as a result of cellular metabolism?
a. cystic
b. diuretic
c. renal
d. urinary
ANS: D REF: p. 248 TOP: Function and Structures

68. A physician who specializes in the urinary tract is referred to as a(n):

a. cystologist
b. nephrologist
c. urethrologist
d. urologist
ANS: D REF: p. 249 TOP: Function and Structures

69. Four methods are used for urinary diversion. Three are forms of catheterization: urethral,
ureteral, and suprapubic catheterization. What is the fourth method of urinary diversion?
a. nephrectomy
b. percutaneous nephrostomy
c. percutaneous renal biopsy
d. transurethral resection
ANS: B REF: p. 263 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

70. Removal of impurities from the blood is referred to as:

a. diuresis
b. hemodialysis
c. peritoneal dialysis
d. renal insufficiency
ANS: B REF: p. 263 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions


1. A fiberoptic instrument for viewing the kidney is called a(n) _____.

ANS: nephroscope

REF: p. 265 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

2. Filtering blood to maintain proper balance is called _____ or _____.

dialysis, hemodialysis
dialysis; hemodialysis
hemodialysis, dialysis
hemodialysis; dialysis

REF: p. 263 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

3. The formation of an opening into the kidney is referred to as a(n) _____ or a(n) _____.

pyelostomy, nephrostomy
pyelostomy; nephrostomy
nephrostomy, pyelostomy
nephrostomy; pyelostomy

REF: p. 266 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

4. _____ is defined as inflammation of the kidney.


REF: p. 258 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

5. Inflammation of the renal pelvis is referred to as _____.

ANS: pyelitis
REF: p. 258 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

6. An instrument used in catheterization is called a(n) _____.

ANS: catheter

REF: p. 256 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

7. Ketones in the urine is known as _____.

ANS: ketonuria

REF: p. 255 TOP: Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms

8. _____ means pertaining to the bladder.


REF: p. 251 TOP: Function and Structures

9. The surgical fixation of the kidney is called _____.

ANS: nephropexy

REF: p. 265 TOP: Surgical and Therapeutic Interventions

10. The act of voiding is referred to as _____.

ANS: urination

REF: p. 248 TOP: Function and Structures

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