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Introduction to Microbiology

Protection against Infection: Immunity

´ Pasteur demonstration of chicken cholera explains the principle involved in

Edward Jenner’s work
´ Edward Jenner- used cow pox vaccine to protect people from small pox
´ Pasteur applied same principle to prepared vaccine against anthrax
´ Pasteur honour Jenner and called Attenuated cultures- VACCINE
´ Vacca, a latin word- cow
Protection against Infection: Immunity

´ Pasteur was given task to study about human diseases

´ Prepared vaccine for rabies- a disease transmitted to people by bites of
dogs, cats and other animals
´ Joseph Miester was bitten by mad wolf. His family took him to Pasteur to
make vaccine to save him
´ It was established till that time that rabies virus are too minute to be seen in
´ Never before rabies virus was cultured in laboratory
Protection against Infection: Immunity

´ But rabies could be produce by inoculating saliva of made dog in rabbits

´ Brain and spinal cord of infected rabbits could be removed-dried-
pulverised-mix with glycerine
Protection against Infection: Immunity

´ Vaccination of dogs
´ But treating of boy with this was crucial
´ But after several weeks trial, Pasteur was successful in treating the boy and
he did not die
Widening Horozons; Medical
´ The success of Pasteur and Koch was
´ Koch become Professor of Hygiene
and Director of Institute for Infective
Diseases-University of Berline
´ Franse established Pasteur Institute in
Discovery of other diseases

´ Edwin Kleb 1883 & Frederick Loeffler-1884

´ Diphtheria- Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Toxin production in laboratory flask-
´ Kitasato discovered tetanus Toxin (lock jaw),
Clostridium tetani
´ Von Behring-Antitoxin therapy for the
treatment of tetanus- Behring (nobel prize)
Discovery of other diseases

´ Salmon and Smith- Immunity could be produced to many infections by

inoculation of killed cultures of microorganisms
´ In Pasteur laboratory-Metchnikoff – Describe leucocytes which can ingest
disease producing bacteria
´ Phagocytes and Phagocytosis
´ Koch’s Student-Paul Ehrlich-how body destroy bacteria
´ He explain immunity on the basis of certain soluble substance in blood
´ He also found a chemical compound contating arsenicdistroy syphilis in body
´ First chemitherapeutic agent scientifically discovered and evaluated
Discovery of other diseases

´ Golden period of Microbiology-1880-1900

´ Students of Pasteur and Koch continue discovering causative agents and
new methods for diagnosis
´ Widal test for typhoid fever
´ Wassermann test for syphilis
´ Joseph Lister- used dilute acid to soak surguical instruments-Aseptic surgical
´ Operate in mist of carbolic acid vapors or spray of bichloride of murcury
Development of Agricultural, Industrial,
and Food Microbiology
´ Soil microbiology-
´ Sergei Winogradsky- nitrogen fixing bacteria
´ Hellrigel and Wilfarth-Symbiotic relations between leguminous plants and
clover, alfa-alfa
´ Dutch microbiologist Willeum Beijerinck (1901)- free living nitrogen
´ Azotobacter – very useful for soil fertility
Development of Agricultural, Industrial,
and Food Microbiology
´ Hansen-industrial fermentation- yeast and bacteria for vinegar production
´ Develop pure culture of yeast known as “staters”
´ Adametz from Austria –Pure culture for cheese production
´ Conn & Weigmann from Germany- starter pure culture for butter
Development of Agricultural, Industrial,
and Food Microbiology
´ Burrill-disease of Pears-Fire blight caused by bacterium
´ Mayer-Mottling disease of tobacco plant
´ Smith-transmitted the disease of Peach yellows form diseased to healthy
´ Iwanowsky- viral nature of infective agents in plants
Development of Agricultural, Industrial,
and Food Microbiology
´ Hashimoto (farmer)- insects can transfer viral disease
´ Adams and Shaw
´ Wendell Stanley and Northrup- nature of viruses and crystallization of
proteins-Tobacco Mosaic Virus- isolated (Nobel Prize- 1946)

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